How to become a morning workout-er?

I have always been a night owl and thus my workouts have always been in the afternoon/evenings. I would get physically ill if I woke up before 10am or later, no matter how much sleep I had the night before. I've recently switched to mornings (I'm up at 7am every morning, alarm or not, which is amazing for me) because I started nursing school. For the first time in years, I'm able to wake up and I don't feel ill!

The downside to this is after school, study group, and getting home, I'm too exhausted (mentally and physically, somehow) to do more than cook dinner for my fiance and I...and then get back to studying.

I want to start working out in the mornings. It doesn't have to be much, just maybe 30 minutes or so. Are there any previous night owls or anyone else who had trouble starting on morning workouts that have any tips on how to do it? Even if it sounds weird, any ways to psyche yourself out or make it easier? We have a pool (doesn't open until 8am) that I enjoy, but I can only go on certain days because of class and the highly unstable weather here in Florida, lol.

Thanks in advance! :)


  • hotplugged
    hotplugged Posts: 37
    I much perfer morning workouts over evening, for no other reason, than getting it over with lol.

    When I first started with the am workout, I went to a gym that had a 5.30-6.30am bootcamp style class. Getting motivated was aweful. The only reason I made it every morning, was because I had a gf that I was meeting there and I couldnt just not show. If it had just been me, I would have stayed in bed.

    Now I set my alarm for 4.30 every morning and workout before work. I like the added benefit of a fasted workout and being able to eat more through out the day. .

    Good luck
  • xjeanie
    xjeanie Posts: 69
    Thanks, see that's one way for me to look at it. If I get it out of the way in the morning, I can eat more during the last minute workout in a failed attempt to stay under goal/macros!
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    I have been trying to switch to mornings for years. I don't even have to workout that early - my partner leaves for work around 9 and I work at home (with my kids). So I could even run at 8 and be fine.

    The only thing that has motivated me lately is half-marathon training and the heat. If I don't run in the morning it will just be too hot in the afternoon or evening and I'd have to slog away on the treadmill for over an hour.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I am still trying to do this myself. On the weekends I have no problem working out in the morning and actually like doing it so that I have the rest of the day to do what I want. However during the week I just can't seem to get into gear to do it before work. I think I would just have to get up way too early. Maybe someday I will make the switch but for now I consider it a stress releaser after the workday is done during the week.
  • hotplugged
    hotplugged Posts: 37
    You just have to force yourself for 2 weeks... after that, it becomes more of a habit and gets easier (though I still dont LIKE it ahahah)
  • HappyBlues
    HappyBlues Posts: 94 Member
    I like the idea of a morning workout too! ... but I have tried it a couple of times and I find on the days that I have done that I have felt MORE hungry through out the whole day. Maybe that is something that would have changed if I had stuck to it, but it was enough for me to say "No thanks!"
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I get up 4 hours before I have to have enough brainpower to deal with people (aka: leave for work). I used to work PM shifts and/or over-night shifts. now I'm back on a morning shift (first time since high school ended).

    the hardest part about getting into the routine of working out in the morning was making myself work out. once I got used to it, I realized how much better it made my day. when I have a serious case of the "I don't wanna's," all I have to is remind myself that I'll feel much more calm and willing to deal with people if I just get my workout in. ;)
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    I love working out in the morning. I wake up at 4:30am just to hit the gym before work. I hate going in the evenings because my gym is always crowded, and then I have to fight rush hour traffic.

    If you find that you want to start waking up early to go to the gym, but you are just wicked tired, try a preworkout, some black coffee, or caffeine pills to get some energy and that should help
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    You just have to force yourself for 2 weeks... after that, it becomes more of a habit and gets easier (though I still dont LIKE it ahahah)

    QFT!!! :drinker:
  • cychogal
    cychogal Posts: 39 Member
    If I could trust myself to do it, I'd prefer to work out in the evenings or at night. But it's too easy to skip. Too easy to find any excuse, and also too easy for other things to come up and throw a wrench in your routine.
    Mornings are more consistent for me. And it is great to get up, and get it done and know you can have the evening to relax, or go out, or whatever you want to do.
    That is how I make myself get up and get moving in the mornings. I know if I tell myself that I will do it after work, it's unlikely that will happen. I feel like I have more energy during my workout, when I go at night, but I think I have better energy throughout the day when I exercise in the morning.
  • juliafromrf
    juliafromrf Posts: 106 Member
    I think some people are not really made for working out in the morning.
    I've tried and failed probably a hundred times.
    I hope it's different for you though because I understand it's sometimes difficult to fit a work-out in in the evening hours.
  • I am still a night owl. But I discovered working out first thing in the morning meant (a) more consistency, (b) better results over time, (c) feeling better during the day, and (d) less effort in maintaining my eating plan.

    Two practical things I do: pre-plan my workout so I already know what I am going to do and put my workout clothes beside the bed so they are the first thing my feet touch in the morning. Nothing like a physical reminder when my groggy mind is suggesting I crawl back under the blanket rather than head to the gym.

