Scale Confusion

I'm very confused about which scale to trust!

I have a digital scale which I bought a few months ago to keep track of my weight loss. However, if I weigh in on the doctor's scale I'm 184lbs, then if I weigh in on mine as soon as I get home again (5 minute drive away) I'm 189lbs. There isn't much room for variables since I'm standing on my scale literally only 5 minutes after standing on the doctor's scale. For a while I just stuck to subtracting 5lbs from the number I saw on my scale, since the doctor's is calibrated and such.

However, the real problem occurs when my parents use my scale just after they use the doctor's scale. My parents both get the same weight on my scale as they do on the doctor's scale.

How could they get the same weight on both scales when I get a 5lb difference?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Shoes on/off?
  • CelineO006
    CelineO006 Posts: 8 Member
    Shoes off in all cases :)
  • Reeyx
    Reeyx Posts: 2 Member
    dont weigh your self every day, stick to one scale and trust that one.

    weight will go up and down. i fluctate up to 2 full kg, but staying true to diet and knowing what you eat, measurements/weight will improve.

    Dont worry so much about the scale model :]
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    dont weigh your self every day, stick to one scale and trust that one.

    weight will go up and down. i fluctate up to 2 full kg, but staying true to diet and knowing what you eat, measurements/weight will improve.

    Dont worry so much about the scale model :]

    Did you even read her post?

    The only thing I can think of apart from calibration is the way you are standing on the digital scale. Maybe you are not distributing your weight evenly, or something like that.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Your weight on different scales will vary due to location and lots of variables. Its probably just luck that your parents get the same measurements. You need to weigh yourself at the same time, in the same clothes with the scales in the same place to get the most accurate reading. Even then this is just a guide as your body will naturally vary in weight up to 5 pounds a day. I weigh every morning however the variations really don't bother me I just take a note and I follow the trends. The trend is far more important than the actual number. if the trend is down I'm doing the right thing. If you are unable to emotionally detach yourself from daily fluctuations weighing weekly or even less frequently may be better for you.
  • Reeyx
    Reeyx Posts: 2 Member
    ^ supposed to respond to another post, that i am not good at apparently.

    As i said, stop worrying about the scale and trust a specific one, and then work on what ever it is that you want to improve. not exactly hard is it.

    Id say this is a emotional struggle, which is why i wrote it.