Bagels: my downfall

Hey everyone. So, I'm generally pretty good with eating balanced meals with protein and good fat and the vitamins and minerals I need. My whole life though, I've been told the one food I love more than ANY OTHER FOOD is one of the worst for me. The bagel. Is it bad if I eat a bagel a few times a week, but keep up my exercise and eat pretty balanced for every other meal? I don't mind losing weight a bit more slowly. I'm trying to lose 30 pounds and I really want it to stay off without depriving myself of things that I love.
I don't want a diet, I want this to be my lifestyle forever and I really can't see a life without bagels!! (I really love them that much).



  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Me too. Everything chewy dense bagels are my favorite but bread before cake anytime
    I haven't cut out bagels but am slicing them thinner and still having am only. Good luck:wink:
  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    Of course!
    Eat that darn bagel. Just make sure to stay within your set calorie goal.
    I usually pre-log what i want/crave the most first to make sure i have enough calories for it at the end of the day.

    Good Luck!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Just make sure it fits in to your calories (and carbs, if you're watching that) and you'll be good..

    An option as well- there are these thinner 100cal bagels on the market now. I think by Dempster's but can't remember exactly. That might be a good option? Another is to start having whole grain or multigrain ones... won't cut cals any but you'll be giving yourself a better option than a plain white bagel.

    Don't try to cut out things you love, the trick to being able to stick to this is to figure out how to work it in to your lifestyle in a non-detrimental way.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Eat Bagels. In moderation. Seriously.

    Remember your soul needs feeding too. It's macro-nutrient of choice is called "deliciousness". The elusive and often ignored fourth macro nutrient. And it should be part of any truly balanced diet.
  • I think definitely so! My mom and I both eat bagels pretty often and still manage to maintain a healthy weight. She has eaten them her whole life and still has abs that show at age 48! We tend to opt for whole wheat/ whole grain bagels when possible, and go thin on the spread- just watch the calories you add TO your bagel and you should be just fine! If I'm going to have peanut butter with mine, I love the option of bagel thins, not only because of their calorie-friendly nature, but because they get crunchier in the toaster too. :)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    I want a bagel now lol
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Bagel thins! 110 calories. You are welcome. :flowerforyou:
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Mmmm ... bagels, piled high with Nutella or peanut butter. Part of my prior downfall, along with so many other foods.

    However, nothing wrong with any of the above; just that I consumed them to excess, leading to a surplus of calories, and thus weight.

    If you can control your portions, and keep within your macros and nutrients, no reason not to enjoy them.

    But if you're like me, and one leads to another, and another, and another ... well, then you might have to think twice.
  • miannie
    miannie Posts: 21 Member
    I successfully lost 30 pounds without giving up bagels, just stayed within my calorie goal. You'll be more likely to keep it as a lifestyle if you don't rob yourself of things you love!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Why do you believe that bagels are bad for you?
  • LexingtonBadger
    LexingtonBadger Posts: 12 Member
    Remember your soul needs feeding too. It's macro-nutrient of choice is called "deliciousness". The elusive and often ignored fourth macro nutrient. And it should be part of any truly balanced diet.

    I want to print this out and frame it. haha :heart:
  • ejane24
    ejane24 Posts: 7
    I cut my bagels into thirds instead of halves, and save the middle for another time. Still the same deliciousness of a bagel but without all the carbs :D
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    What's wrong with bagels? They're awesome!
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436

    If bagels are evil so is this event but guess what i'm still trying to go

    just eat your bagels friend. bagels are good for you.
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    I out it into context ... 4/5 pieces of bread or 1 bagel. Meh.
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Oh, I hear you! I have to stay away from refined carbs, or I'll just eat them. And the calories do add up.

    I find that corn tortillas and pupusas don't have that same effect. I can eat a couple little ones and be satisfied.

    Hmmm...maybe I should have pupusas with my eggs for breakfast.

    Maybe get some mini-bagels for the freezer, and pull them out one at a time for special treats.
  • azymth99
    azymth99 Posts: 122 Member
    Eat Bagels. In moderation. Seriously.

    Remember your soul needs feeding too. It's macro-nutrient of choice is called "deliciousness". The elusive and often ignored fourth macro nutrient. And it should be part of any truly balanced diet.

    Agree SO much! I used to be a Chef, I love food. The only way a weight loss program was going to work for me was if I could still eat the things I love. So, I still do- I just eat less of them or fit them into my calorie count for the day.

    We enjoy food for a reason. Our body, mind and soul needs the pleasure of eating just like we need the nutrients. So, Eat what you love- just be careful about it. Fit that bagel in. Make it part of your food plan- just do so with moderation. Health and well-being is far more important than physical appearance.
  • OP, if I can find a way to fit a slice of three meat pizza into my diet, surely you can find room for that bagel! Moderation is the key! :bigsmile:
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Haven't had a bagel in this thread is making me want to eat a nice fresh one with butter..Mmmmmmmm. Just been keeping calorie dense stuff like that out of temptation for now.

    Used to bake them too as a 20-something back when. Nothing like firing up the boiler and huge gas ovens at 4:00am and cranking out hundreds of bagels for hungry people wanting breakfast on the go! Back then I could eat as many as I liked with cream cheese, eggs, bacon...potatoes too...washed down with OJ and coffee...we burned off so many calories working in the restaurant that I was rail thin no matter what I ate!

    The good old days. :D

    I am going to get one as a treat someday soon.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Hey everyone. So, I'm generally pretty good with eating balanced meals with protein and good fat and the vitamins and minerals I need. My whole life though, I've been told the one food I love more than ANY OTHER FOOD is one of the worst for me. The bagel. Is it bad if I eat a bagel a few times a week, but keep up my exercise and eat pretty balanced for every other meal? I don't mind losing weight a bit more slowly. I'm trying to lose 30 pounds and I really want it to stay off without depriving myself of things that I love.
    I don't want a diet, I want this to be my lifestyle forever and I really can't see a life without bagels!! (I really love them that much).


    My Dr. actually told me to eat bagels... that means either the mini's or thins or just eat 1/2. in your case you sound like you're pretty close to goal so I'd say eat the whole thing, just go easy on any creams etc added to it. You cannot be successful (in my opinion) if you cut out all the foods you love.