Doing this Again

Hi everyone,

My name is Valerie and this is my second time trying this. I started about 3 weeks ago working out 2 times a week, and now I have moved up to working out 4 times a week. Strength training 2 days a week and cardio 2 times a week. I have also reduced my caloric intake to 1860 a day. Whew, its been tough because of my sweet tooth; but I am dedicated now more than EVER to do this and be successful at it. I still manage to work in a little cardio on my days off; but I am REALLY trying. I need to lose about 90 lbs.

I think what started this was a picture of myself that I saw of myself. I was completely distraught. . What I saw; I did not like and I was tired of complaining about it. My husband and children are completely behind me 100%!

Thats just a little about me!! Thanks for reading.


  • lifestyle8change
    Hi Valerie! I just started back on Wednesday. I said there are no excuses to a healthy life and I decided to stop giving in to them. I am ready to do whatever it takes to live a better life for myself
  • needlerknits
    needlerknits Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome, Valerie. I also had a "false start" and had to come back when I saw what the scale said <yikes!> and start over. It was my own fault I'd allowed things to slip.

    I had to quit making excuses, quit waiting for my meds to work (they're still not working). That was 169 days ago and I'm seeing the numbers on the scale drop! Pain's not any better, but balance is better (no more cane!). Stamina's better. I started with 81 lbs to lose and I'm about a third of the way there. I've plateau-ed and gotten discouraged a few times. I've run out of oomph many times (like right now, with a summer cold). But I walk almost every day and I miss it when I don't. When I feel bad, I walk slower but I still walk LOL.

    The support on here has been wonderful. I don't post on the forums much but I've got great support from MFP friends I've never met (except one (: . So choose friends that can be active in supporting you and you keep each other going! (: (:
  • Wendylou_who
    Good Luck to you! I am back today as well after about 3 years. This is the heaviest I have ever been without a baby in my tummy! ( My baby is 6). I am just tired of looking pregnant and being lazy! I hope we both can stay motivated and can achieve what we desire.
  • moveitperry
    Also new, or should I say - back and actually committed to doing it this time. Good Luck to you and hopefully we can all be motivation for one another!
  • gravit0n
    gravit0n Posts: 2
  • signerh
    signerh Posts: 61 Member

    Also returning after too long not really thinking about what I ate and that showed.. I've been back here for 10 days, been logging for about a month longer, and it would be great with people to cheer on and to help make sure we stick to it this time :)