I hate vegetables



  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I lOVE my smoothies! I put 7 oz of romaine lettuce in my morning smoothie! + Banana, berries, LOTS of cocoa powder, stevia, and soy milk! You can sub many veggies if you like fruit flavors, too. The goal is to like veggies & fruit, so you do need to practice eating them to acquire that taste for them. If I can get used to eating without salt, you can get used to veggies. Try them from other people's plates first. You are bound to come up with something you will like. Lots of great spice blends out there, to use. Keep trying! Experiment with small bites of everything, raw, cooked, salads, soups, juices. You can do it!
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    Smoothies may work well for you if it's the texture that bothers you. You can hide all sorts of greens in there.

    I've used spinach, kale, escarole. You can hide carrots and cucumers in there too. Basically what I do is combine spinach (or other green leafy) with orange juice and water. Then I add frozen fruits (pineapples, mangoes and peaches work really well because there are no seeds) a few carrots or cukes and a half a banana.

    If it gets too thick, add a little more juice or water. It tastes REALLY good and there is no offensive texture to worry about. My kids like them too, and they're PICKY. :)
  • Bevans1307
    Bevans1307 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of veggies either but I'm trying to eat healthier and make some changes for the whole family - a couple soups you can try on the skinnytaste website are the baked potato soup (mostly cauliflower - which I don't even like) and the split pea soup. You could blend them both til they're smooth.

    The weelicious website has a good veggie lasagna you could try. I put the veggies in the food processor and chop them up really fine, especially if it's cauliflower and/or zucchini which none of us really like but taste great in this lasagna. My youngest, who eats almost nothing, loves this lasagna. There are also recipes on this site with veggies in breads and muffins - not that you should eat them all the time but at least you'll be getting some veggies/fruit when you do have them which would be a good start I think.

    smoothieweb is a great place to go for smoothie ideas.

    hope this helps.
  • peace_pigeon
    peace_pigeon Posts: 120 Member
    Some really great ideas!

    Do you have a local Farmer's Market or Community Farm? One way that I get my family to try new things is to go to the Farmer's Market and just start exploring. Meeting the folks who grow the local produce, learning about it, trying samples- it becomes so much more appealing than the cold grocery store enviroment. A local, organic strawberry tastes nothing like a grocery store strawberry. The blueberries that I pick on top of a local mountian taste NOTHING like grocery store blueberries (seriously!!)! Micro greens, sorrel, ramps, new asparagus, fiddleheads are all things that can be found by the season and locale that you probably won't find in your grocery store. I really hope that you can discover some things that you love :flowerforyou:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    My wife hates them too. She has me insert them when she's fast asleep.
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    Now that another poster mentioned it, it might be pertinent to note that I do have Asperger's syndrome. So if you don't, your food issues might not be the same as mine. But it's a possible explanation. I wasn't diagnosed until college - my parents just thought I was a shy, freaky eater with a hair-trigger temper, and since I was "brilliant," they didn't think I could possibly have a mental/developmental handicap. So, they force-fed me on occasion, which made my phobias of food worse, and eventually triggered an eating disorder.

    Whatever the cause, finding it is the first step to fixing it.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    this recipe is great, you can chop up some extra veggies real tiny and 'hide' them in the nom nom sauce!

  • lolcatftw
    lolcatftw Posts: 36
    I just commented on someone else's topic about bolognese. Do you like pasta bolognese? Surprise! It's 20 - 40% minced veggies by volume. Want to make a killer bolognese? Try this as a base recipe:


    EDIT: I used to think I hated food in general. Meats, fishes, veggies, fruit. When I moved out on my own I learned that I was a repressed foodie--just that my parents didn't know or care to cook worth a damn. I rarely go out to eat (and never, ever to fast food or places that I deem do not cook with love), but I digress. As soon as I took in interest in cooking, my food palate began to expand. Now, I have an herb garden and for the first time I can eat raw chives, basil, mint, thyme, cilantro, oregano and rosemary...straight from the source. Maybe you are like me and just don't know it yet. :)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    It's all in preparation.

    Start by experimenting with recipes. I HATE VEGETABLES. I hate them so much. They make me feel lousy. They taste lousy. Just I hate everything about vegetables... but I find if I prepare them in certain dishes I can tolerate them.

    So, for example, swap out the pasta for rice. Throw in vegetables with the rice. Instead of soy sauce maybe use some curry or some other spices that make the rice yummy, yummy! Throw a side of chicken breast and WHA LA. A nice little meal with meat, grain and vegetables all together.

    But really, in the end, introduce vegetables slowly into your diet and figure out what to do to make them appetizing. This is gonna take real effort on your part but once you start to figure it out it'll get easier. Good luck!

    *she says as she munches on raw carrots*
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Also, wanted to add that this is a simple case of what we eat what we know. You have acquired a taste for carbs and your body now craves them. But you'll have to completely retrain your body and your tastebuds to get used to new foods. Losing weight and getting healthy is not JUST about modifying what you eat and retraining your body, you have to retrain your brain AND your tastebuds too! What a challenge! But you can do it if you decide to. :)
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    this recipe is great, you can chop up some extra veggies real tiny and 'hide' them in the nom nom sauce!


    This sounds nom nom. Will be trying this out soon.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So what do you eat? Honest question, no snark.

    I had the same question. I guess bread and cheese?
  • musdoit2
    musdoit2 Posts: 35 Member
    I can understand and relate to your choices...I grew up not eating vegetable, we had canned fruit and veggies once in awhile which were brought in by barge in the spring time. but that's all.. I grew up in the High Arctic where the Eskimos live and they did not eat veggies or fruit either.. so I am not going to preach to you on how you need them in your diet to survive.. I know that's not true for everyone.. cuz I survived just fine.. My current diet is manly low carb.. and btw I gained my weight eating wheat sugar..and pop. Currently I eat meat, cheese, nuts, eggs, Almond and coconut meals,with an occasional salad with only lettuce in it every now and then and maybe a baked broccoli casserole. covered in cheese..If I do eat raw veggies I get the worst gut pains and end up driving my poor sons out the house with you know what.. LOL so obviously I will avoid that experience.. LOL I just think that what is good for one is not always good for everyone.. Good luck to you and do what works for you.. its your body.. :-)
  • orracle51
    I don't like vegetables either--except for corn, carrots, green beans and peas. Yet, I have managed to lose 40 pounds and I am a LOT older than most of you.

    At this stage of life, I am unlikely to change. I try to work in fruits and limit bad foods. Portion control is key. I wish I could be a vegetable lover but I'm honest enough to know--it's not going to happen. Try to eat healthier and if your numbers are good--cholesterol etc (mine are excellent) then that will have to be enough.
  • hannhr
    hannhr Posts: 22
    You said you like pizza, so what about making a "healthy" pizza with some veggies on top? I like buying small round flatbreads and then putting my favorite tomato sauce, low fat cheese, and a couple veggies (green bell pepper, red onion, olive, mushroom) on top. You could put tiny tiny pieces of the veggies and then cover them in another layer of cheese. This way you're eating vegetables but also pizza, but not an excessively carby pizza.
    I don't like a lot of vegetables, but I've found that I really love celery (when eaten with pb it's perfect and you can barely taste the celery), sugar snap peas, corn, and cucumber.
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    So I am looking for those people out there who hate fruits and vegetables. The problem I am having is I HATEEEEE them. The only way I can get them in my diet is if they are in a smoothie and it has to be blended until there are no chunks. I hate a smoothie that has chunks in it. I have a texture problem. I dont eat red meat or pork. I eat chicken on occasion but I dont like to eat it every day. Loosing weight with all these food problems is the hardest thing ever. Does any one have any suggestions out there for food ideas for someone who hates fruits and veggies and meat?

    Nothing wrong with having a smoothie or two to get your vegetables and fruit each day. Do you like cake and ice-cream or sorbet? They are both easy ways of hiding vegetables and fruit as well eg carrot cake, beetroot cake, avocado ice cream, pumpkin ice cream, fruit sorbets and the like. Not exactly like ice cream in taste of course as you don't have so much sugar but the texture and meltyness is the same and actually quite nice. Beetroot, bean and chocolate cake is awesome too :)
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Do what Mom's do to get their kids to eat: sneak some in soups, casseroles, any thing that would be disguised in big flavor. Drown it in low fat cheese?
    I guess this is the best way to get them in or stick with the juicing. we as human need vegetables and fruit in our diets to be healthy and to get our vitamins so I say you got to try them made different ways. keep trying new ways to get them in. look for recipes online.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Do you roast your vegetables? I used to hate vegetables, too, until I started roasting them and experimenting a little. Vegetables can really be delicious.
  • dianambegley
    Let me tell you, I hate veggies too. Except for carrots (and those have to be raw) I can't eat them. I can taste when someone has been touching lettuce before making my food. I don't like most fruits either. Only apples and bananas, and I really, I could live without them. I'm going to try to make some smoothies with my blender and some yogurt. I'm told fresh baby spinach doesn't have much flavor, especially when mixed with other, stronger flavors. I did manage to lose almost 30 lbs, but I know I'm not getting all the nutrition I need. I've tried the It Works drink mix, which says it's 8 servings of fruits & veggies, but it's really too expensive to do every day. When I was very little, my mom asked the doctor about my dislike of so many types of foods. He said to be sure I'm taking supplements to at least help bridge the nutrition gap. My advice to you is the same I"m going to try myself. Get some greek yogurt, add a little bit of fruit, some fresh spinach and protein powder. Bottoms up! Good luck to us both! I agree that enjoying veggies would make life easier all around, but even the smell of many of them cooking will send me from the room. Feel free to friend me, I'll share what I find with you if you can share things that worked for you with me.
  • HanaThorne
    HanaThorne Posts: 14 Member
    Hi guys,

    It's been a few months since the last post, but I just wanted to say that I'm a vegetable hater too. Haven't had a bite of vegetables before I was 24. Just the thought of them makes me go ugh.. Well, I completely agree with blending the stuff. For breakfast, I like to blend one banana and and orange for fruits and a carrot for vegetables. (Well, that's what I did until the blender broke down :P). I hide my broccoli by making green mashed potatoes - half potatoes and half broccoli. I always have to have rice or some other side dish I love with a little big of vegetables, and I eat them as fast as possible and with a spoonful of something else I like of so I don't let my self feel the strange texture and taste (If I don't then I gag too, unfortunately). So basically, I also hide them. I couldn't possibly have a meal that is consisted exclusively of vegetables. It's lame and pitiful, but it's better than nothing, right? And I'm convinced that in time, I will learn to like them. I hope. Maybe. One day.

    I noticed a lot of people mentioning gagging and feeling ill after a bite of vegetables. What you do in that case is curse loudly (at least that's what I do :D), then take a moment, tell yourself that it's just green beans, and then try again. After you commanded your brain into accepting the strange and foreign substance into your body, it should go better. The bottom line is to convince your brain that what you are putting in your mouth is just food and that it's there to help you.

    Wel, just my two cents. I hope it helps some poor soul who also doesn't like the darn vegetables :)