Newbie needs to know why??

I have actually been on MFP over a month but just now speaking out. I enjoy the support you all share. NOW...a year ago I was just over 200lbs, didn't excerise or eat right. So I started doing all the things you are "supposed" to do when wanting to lose weight. I cut out a lot of fast food and bad snacks, i started walking, and drinking water...and there was no drastic change for me...why??? I have been eatting healthier and running everyday (training for my 1st 5k) and have only lost about 7lbs...why so long??


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Losing 7 pounds in a month is a good weight loss. I'm not sure what you are questioning about it.
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    I agree. 2 pounds a week is the very most you would even want to lose in most cases. Anything over 1 pound a week is a pretty rapid loss.
  • taneyah2014
    my question is why didn't I lose weight last year when i cut out the bad foods, I was really expecting something better, but instead i gained more weight.
  • taneyah2014
    I agree. 2 pounds a week is the very most you would even want to lose in most cases. Anything over 1 pound a week is a pretty rapid loss.

    I understand that now...just impatience on the beginning of this journey, but I know God + a GREAT attitude will help me it thru :)
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    It all boils down to calories in calories out, no such thing as "bad" foods

    You can lose weight eating Mcd burgers, or home made salads

    You just have to control the portions / calories
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    You can still overeat and gain weight eating "good" foods. Don't demonize any food, eat at a calorie deficit and go on with your life.
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    You are heading in the right direction, so cut yourself a break and keep on going :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    my question is why didn't I lose weight last year when i cut out the bad foods, I was really expecting something better, but instead i gained more weight.

    Because it's all about calories...if you over eat, you will gain weight, even if it's "healthy" foods. To lose weight you have to eat fewer calories than your body needs to maintain itself...if you don't, it doesn't's not about "good" or "bad" foods, it's about calories first and foremost. Nutrition plays a huge roll to be sure, but when it comes to weight loss it is largely about the calories.

    I've always been a pretty healthy eater and I still put on 50 wasn't the food I was eating, it was the quantity of food that I was eating.
  • taneyah2014
    Thank you all so much. Im starting to understand better.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    The most important thing to remember is where are your calories coming from matters most of all. Try to limit sugar, sweeteners, sauces, & sodium this alwayz does the trick. Best wishes.
  • avisokay
    avisokay Posts: 1
    She means she has lost 7 pounds in a year, not a month.

    I have the same problem, Taneyah. I don't know why some people lose weight easily and some hold on to it. It is not a simple calories in and out as people with normal metabolism believe. It is for THEM.

    I am 60 pounds overweight, and I have been nutritarian -- whole foods, plant based near vegan (one low fat cheat a week) -- for a year. I drink water and green tea, make green smoothies 3 or 4 times a week, jog 2 miles a week several times a week. My husband has lost over 40 pounds doing what I am doing except he still drinks beer. I am eating kale and lots of legumes, avoiding white flour and processed foods, eating whole foods and plant based and with little added oil. My cholesterol is still high also.

    I can tell that some people assume I am secretly cheating -- I'm not. It is not simply calories in and out, for some people. I finally went to a doc who told me that my adrenals are exhausted and my stress levels and lack of good sleep is playing a part, possibly I have sleep apnea robbing me of restorative sleep and my gut flora are maybe out of whack. So I am trying to address that. He also told me though, that I am much healthier on the inside than I was before, even if the weight has not come off yet.

    I was just on vacation for a few days with a friend who is an ultrafit physician and she was really surprised at how well I eat and how reasonable my portions are. Of course my lame little jogs are no match for her riding her razor-thin bike and running that she does. I am upping my exercise as I can, which may be the key since a reasonable healthy diet alone isn't doing it!

    I just joined so I can track my journey, and see if what the tracker predicts will happen to me weight loss wise is actually what happens. I do think the tracker will make it harder to eat mindlessly, having to write it down, and encourage me to exercise.

    Good luck, keep going! It might be unfair that others have better metabolism but that doesn't mean the key isn't out there for us, we just haven't found what works for us yet. I am going with consistency for the long haul and focusing on good healthy choices even if the don't produce typical results for me weight wise.