I Am So Freaking Dizzy!



  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    No, its not that. I have health insurance and everything. I just really really really hate my doctor. She called me fat when I was at a healthy weight and I don't want to have to deal with her again.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    No, its not that. I have health insurance and everything. I just really really really hate my doctor. She called me fat when I was at a healthy weight and I don't want to have to deal with her again.

    So ditch the witch and get another one. Are you really going to let some jerk make you potentially live with a damaged heart? You do some badass workouts so I know you can put the effort in and take charge of your health :) In all likelihood it's nothing, but as a young healthy woman, you really should take charge of your health and preserve that!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    No, its not that. I have health insurance and everything. I just really really really hate my doctor. She called me fat when I was at a healthy weight and I don't want to have to deal with her again.
    This is going to be blunt, and I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but get another doctor and stop making excuses.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    Increased hunger, weight loss, and dizziness suggest a lot of health problems, including Type I Diabetes. Ask for a new doctor, don't run the risk of ending up in a coma or worse.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    It could be many things. A inner ear infection. Some form of vertigo (there are several), low blood pressure or a heart issue to name a few. I know it's scary. I have that with my ear. Since your heart rate goes up, you probably should check in with a doctor and get checked out. If you have a BP monitor, you might want to check your BP when you have these spells or as soon as you can after you have one.

    I hope you get to feeling better.
  • MichaelVRenner
    MichaelVRenner Posts: 92 Member
    Honestly, I would not guess at why this is happening... and all of this advice is a guess.

    I would contact your GP and see whats happening.

    Could be as simple as a vitamin/mineral deficiency.

    Could be more sinister as a compromised heart valve.

    Get it checked.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Someone on here said you only eat around 1200 calories and work out a lot. Bad. Very bad. That will do your heart big time damage. Please don't do that. Short workouts are better and you need to eat more. No one can live on 1200 calories unless they are in a coma. That will make you dizzy right there. Not to mention big time sick.
  • MichaelVRenner
    MichaelVRenner Posts: 92 Member
    ...and about your doctor. You can "fire" her. See someone a different GP at the practice or someone else who is covered by your plan.
  • MichaelVRenner
    MichaelVRenner Posts: 92 Member
    Someone on here said you only eat around 1200 calories and work out a lot. Bad. Very bad. That will do your heart big time damage. Please don't do that. Short workouts are better and you need to eat more. No one can live on 1200 calories unless they are in a coma. That will make you dizzy right there. Not to mention big time sick.

    Not sure if this info is true, but when on a very low calorie diet for an extended period of time, you do start to lose organ mass including heart muscle. Get to a GP.
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    As others have said...probably want to see a doctor....but also if you are working out as much and as hard as you claim, you probably want to start logging your food more closely. I looked back at your and the only 2 entries in the pat couple of weeks show that you left a very large portion of calories uneaten. I realize that not everyone eats back exercise calories, and that is a personal choice...but I think that you may be under eating and not allowing your body enough fuel to do the work outs. I know if I haven't eaten properly before a vigorous session of Zumba that I get gassed out and light headed quickly. Maybe you should cut back on the exercise until you figure your eating and logging out....once you've nailed that again, start adding exercise in and figuring out the new caloric needs to support those along the way. And make sure you are drinking enough water too!! Best Wishes :flowerforyou:
  • DMadelineP
    DMadelineP Posts: 50 Member
    maybe anemia...
    I had the same thing and it just turned out i had low blood pressure though (which is actually a good thing if you drink enough water)
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member

    No, I haven't gone to see a doctor.

    But I tried some experiments at the gym and so far I think I might be able to control the dizzy spells. I've been making sure to eat immediately before the workouts and immediately after. When I start to get dizzy I refuse to think about my dizziness and slow down and it goes away. Been drinking enough. Taking it real slow even though I wish I could go back to my crazy epic workouts.

    Remember that there are certain things you can and should fight through...there are others that are the sign of something more serious being wrong....this is not one of those things you want to chance! Get a new doctor if you hate your current one. Also remember that eating better (or more) through out the day rather then immedately before and after your work out may help to improve your over all benefits, and may get you back to your epic workouts sooner :wink: . I know I personally can not eat just before a workout....it makes me wanna vomit!
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Pregnancy test.