    The other good news? If you make your morning workout consistently for three or four weeks it will pretty much become a habit. It just gets easier with time.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    So I did this whole get skinny thing before when I was in my twenties and have ALWAYS been a night owl... going to bed between 3:00 - 5:00 AM most of the time.

    What worked for me last time, and this will likely sound heretical, is to ditch the coffee and just get out of bed and replace it with a quick run. It sounds nearly impossible to contemplate if you are as caffeine oriented as I am but the run was far more energizing than any cup of coffee could be.

    Running might not be your thing or even a goal but it gets the whole body moving and even if you just do 10-15 minutes out there when you come back it's easy to finish up with any other exercise routine you enjoy. The point is, once you go outside and move, you are awake and ready to do more.

    For me, I had a time consuming routine that involved getting up, slowly drinking coffee, watching the news, "waking up", that by the time it was complete sucked nearly an hour out of my morning. I had to look real hard at it to access the fact that the hour a day was doing literally nothing for me but wasting time.

    Just something that worked for me. Hope you find a good routine for you.
  • mrob04
    mrob04 Posts: 88 Member
    Bump.... In for ideas
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    Howdy, I'm a morning lark, have been for a long time. It's a ritual that you either naturally gravitate towards or simply build. It doesn't hurt to have some workout videos to help motivate you for workouts sometimes (or any great workouts available on youtube).

    There's a great podcast on the subject by Chris Russell of RunRunLive interviewing Hal Elrod who wrote the book the Miracle Morning: The Not So Obvious Secret Guaranteed to transform your Life (before 8am). The podcast is available at itunes or website.


    Haven't read the book yet but have implemented some of the advice from both Chris Russell and Hal Elrod in this podcast. I do plan on reading the book to get help to move my 5:15 am wakeup alarm to 4:30 for the summer for early-morning running.

    Set your alarm earlier (maybe 10-15 min. earlier every day) until you reach 5am. 4:30 if you have to in order to beat the heat & humidity in the summer. Set your workout clothes out the night before. Tell someone else you are working out then. Plan to work out at the same time as someone else either in person or virtually. Make an appointment with yourself to workout early and try not to break it. :glasses:

    COFFEE in the morning sure helps me a lot (hopefully you are a coffee drinker)! :drinker:

    Good luck, it's a tough transformation for night owls to "switch" to a "morning lark" routine but it's possible. Just takes meticulous planning and more than anything, DISCIPLINE. :wink:
  • ekztawas
    ekztawas Posts: 114 Member
    Find something that you will LOVE to do that early in the morning. If I work out I have to wake up at 6. I tried waking up for yoga, running, etc. and I hated it so I stopped. The activity that works for me is biking to work.

    For me, working out in the morning starts my day off in a happy, healthy way. I feel more awake through the day and I'm more likely to eat things that fuel my body.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Really the only advice I can give is just to do it. After a couple of weeks, it won't affect you anymore. I had to start getting up at 4:45 for work and thought it would KILL me. Now, I actually wake up before the alarm and it's fine. Also working out first thing in the morning means that you get to spend all day with the smug satisfaction of already knowing that you have worked out and accomplished something great. It's a good feeling!
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    The only time I really seem to be able to get out of bed at 5am and hit the gym at 5:30am is when I'm expected in a class. If it's just me trying to get myself to the gym to work out on my own I just end up hitting the snooze until 7, haha.

    Do you have a friend that would be willing to meet you at the gym in the morning? Could you sign up for training sessions or group classes? Knowing someone is counting on my presence is usually enough to get me going.
  • jazzsax69
    jazzsax69 Posts: 59 Member
    I used to be a night owl, but the reality is, we ALL can trick our body clocks into changing. You have to WANT to do it.

    Up until a year ago, I used to be on a Calgary--Toronto flight almost every week
    leaving sunday at 6pm arriving after midnight in Toronto, or later, and having to hit meetings ruining at 9am. I'd have long days on the road, work late at the hotel, and my sleep clock got messed up.

    The key is this: When you exercise, you rev your body UP. So those of you who work out in the evening in all likelyhood are telling your body "I've got another 3-4 hours after this before sleep anyway".

    Cell phones, computers, laptops, anything emmitting light that is not NATURAL light needs to be turned off / away a minimum of 1-2 hours before bed. Put your tablet down, move your phone to somewhere else, NOT in the bedroom. If you keep these around you'll never switch yourself to a morning person.

    I was the guy who was at the bar until close, and up until 4am, and now I am the guy who gets 6-7 hours sleep (sometimes less) but up at 5 AM for the gym.

    Morning workouts when you can switch your body gets you far more alert during the day, full of energy and turbo chargerd.

    Start with cutting out the computers, phones, tablets 2 hours before bed, and try move your workouts to afternoons --- you'll find your body wanting to sleep earlier (following the natural light outside) which can then get you waking up earlier and moving to morning workouts.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I am an afternoon person on the weekdays, and morning on the weekends.

    First bit will be hard, just suck it up and stick through!