Having a "I just feel like eating" day. =(

JenCM Posts: 195
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
It's just one of those days.
I've been stuck at the same weight just about (give or take a pound or two) for a few weeks and a couple weeks ago I started making myself try to work out everyday that I can...at least 3-4 days a week. I've been doing 30 minutes of Elliptical, 20-40 minutes of walking on the treadmill and then doing some light weights. Still watching my eating fine, but I've tried to mix it up a bit and eat something different (like some grilled fish, instead of chicken everyday, etc) and somehow, I've GAINED weight.
I know I shouldn't get all flustered over it, it could be muscle, etc....but I really struggle with watching the scale because when I see a loss there it really pushes me to keep going and helps me and when things are like this I feel like I'm just meant to be heavy and like I can't do it and like going and getting a pizza and just eating.... =(
So I need some inspirational words and help here to just keep me from doing anything too stupid...


  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Try switching up your routine or increasing, ya gotta keep your body confused so it doesn't get used to the work out you are doing. Like you said it could just be muscle or heck it could even be water weight. Good luck and keep up the good fight, you WILL lose the weight eventually!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I definitely feel frustrated when I'm doing everything right and then don't lose or end up gaining. If it wasn't me, I'd say, "hey, no worries, it's not a big deal, you'll lose it eventually, etc..." but I have a total double standard when it comes to me.

    I agree with Ahzuri, it seems like switching up your routine could help. It's a long haul, you want to make life-long changes, so a few weeks or a month really is just a small fraction of your journey. Do you have a friend or family member you can talk to IRL? That always helps me when I need an extra motivational boost.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Hang in there, it could be water weight, tom, muscle, dont give up. You will see the lbs come off. Sometimes when our bodies are not used to working out they tend to hold on to water more to help repair the muscle. You can do this. You will start seeing results soon
  • sandeeface518
    sandeeface518 Posts: 41 Member
    i had a day like that yesterday, ended up going over my calorie limit by about 200 calories. it was heartbreaking, but today i know that i'm going to do better because i had a cheat day for the week.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I do - I talk to my younger brother about it, he's also losing weight and he's a wonderful "cheerleader" and such.
    I just feel almost bad calling him at times because I get all emotional and almost start crying...lol. Stupid, but I just get so upset at times. I've just been so generally disappointed in myself for ever letting myself get so heavy and it's insane to me to think that despite losing 50 lbs already, I still have literally a whole PERSON in weight to lose.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Don't quit!!! You can do it!!! Just keep logging your food and exercise and switch things up. Maybe increase your calories a little one day and increase you water the next day along with changing your exercise habits. I know how hard it is but just remember how great you'll feel!!!
  • sandeeface518
    sandeeface518 Posts: 41 Member
    dont think in such big terms like "a whole person to lose" it makes everything so overwhelming. look at smaller goals and they will seem like major success stories. you're doing great girl! keep your head up.
  • If you feel like crying you should. I hear a lot of trainers who say that you carry your feelings as weight. Once you address those feelings and move on it'll become easier for you to lose. Also, it's my understanding that working out 3-4 times a week is for maintenance and 5-6 days a week is for weight loss. I've also learned that interval training is awesome! Short bursts of high intensity work outs really help your body burn calories. If you're bored with your routine, try something different like kettlebells. They serve the dual purpose of strength and cardio training and they are fun once you get the moved down pat!!

    I'm having the same kind of day you are though. I'm generally tired and it's gloomy out; we're expecting a snow storm and I forgot to take something out for supper. Part of me wants to just say screw it and go to a fast food restaurant but now way am I letting my negative self talk take control of me! You already lost a ton of weight so you already know you can do this! Keep up the great work!!
  • Hang in there darlin'. Throw away that stupid scale. Use your clothes as your "scale". Watch as the belt moves a notch. Be surprised and excited when your shirts feel a little baggy. Those are your motivators. Get out that old pair shorts or jeans that you couldn't fit into last summer. Put them up somewhere that you will see them every day. Now set tiny goals and celebrate them. The scale should be use once a week at most. Remember,your weight is affected by water gain/loss, salt, time of day, exercise, etc. So don't be hard on yourself if you see the scale move a pound or two in the wrong direction. Stay focused, stay positive and feel free to reach out at any time for a little hand holding.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I've been on this journey for years...not just here on MFP but everywhere....since I was 21 (now 34) sometimes I do better than others. But at the end of the day I'm still trying and I'm still learning. Are their days (weeks, months, years) that I overeat and forget everything? OH HECK YA! But I ALWAYS feel better when I'm on track. Eating has NEVER made me feel better..although I still try it out once and awhile and yup....I feel worse! We are all here for you and if you don't feel like calling your brother you have all of us! Friend request coming your way if ya ever want to chat!:flowerforyou:
  • You're not losing pounds but are you losing inches? Take your measurements and see if you've lost there!
  • You are right about the muscle, and since you know that, remain positive. Dont give up on the fish. Im tired of chicken too. I dont know if you are into jui jitsu at all but it would be a nice change of pace for you and your body. To keep it off balance and guessing what you will do next and respond positively to this new impact. Punching bags and jump ropes work as well if you feel jui jitsu is too extreme. Besides the physical benefit, hitting something in a positve way is a great stress reliever. Putting some one in a head lock is better...Also in a positive way of course...

