Xbox Kinect!!

This invention is absolutely genius!

Bought it on boxing day and got "your shape:fitness evolved" game a few days later!

One day after doing it my legs and arms were aching all over! (not very nice but it shows i was working muscles)

It is soooo much better than any other fitness DVD I've tried, mainly because you cant slack and not do the exercises properly as the trainer will tell you what your doing wrong (if anything) and praise you for doing things well!

Even the normal games like kinect adventures and dance central are great for keeping fit, me and my sisters were playing it and we were all breaking out a sweat after 10 minutes!!!

Anyway, anyone else got this and feel the same!?


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    yes got it love it!
  • ironhaiden
    Same, playing Dance Central and Adventures with friends and with the kids a couple times a week, really gets the heartrate going.
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Love It! Love It! Love It!
  • AnneofAlaska
    AnneofAlaska Posts: 5 Member
    Totally agree. I did the adventures and did the one where you have to jump over items and then duck. When you do that over and over again, my legs started to burn. I really work on the kinect when I can't make it to the gym. It gives me something fun to do with the kids and yet still work out. Much better than work out videos!! I am probably going to buy the zumba, just cause it is dancing and whatnot...
  • robrian2001
    I agree with you. It's the best thing ever. I own the wii but i love the kinect way more. I play just dance and the Adventures games. They are a workout in a half.
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    I really want to get one as we played it round a friends at Christmas and I just loved it so much better than the wii :love:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    yep i do 20 minutes of Zumba express (not kinect) and then I rock out to cardio boxing on "your shape" next week is a full zumba class and personal trainer on "your shape"'s hard to keep up with the trainer, and sometimes I feel like i'm in sync with him but the lady yells at me to keep up lol but I burned almost 500calories last night!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    The kids got the xbox w/ kinect for Christmas from Santa this year and Mrs. Clause bought herself, I mean me, Dance Central. Love that for great fun and exercise. Adventures and sports are great too. Need to get one of the kinect workouts though.. just need to wait til next month. :frown:
  • Enchantica
    Kinect is fantastic!

    I could barely walk the first time I did Your Shape - Fitness Evolved! A day after I'd used it I had to climb some stairs at a local car park - 2 flights - I could have cried - it got some muscles working that I didn't even know I had! And I ride a bike every day to get to work so goodness knows how people who don't exercise at all cope with it!
  • becci92
    becci92 Posts: 30
    I really want to get one as we played it round a friends at Christmas and I just loved it so much better than the wii

    I agree, i dont own a wii but have played on my sisters, in my opinion the wii is just moving your arms, which doesnt really do much as you dont need to move them very much!
    yep i do 20 minutes of Zumba express (not kinect) and then I rock out to cardio boxing on "your shape" next week is a full zumba class and personal trainer on "your shape"'s hard to keep up with the trainer, and sometimes I feel like i'm in sync with him but the lady yells at me to keep up lol but I burned almost 500calories last night!

    I know what you mean about thinking your in time but they're telling you your not! But as long as i know im doing it right i tend to carry on as im doing! it usually put me back in sync again after a few squats or whatever im doing!
  • becci92
    becci92 Posts: 30
    The kids got the xbox w/ kinect for Christmas from Santa this year and Mrs. Clause bought herself, I mean me, Dance Central. Love that for great fun and exercise. Adventures and sports are great too. Need to get one of the kinect workouts though.. just need to wait til next month. :frown:

    Theres so many other games i want to get for it too! But, they're are rather pricey at £35/£40 each, so were limiting ourselves to one month or so!
  • baliene
    baliene Posts: 9 Member
    i LOVE LOVE LOVE my kinect !!!!! I have the biggest looser and dance central...whenever i dont feel like fighting people at the gym i just wk out at home !!!!!
  • AnneofAlaska
    AnneofAlaska Posts: 5 Member
    I started the Your Shape 2012 this week and I love it. I feel it under counts my calories, but other than that it is great. It has so many different things for you to do and is so much better than a video. This machine scans you, so you see yourself, not a cartoon and then watches your moves. Though sometimes it doesn't register my movements properly, overall it does a great job. I love the bootcamp because I like to push myself and it will yell at you if you try to take a break or if you aren't lifting your legs high enough. But it also has other things, like games, running, boxing, dancing... I used to do zumba, but I was never sore, yeah I worked up a sweat, but I didn't think it was really working for me. I have been using the your shape for a week now, and I am sore each time I use it. It makes you do all parts, not just cardio, or abs... it works arms, legs, abs... I highly recommend it.
  • AnneofAlaska
    AnneofAlaska Posts: 5 Member
    I agree, sometimes it doesn't say you are going with it. It doesn't seem to measure my calories right... I worked out for 45 minutes on it and it said I only burned 60 calories. I am not completely out of shape and got good scores on everything, so I don't know what is going on with mine in that aspect. What ones did you do for the 500 calories burned???
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I did your shape fitness, i love the cardio boxing. and i use the personal trainer on there and do a few go 'rounds.