Hello everyone!

My name is Kendra and I just joined this site yesterday. I found it on in the android market on my phone while searching for a good app that records measurements as well. It looked like there was alot of community support here so I decided to join. Here are my stats:

Age: 22
marital status: Married
weight: 237
goal weight; 155 or size 9/10 jeans
Waist: 45"
Hips: 48"

Every saturday I will weigh in and I will post new measurements on my page every other saturday. I work out at home, as I'm trying to save money by not joining a gym. I want to lose weight because I want to be a healthier person and I want my body to be ready when my husband and I decide to start a family. I don't want my weight to be an issue with that. Also, I will be graduating college this year so I plan for this year to be very special for me. I look forward to being an active member. Good luck everyone!


  • brgrace
    Welcome to the group Kendra! There is a TON of support here. Sounds like you are on the right track..Good Luck!