    Stay focused...
  • Hang in there!!! You can do it. I know when i started to have become stagnant i started tracking my measurements and saw that i was loosing inches but not pounds. It helped me stay on track.
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    Changing up is a good idea. I often get in a rut where I don't lose any weight for a couple of weeks, and when that happens, instead of getting discouraged I think to myself "this happens from time to time, don't lose sight of my goals" and I remember that eating so much food doesn't *really* make me feel any better.
  • rhazelwood
    rhazelwood Posts: 42 Member
    The scale really isn't your best tool when taking on a new excercise program. You might try taking your measurements and tracking your progress that way as well as with the scale. I have found that sometimes starting a new workout program will make me gain a few pounds of water weight initially because I don't drink enough water to compensate for the changes I've made. Another thing that can happen is that your body goes into a starvation response because of the increased activity. My advice would be to drink lots of water and increase your protein intake for a few days. That should make the munchy feelings go away and will probably put you back on track weight-wise.

    Hang in there and don't get discouraged - it will all pay off for you!
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    I think that I need to be taking some advice from you! Way to go on losing so much weight. You have so much to be proud of. don't give up now! Are you getting enough calories? I keep hearing everyone say to make sure you are getting the correct amount. Don't go below 1200. You have hit a plateau, but keep up the healthy lifestyle and the weight will come off! Hang in there!!
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    Thanks all. I'll measure myself today and write everything down so I can keep track. I've been meaning to do that and just haven't.

    What did help is I just took a small break and went into my closet and starting yanking out clothes and trying them on....I thought, what the heck! I'm 50 lbs lighter, something in here should be looser!! So I started off with the two pairs of pants I bought at the end of August - (size 30 and 32) that I got home and couldn't wear either pair - the 32's would go on, but were not comfy to button at all. So I tried them on and I can pull the 32's on and off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. The 30's are nearly the same! So then I moved onto a pair of 28's that I bought and still have the tags on them because after I got them, before I even wore them I gained and they were too tight - They went on comfortably and buttoned and zipped fine! So then I went for one last size....the pair of 26 black pants I bought to wear to my Dad's funeral 2 1/2 years ago that I could barely get into (but that was the biggest size Wal Mart had, so I had to make it work) they went on as well - they're tight in the tummy and I wouldn't wear them because I've got uber muffin top in them...BUT, they went on! So that helped a bit...just seeing that I've gone from not being able to comfortably wear a 32, to being able to get into a 26. :)
    Kind of nice also suddenly having 3 pairs of jeans to wear, when I haven't had any to wear and have been living in sweats and stretchy waist pants for so long. :)
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    WAHOO!!! What a huge victory! Nothing like "shopping" in your own closet to make you feel better! CONGRATULATIONS, you're doing fantastic! That's a HUGE drop in sizes!
  • kirstyfoy
    kirstyfoy Posts: 139 Member
    Well done you! Also remember to only weigh yourself once a week. I don't have scales in my house so have to go to my Mums to weigh myself. When I was living with my parents I used to weigh myself everyday (I get a bit obssessive when on a diet about losing the weight!) This can just add to the anxiety! Dont forget you can go up and down by 2-3lbs every day, and make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of day every week - you are heavier first thing in the morning and obviously at night.

    Just keep reminding yourself how much you have lost, because you'll be thinking about it if you turn to food and put it on (I'm feeling the christmas fat after losing a lot of weight and gaining it all again!)

    Much Love!
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    I hear ya! When I first started my journey, I hadn't exercised HEAVILY in a while (I probably went on 2 runs a week). I lost 4 pounds off the bat, then for 4 weeks...NADA. But during that time I was noticing changes in my arms and legs (there was muscle and tone)! In the last 10 days I've lost 3 pounds.

    Stick with it. I think it's normal to lose some weight, then plateau when you're building muscle, then your weight loss will continue.
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