Need motivating/encouragement

I always seem to fall off the wagon when I try and build healthy habits. I need friends who will prompt me and encourage me when I do fall off the wagon so that I climb back on and keep going. Feel free to add me :)


  • RachR669
    RachR669 Posts: 79
    Hey! Falling off the wagon is pretty normal! The important thing is that you climb back on as soon as you realise! Will send you a FR!
  • paadr1
    paadr1 Posts: 19 Member
    We all go through those stages! Defs will probide you with motivation :)
  • srb2422
    srb2422 Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same problem. I had a bad week last week, but it is a new week and I am ready to pick up where I left off. Just because you fall off doesn't mean you can't get back on!
  • violet0ann
    violet0ann Posts: 72 Member
    don't try to go from unhealthy to Ultra healthy in one pop. more than likely you will fail trying to change everything at once. do it little by little,since its hard to built up a habit/break one. like replacing 1 bad thing at a time when you get use to that and it becomes second nature and then do one more thing, so your slowly reprogramming yourself to do the right things. for me it was:

    1st thing i did was recording my calories everyday.
    2nd I added just drinking water instead of tea and coffee at work.
    3rd thing I'm adding since I've gotten into the habit of recording my calories and drinking pure water is I'm counting how many fruit and veg I have per day and making sure I have at least 1 at every meal.

    good luck :smile:
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I always seem to fall off the wagon when I try and build healthy habits. I need friends who will prompt me and encourage me when I do fall off the wagon so that I climb back on and keep going. Feel free to add me :)

    Shift your mindset. Don't think about it as falling off a wagon. Think about it as a momentary slip. We all have them.

    Building habits takes time. Keep working hard to just do what you've decided to do. Pretty soon, you will feel bad if you DON'T go the healthy route. Motivation does not last - you're on the right track. Now you just need to tweak your thinking about the fact that you can't be perfect every minute of every day. Give it your best every day and things will fall into place. Good luck!