can I still gain muscle at the age of 38



  • AndiGirl70
    AndiGirl70 Posts: 542 Member
    If I can start and suceeed at age 44 you can certainly do it at age 38!
  • petter26
    petter26 Posts: 9
    I'm 38, and getting stronger and more muscular every month. Is he serious?
  • veredit
    veredit Posts: 29 Member
    I am 49, was chubby and sedentary for all my life, lost in 2013 58 lbs, now I am the very proud owner of a " six-pack".
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I see a TROLL!

    First and only post and this is what 'he' asks? Get real.
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    Dude, I'm 38, have a black belt in kung fu, and can beat my teenage student athletes in a sprinting race up 11 flights of stairs. Also, I'm a woman, had a baby a year and a half ago, and am in the best goddamn shape of my life, with muscles like you wouldn't believe. Age is no excuse. It does get harder as you get older, but if you're willing to work you can achieve whatever you want.

    Also, if you start now, you'll be healthier and in better shape as you age. By the time you're old and decrepit, it's too late.
    you rock!!!!

    Wow, thanks! Honestly though I'm always impressed by people on these boards - people around here kick some serious butt.
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    yes...41 year old lady beast-in-training here. :flowerforyou:

    Just did my first Crossfit competition last week, came in 2nd in my division (no age categories in this one). Person who beat me was about my age. The people we beat were in their 20s. Doing first powerlifting comp in August!

    Wow, that's effin' awesome!!! Good on you!!!

    I'm starting to feel like 40 is the new 20.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    Of course. I started back up when I was 42(quit lifting when I was 23 or so). I'm 49 now and feel pretty good.

    I know a gentleman who was 135 pounds and 55 years old. He's 65 now and weighs 200 pounds at 8% body fat. I kid you not. I was blown away when he showed me his pics when he was 135 and just starting to lift.
  • awinner_au
    awinner_au Posts: 249 Member
    I know a gentleman who was 135 pounds and 55 years old. He's 65 now and weighs 200 pounds at 8% body fat. I kid you not. I was blown away when he showed me his pics when he was 135 and just starting to lift.

    Great to read that, I have that guys stats at 53 so i know i can make gains!!
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    I'm starting to feel like 40 is the new 20.

    It is! Instead of buying a ferrari for my mid-life crisis I started doing Triathlons! :)
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    na, 37 is the cutoff
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Oh, yes. They have me lifting weights to stimulate bones and I'm growing these muscles in my upper arms and I hate them. I don't mind the rest of it at all. It feels good and looks fine and normal. But this arm business I do not like. I don't want to look like a bodybuilder or something. My boyfriend says it's fine and not manly at all, but who knows where it will end. I'll be like Arnold Schwatzenegger. :(

    I'm absolutely over 38, don't want big muscles and I'm growing them, so it can totally be done. :)
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I put on 9 pounds of muscle between my 40th and 41st birthdays. I busted my butt, gained weight on purpose, lost a little weight on purpose and looked better than I ever did in my 30s.

    So my answer is yes if you bust your butt to do so.
  • Of course you still can. You can add Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s) to your workout. BCAA's are the building blocks of protein which are used to support muscle growth, similar to protein powders.

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  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Age has little bearing on building muscle it comes down to your own God given genetics.

    Ehhhh I'd say age has quite a bit to do with building muscle but that said, you can def still build muscle at age 38.

    Just looked at your profile and pics and WOW. You sir are awesome. Amazing weight loss.
  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    I went from 48% bodyfat to 22% bodyfat at 38 so yes I added a LOT of muscle.
  • InsanityForMe
    InsanityForMe Posts: 73 Member
    Yes you can!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Gents, fair lpay too you, some of you are in serious knick.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Me at 17: 10444538_10152590712959612_210572685151836466_n.jpg

    I looked like that (but slightly bigger) through most of my adult life. (That's 5'11", ~115 pounds there.) Got serious about getting in better shape a few years ago (around age 40), losing some squishiness and getting stronger/bigger. See pics in profile. I'm not huge by any stretch, but definitely making progress in the right direction.

    Oh, and here's my back now:

    TL;DR - Yes. Yes you can.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I'm 46 and gaining muscle like a boss :laugh:
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Not by deactivating, you can't.