Endomorph Bulk Up

Hi I'm 18, I'm 174cm (5'9) and I weight about 72.5Kg (159lbs).

I usually struggle to lose weight, but I want to increse my weight in muscle. I consider myself and active person: I do boxing and kickboxing every week day for 2h. Sometimes, in go running for about 5km in 30min before training starts.

I want to lose my belly, but first I would like to bulk up some muscle so when I cut I wont be undernourished.
My current macros are 3310 calories/372g carbs/248g proteins/92g fats
I set MFP to Earn 0,5Kg per week.

Can you guys please give me some advices on what I should eat or if these macros are good?
Also feel free to add me if you want, It would be nice to have some feedback.


  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    Find a barbell.

    Pick it up.

    Put it down.


    (Alternative options: dumbbells, serious bodyweight training.)

    No point bulking if all you're doing is cardio. It won't help you build muscle efficiently.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    ^^ End of thread.
  • andrfgs
    andrfgs Posts: 4
    I plan to start an All Pro Liftting routine the next week so I wont be just doing cardio. But if I do this are these macros right? Should I decrease calories?
  • petter26
    petter26 Posts: 9
    Lay off the cardio(somewhat) if you are gonna bulk. You WILL gain some fat with a caloric excess BTW, so be prepared.
  • Jamal_Guildford
    Jamal_Guildford Posts: 214 Member
    Find a barbell.

    Pick it up.

    Put it down.


    (Alternative options: dumbbells, serious bodyweight training.)

    No point bulking if all you're doing is cardio. It won't help you build muscle efficiently.

    I like this post!
  • andrfgs
    andrfgs Posts: 4
    Can someone answer my question? What should be my daily calorie value?
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member

    And there is no point in trying to bulk up unless you are lifting weights.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Find a barbell.

    Pick it up.

    Put it down.


    (Alternative options: dumbbells, serious bodyweight training.)

    No point bulking if all you're doing is cardio. It won't help you build muscle efficiently.
    ^^ This again. End of thread
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    The guy says he's starting a lifting routine next week...

    Anyway, I'll answer your question:

    Do the AP routine. Eat according to your current TDEE+250/day for two weeks. Check the scale. If you didn't put on 0.5-1lb in that time eat more. If you put on too much more, eat less. Rinse and repeat every couple of weeks. Your body will adapt as you lift and feed it more. You'll probably end up eating more by the time you finish....

    You macros look fine. Don't major in the minors. Progressively challenge yourself and eat enough to put on some muscle. Re-evaluate at set intervals.
  • tessmca
    tessmca Posts: 27 Member
    cut the cardio to one session a week if you really love it, eat the same as you are now and lift weights, you wont be under nourished, but will get to see what muscle you have. If you find you need more food go for protein first.

    Then once you see what you have consider bulking.

    You say you find it hard to loose weight so why would you want to put on weight, unless you do a clean bulk all you will do is put on fat as well as muscle.

    If you haven't lifted before you will may be surprised as I believe that newbies to lifting have the best gains
  • andrfgs
    andrfgs Posts: 4
    Thank you for you answers gonna maintain weight and drop cradio for 1 time a week

    MFP giving me 379g of carbs
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    248g of protein is just so unnecessary. It's at least 100g more than you need.
    92 of fat is also high but it's not the end of the world.

    Protein - .6-.87g per lb of bodyweight
    Fat - .4g per lb of bodyweight
    Fill the rest with carbs

    Also, forget the who soma type stuff. Those are used by people who need excuses as to why they can't gain or lose weight.


    Your cal target should have you gaining around 2kg per month at your age as a beginner IMO. If it is too quick, then reduce the cals a bit and if it is too slow then up them. Remember there will be fluctuations. ( I take a7 day rolling average) Take some pics and measurements before you start lifting to :smile:
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    As long as you get enough protein, then overshooting isn't going to make a massive difference.

    Majoring in the minors, see?

    Just lift. Eat enough. Sleep enough. Get enough Fluids.Track your weight changes periodically. Adjust Eating. Repeat.

    Micro-managing every last gram of a macro won't make you more successful. It'll just waste valuable energy you could be using to do something more useful.
  • Also if you are an endomorph, then I am a unicorn.