PCOS & Low carbing, end result.. hopefully pregnancy.

I recently started the low carb diet in hopes that it will help control some of my symptoms of PCOS, allow me to lose weight and HOPEFULLY ovulate.
I was hoping to hear success stories, or get some tips, or recipes.
did LCing help you get pregnant??
I am 246 Lbs
I have a Net Carb goal of 9-20g
and working out 7 days a week (nothing too terrible, just 30 minutes a day on a stationary bike for now)


  • kazzsjourney2goal
    kazzsjourney2goal Posts: 56 Member
    I have PCOS (altho not insulin resistant) and I didnt need to eat low carb to lose my weight...i find if i stick to around 100-130 grams of carbs per day still allows me to lose weight :)
  • colton2788
    I wish I was that lucky! I LOVE carbs. Lol
    but i think this will really be better for me, carbs in general tend to make me very sick feeling, and because I LOVE them so, I choose to feel sick and eat them, than to just to let it go.
    Hopefully this helps me both feel better, and conceive.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I have PCOS and definitely have to go low carb in order to lose weight. Going lower carb does help with my cycles/ovulation, too. I'd love to be able to go higher carb but it just doesn't work for me.

    Good luck!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Also, really consider doing High Intensity Interval Training and strength training along with the cardio.
  • RandiDM
    RandiDM Posts: 12
    That' sounds reeeeally low, especially with workouts 7 days a week. Have you tried a gradual decrease? Like start at 100, if you don't lose, go down to 80, etc. I went too low once and was a zombie after a few weeks.
  • colton2788
    Im technically eating more carbs than 20- I take all the carbs Ive eaten in one day, than subtract the amount of fiber ive consumed to get a net carb total. I'm hoping I dont zombiefie myself, but this was the "diet plan" provided to me by the doctor. :/ now I'm freaked out a little.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    I got my PCOS under control with a combination of 1000mg of Metformin daily, weight lifting, and a balanced diet with around 150-200g of carbs a day. I ovulate like a champ - went from a period every 3-4 months if I was lucky to every 28-34 days.

    Of course different things work for different women, so I'm not saying that what I do will work for everyone. I know some women who were able to get their symptoms under control without medication, but whenever I've tried to stop the Met, my waist starts to thicken and my period goes AWOL.

    I can't say whether or not I would be able to get pregnant, though, as that is the opposite of my goal.
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    I have really severe PCOS. I keep it semi under control with 1000mg of Metformin a day and keeping my calories under 1,400cals if i can. Me and my husband have been trying for a kid for 2 years with no luck. The diet has started to finally work as i went from having a period every 6months to a year to having them every 2 months, still not quite there yet. I also find using an app called Menstruation and Ovulation on my phone is helpful, you input when you have your period and it calculates when your next one will be and also when you should be most fertile. Wishing you all the luck in the future :)
  • shinisize
    shinisize Posts: 105 Member
    I don't personally have PCOS, but a friend of mine has it pretty bad and had a really hard time conceiving. She tried just about everything (including fertility treatments), and in the end what ended up being her magic bullet (twice now) was getting ready to do the bikini modeling competitions. She was working out using a lot of weight to build muscle, doing lots of cardio, and eating pretty low carb as part of her weight loss/body shaping program. She swears by the weight lifting, she says it is the one thing that really helps her stay in shape and feeling healthy.
  • colton2788
    I have NEVER had a "cycle" Everytime Ive had a period, it was induced using provera, I managed (a pure FLUKE) to get pregnant and carry full term once after not having a period for years, and I miscarried in July of last year after not having a period in a year. I know its possible, but I just wish I knew HOW.... either way, even if I never get pregnant (really really sad face inserted there) I still want to feel like I have control over my body, and.... if anything comes from this.... I would LOVE for my lady 'stach to go away. 7 dollars a week in waxing treatment will be the death of me.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have PCO and insulin resistance. Keep in mind that there are other things than PCO that can affect getting and staying pregnant. I ended up having a blocked tube, something that makes my blood clot too fast so if by some miracle I got pregnant there would be blood clots all around it and it would auto-abort. I ended up having to get help to get pregnant, and now have 2 beautiful girls. Make sure you see a reproductive specialist. They are a bit more "specialized" than a regular ob/gyn just to make sure there's nothing else interfering with you getting pregnant.

    As far as the diet - focus on protein/fiber, and the fats/carbs will take care of themselves. The protein and fiber are the two area's where it's really okay to go over your numbers on.....they keep you fuller longer.

    Drink lots of water, of course.

    Get an activity monitor. I have a fitbit one and it syncs with MFP. I love the chart on the fitbit website - go to the dashboard, and click on month, and you'll see a chart of "Calories in vs. Calories out". As long as you burn more than you take in, you will lose weight.

    For what it's worth, and good luck!!