Surprising changes since losing weight (good/bad)?

_KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
What are some of the surprising changes since losing weight you have had (good/bad)?

For me, I think my biggest one is the changes to my face....when I gained I didn't notice the weight on my face, but now losing weight I realized I look like me again and enjoy the mirror more. I didn't even realize before this that I had been unrecognizable to myself and didn't like the mirror as much.

Realizing I am not weak (physical strength) either has been a huge motivator.

Feeling more comfortable in my skin, and realizing I was more uncomfortable with the extra weight than I admitted to myself.

Having perfect posture again, I thought back pain or slouching was from getting older....Nope is was from getting fat, who knew :frown:

I have always been bold, but walking up to a 6'3" wall of muscle and asking how many sets he had left....was not something I thought I would do.

Enjoying a weight loss community and laughing my butt off at the awesome posts from my FL on my not something I thought would happen.

Still being overweight but getting hit on at the gym by guys with amazing builds.......major confidence booster.

So what were the surprises for you guys?


  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    I now have double the closet space and don't have to clean up after her. Ergo good.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    One bad change: There's less good places for me to put my insulin pump's infusion set. I need a location that has some fat, and it's now really hard to find a spot that I have not recently used that still has some fat to it.

    Some good changes: I feel like people are respecting me a lot more. Though I do not feel any smarter, I noticed that people seem to be dropping the "fat and stupid" stigma now that I have lost the weight. It also seems like people are a bit nicer and more willing to go out of their way for me.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    A lot of people no longer view me as being fat, but I very, very much identify as a fat girl. Totally wasn't expecting that.
  • HereLieWe
    HereLieWe Posts: 233 Member
    For me it's clearer skin. I had these bumps on my upper arms, and it seems that they're going away by the day. It may be because I'm drinking more though.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    A lot of people no longer view me as being fat, but I very, very much identify as a fat girl. Totally wasn't expecting that.

    I have heard before...people that always were on the heavier side, tend to identify as a heavier person and the opposite is true. I do believe this because part of the reason my weight got as high as it did was because I was always on the smaller side, as I gained I maintained proportions (got a belly last)....I never saw the weight till it was too much. I still have a hard time identifying as an overweight my mind it is a temporary condition that I am remedying. I do wish I saw the weight sooner.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    My shoes don't fit anymore. :(
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Options ones, all over my shoulders and upper chest. Wasn't expecting those.
  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    I need to re-size my wedding ring :(
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    What are some of the surprising changes since losing weight you have had (good/bad)?
    I get along better with my co-workers, can change clothes in my car, and am more likely to do things that may attract attention--like singing in my car, buying items in a non-automated lane, or sending an entree back. I expected less social anxiety, as I began to worry less about being judged for my weight, but I didn't realize how freeing it would feel and some of the specific results that hope and optimism bring.

    Now, to channel this into losing 40lbs, and another big break-through. :)
  • FanasticllyFlawed
    FanasticllyFlawed Posts: 15 Member
    lol - too many to list. The biggest for me is that my security blanket is gone. At my heaviest I was 415, now at 180, it is harder to "hide" behind that physical barrier. Still have a little bit to go, but its odd to be considered "normal".
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    lol - too many to list. The biggest for me is that my security blanket is gone. At my heaviest I was 415, now at 180, it is harder to "hide" behind that physical barrier. Still have a little bit to go, but its odd to be considered "normal".

    That is an amazing loss! Huge congrats :flowerforyou:
  • FanasticllyFlawed
    FanasticllyFlawed Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks, it has taken over a decade (with lots of breaks and moments of "good enough"), but lord help me, I am gonna get there! The thing I always use to wonder is "how" did I get that heavy, but now I look back on it, and eating 2 McDonalds sandwiches for breakfast and lunch probably wasn't helping me (spoonfuls of frosting probably weren't much help either). Its amazing how many calories are in things, or how much I just didn't know back then about nutrition and the pitfalls of refined foods.