21 year old trying to be healthy! support needed!

Hello my name is Amanda and after moving to Florida and spiraling into a horrible depression where all i did was eat and lay around the house; im ready to get back to a healthy weight. I moved back to New Jersey and am on new antidepressant meds. mentally im doing better but my depression and prozac took a toll on my body. Eating better and less has started now and the gym will start on monday! I used to be a regular at the gym and kinda miss it. I weigh 220 pounds and im only 5'1". What is a good weight goal to acheive for someone my height? Do you recommend any foods? Any exercises that helped you?


  • Julieelliott12
    Julieelliott12 Posts: 68 Member
    A good goal weight is probably around 120-130 for someone 5'1". Don't hold me to that, but I think that it would be a good place to start. As for foods that I recommend.. hmm.. it's easier to say what to cut out.. junk (processed, soda etc). and cut down on sugar. Natural sugar from fruits it good, but not from sweet and candies. You are more than welcome to take a look at my journal. It is no where near perfect, as I have the biggest sweet tooth, but it may give you a place to start.

    Exercises that have helped me were weight lifting with moderate cardio and high intensity. It depends on your style and how long you have been working out. If you are just getting started, I would recommend walking and doing some light weight compound moves, and then slowly progress into heavier isolation moves. I wouldn't do more than 20-30 minutes of carido about 3x a week. The more you do the more you going to have to do to keep loosing weight because you will need more to break the plateau.

    I hope this makes sense. You are more than welcome to send em a message if you need any help!
  • haleigh29
    haleigh29 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello, I am also 5'1" with current wt of 155. My highest weight was 170. My goal goal weight is 130, when I reach my goal wt I will re-evaluate to see if i want it to be 125.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    As someone who gained 111 lbs on anti-depressants in less than 3 years, I'll pitch in...

    Even though BMI is not the best scale, a range of healthy weights for someone who is 5'1" is between 100-125 lbs. 130 lbs gives you a BMI that is considered almost "overweight."

    Foods to eat… a lot of lean protein, healthy fats i.e. avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, veggies, fruits.

    Try to avoid processed foods like candy, cake, cookies, and fast food. They tend to be high in sugar and saturated fats. You don't have to avoid them all together but don't make it a daily thing. If you drink soda or other sugary drinks, eliminate that now.

    As far as exercise goes, definitely inquire about weight training, resistance training, and cardio such as the treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, and even swimming.
  • Mitsuo8
    Mitsuo8 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello my name is Amanda and after moving to Florida and spiraling into a horrible depression where all i did was eat and lay around the house; im ready to get back to a healthy weight. I moved back to New Jersey and am on new antidepressant meds. mentally im doing better but my depression and prozac took a toll on my body. Eating better and less has started now and the gym will start on monday! I used to be a regular at the gym and kinda miss it. I weigh 220 pounds and im only 5'1". What is a good weight goal to acheive for someone my height? Do you recommend any foods? Any exercises that helped you?

    I am 5"1 as well, and 23 years old. Right now I am 195 and my goal is to be 130. I remember when I was 135 and I felt great, but of course being a teenager at the time I thought I was fat. If only I knew then what I know now! As for foods I have cut most of the carbs out of my diet. For snacks I like eating low calorie string cheese ( 50 cal) and low fat yogurts ( 90 cal). Also fruits and veggies, and chicken breast is a great meat that will fill you. I recently got a juicer (nutribullet) that makes eating healthy more fun. Also they sell carbonated flavored water to drink (if you were a heavy soda drinker like me to deal with any cravings). As for exercises I assume any type of cardio will help, I am new to the who exercise thing as well.
  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 110lbs. I feel great at this weight. I still have my "packages" but not with tons of flaps. I still need to tone up but overall I'm satisfied :)
  • devotedhufflepuff
    I am 5'3" and my goal eight is 135. I have over 100lbs to lose. I have been on antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anxiety medicine and anti psychotics since I was 14 years old (I am 34 now). I don't blame all my extra weight on medications because a lot came from being a lazy *kitten* who ate a ton of fast food. But whatever the reason, I need to lose weight.

    I've only been on MFP since May but I have been eating 100cal pk Emerald almonds, ground chicken, and more fruit and vegetables like broccoli, corn, bananas and Honeycrisp apples. I know some fruit and veggies are better than others but I'm extremely picky and I believe that something is better than nothing. I allow myself a small treat at the end of the day like a few Hershey's Kisses or cookies. Sometimes I end up bingeing and I feel guilty but it's all part of my process. Exercise is still a real struggle.

    It seems like we have some things on common so send me a friend request if you're interested.