Question on starting CrossFit?

I have done some research, but felt I could get a more direct answer by posting here. I'm looking into starting crossfit and wanted to know what type of shape is best you should be in before beginning a program? I've so far lost over 25lbs since the beginning of May and vamped up working out by attending the gym for more days than previously. Right now I'm 271lbs. Just curious if I should wait after a few more pounds are off or I could start anytime. Thank you in advance for your help.

PS. Add me please, could use the added support


  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    Hey there, in my experience you can be in any shape to start CrossFit - provided you have a knowledgeable and experienced coach who will modify the exercises in the safest way for you and your ability. And not every gym that says CrossFit will have that. It sounds like you've done a lot of reading, and that's great. Just make sure to be critical of your coach and gym and ask a lot of questions - I've been to some amazing boxes, and some super iffy ones.

    For example, my 70-year-old mother in law, who is about 30 pounds overweight, and my sister in law, who is 100+ lbs overweight, both just started CrossFit. They started with private classes with just the two of them, and have now progressed to join the regular classes. The coach keeps a close eye on them and always gives them a modified version of the movements and makes sure they are doing it safely.

    Have fun!
  • CGales13
    CGales13 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the reply!!! I'm going to checkout the one they have in my area and ask some questions before I join
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I started at 230ish lbs and have had no problem. I have seen a few really big guys there as well. All parts of a workout have modifications, usually 3-4 different levels or even alternates for the super hard things. I started in Jan and half a year later I have made tonnes of progress in how much I can lift and in my cardio work. Example, from 35lbs max overhead press to 105lbs 1 rep max. From barely being able to jog 1/2 a km to 5km all jogging, no walking needed.