Accountability Friends Needed -females with 50+lbs to lose



  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm right there with you! I had reached my goal last spring, but then got pregnant over the summer and have gained it all (plus some) back. I have a good 50 lbs to lose. I'll be taking it slow since I'm nursing, but this time next year I plan to be in the best shape of my life! Feel free to add me :)
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I got down to an record adult weight of 206 before lots of issues happened. I gained all the way back up to 280 but am on the right track again. Feel free anyone to add me. I know what works for me and love to try and help others on the path.
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Anyone can add me, I have lost some, but definitely need to lose more. :smile:
  • jennyfromtheblocko
    I'm kinda late to this party but I have about 72 pounds to lose. I've never been this size and I'm struggling so all the support and help I can get will be appreciated! ADD ME!! :)

    Did that sound desperate? It felt a little desperate. I'll try to dial that down. :)
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    I sent out some requests as well, and feel free to add me too!

    I'm 23 and I have about 130 lbs I want to lose.
  • lmann72
    lmann72 Posts: 82 Member
    Bring me in! I'm a little older but I want to lose 50 plus pounds!!
  • yasmine334
    yasmine334 Posts: 187 Member
    I am 5 3" and I have to lose 75 pounds, already lost around 20 pounds and 55 more to go. I log daily for almost 70 days now, feel free to add me :)
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    Looking to lose a lot! You can add me :)
  • kelikan
    kelikan Posts: 4
    Hello! I am 32 years old and (according to the charts/dr.'s) 84 pounds overweight! I would be happy being the weight my license says (only 69 pounds) but if I can do 69, why not go for the 84?? Obesity runs in my family, and I am determined to stop it at me! I can use all of the support, help, and encouragement there is to offer, so please feel free to add me!
    Looking forward to this journey with everyone!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • electrafitness
    Hi ladies! I'm aiming to lose 55 pounds, add me if you'd like. :)
  • Suz_8589
    Suz_8589 Posts: 146 Member
    So I have about 80 or so pounds to STILL lose :((( but I'd love to have some accountability partners to help get this done!
  • Darkenedqueen
    I have roughly 130-150 pounds to lose and I just started! Please anyone feel free to add me would love the extra support :)
  • DietTryIt
    DietTryIt Posts: 4
    Heck yeah! I'm Megan. Currently 230 and 5'4 wanna be 125. Wanting an email motivation buddy.
  • Whalephant
    Whalephant Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, feel free to add me. I'm 23 have a 2 year old and a 7 month old and I need to lose 100+ pounds.
    Also I'm new so if someone can explain how you follow friends on the mfp app that would be great :)
  • katiedoo82
    katiedoo82 Posts: 277 Member
    hey everyone.... please feel free to add me too :0) im on MFP day 27 and loving the support on here. Im 5ft 3..and currently have about 60lbs to lose.... feels daunting but determined this time....
    the more support on here the better so please feel free to add me to your friends lists... :0)
  • StephanieR88
    Me! Me! Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!


    I am 25, 5'3/5'4 depending on who measures me lol And have about 100 pounds to lose. I started out a couple years ago at over 300 pounds and had lost over 100 pounds then gained some back and am currently sitting at a total of about 50 pounds lost and kept off. I'm back on on the journey to get the rest of this weight off and more importantly keep it off. Today is the 19th day of my "restart" lol
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    I can relate - have lost almost 30 pounds since January (though I just took a 2-week break for my wedding/honeymoon) and still have about 65-70 more I'd like to lose. I used to hope to do this by my birthday in Feb. 2015, but now I'm thinking my 1st wedding anniversary in June 2015 sounds more realistic. Like you, I am finding mini-goals very helpful. I like to tie my mini-goals to matching my weight at specific dates in the past - like recently, I hit the lowest weight I'd been since meeting my now-husband, and now I'm focusing on getting back to the weight I was when I started working in my current office building a few years before that.
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi all, I'm 36, 5'5" and have 53 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me
  • Mexquisite
    Mexquisite Posts: 16 Member
    I am also hoping to lose 70. I am 42 and 5'1. I am good about logging daily, *usually* good with regular exercise (not lately), and would love some friends and support. I am working on staying at my calorie goals and increasing my exercise again. I am really working on this being a lifestyle change and not a diet.

    Please add me as a friend, anyone. :wink: