new to MFP and loving it

hi all . just entering week two , and am amzed to find my self still pretty motivated .. i am normally bored of it by now and considering giving up :) feel free to add me :)


  • amyc73
    amyc73 Posts: 3
    I too am new, joined just this morning and have to say that i am quite impressed with MFP.
  • garcega
    garcega Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm new too and love the site. Keep at it. :)
  • ADobb
    ADobb Posts: 1
    Hi there,

    I am also at the two week mark, MFP is completely new to me but I am in love. The database is such a useful tool! In other programs I have tried I had to enter all of the nutritional information for each of the products I was eating but MFP has EVERYTHING! I am excited to continue my journey using this program. Best of luck to everyone!!
  • mariandevery
    Iv been using it on and off for a while, i find it great in helping me focus! i love using the app on my ipod. Its so easy to use and it has helped me so much! kepp us the good work and motivation!