When to start running for the mordbily obese?

leefuuxx Posts: 28 Member
Hi guys! I've been walking a mile a day for about a week now, and I've wanted to start C25K, but I'm afraid I'm too heavy to start running and I'll hurt my knees. Any recommendations or input??


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    There is no set time.. you just have to try it, and if it causes pain, stop. Even lean people can get running injuries. Watch for shin, foot, and hip pain too. As long as you stop if you feel pain, it's unlikely to cause a permanent injury.

    I would stretch out the C25K protocol to double the time spent on each week. And wear good shoes, preferably one chosen by a good running shoe store.

    Also see these tips on running:


    Keep us posted!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    The Zombies, Run! 5K version seems to be easier with a slower progression than the regular C25K, Also, there's nothing saying you have to actually finish it the first time. You can work your way up. These programs use intervals, usually 10 minutes of walking, then running for 10 seconds followed by a minute of walking, repeated for a while, then 10 minutes of walking to cool down. After a week, it bumps up the running to 30 seconds, etc.

    You can try running every other time, or even every third time, whatever works for you to get you started.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    Everybody is different, I want to run but my legs won't let me yet. Although I see lots of people larger than me jogging at the gym and the park where I walk. Try it, you're body will let you know when you're ready. If you're not ready to run yet, just walk. It's great exercise too.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member

    Just start slow.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    I can't help with a start time but I will tell you what MFP and my sister told me, get good shoes!! Find a running store and get fit. I googled "running stores in indianapolis" and found one that way. They looked at my feet, ask me several questions, watched me stand, run and walk. My shoes did cost $140 but well worth it. The evaluation was free too. I can also say that C25K is great and designed for those who are beginners
  • MismatchedAlmonds
    MismatchedAlmonds Posts: 90 Member
    I had the same problem, although I am not morbidly obese, I'm "just" obese. I asked the same question of my friends and was recommended to try interval training (which might be what a Cto5K is). I did a 20 minute work out, jogging insanely, unabashedly slow for 1 minute and walking for a minute. It worked great for me.

    Also I did it barefoot. ;)
  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    I agree with everyone above...just give it a try and see how it goes...stop if there is pain. I was never into running until about 6 years ago...walking just got too slow, and I wanted to see if I could manage a run. I started out jogging the intersections and walking the blocks, then progressed alternating jogging a block and walking a block, then jogging 2 blocks and walking one, etc. the thing I had the hardest time with was managing my breathing...once I got a handle on that, it was a much better experience. Good luck:smile:
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I would say if your running a bit now and it doesn't hurt you're ready. Take it slow.
  • HFreymuth
    HFreymuth Posts: 13 Member
    Start walking first and definitely get good shoes. I could only walk 2.5 to 3.0 mph a few months ago and started to build up as I lost weight and build up endurance. Hang in there.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    lol I thought you were implying a charity race for obesity.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I always just ran as much as I could. Then walk til I caught my breath, then ran again. It took me a bit to get some stamina but each time, just try to run longer.
    You could def do the C25K. Run slow to begin with. Once you get through it, start again and add speed.
  • leefuuxx
    leefuuxx Posts: 28 Member
    Definitely not a charity race aha LOL;

    Thank you all for your advice! I'll definitely look into new shoes once I have the money for it. :)
    Walking right now is to the point if I want to go any faster I would need to run, so I think I'm about ready to start!!

    :) I'm also open for any of you guys to add me! I'd love to see your progress, also any support is greatly appreciated!
  • futurejedi
    futurejedi Posts: 111
    do research on running I wish I would've before I injured my hamstriing and knees in college
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    I started running four months ago while in the 280s. I joined Fleet Feet which has a nationwide running program with lots of levels. I started with c25k but felt it wasn't right for me. I like the group workouts we do twice a week and then we have homework runs we do on our own time. Its 12 weeks and is an interval program that starts very slow. My store does about three sessions a year and you can repeat any session or move up as you feel you are ready. The biggest and most important thing is to get fitted for the right shoes.
  • kcatlin9
    kcatlin9 Posts: 321 Member
    Definitely not a charity race aha LOL;

    Thank you all for your advice! I'll definitely look into new shoes once I have the money for it. :)
    Walking right now is to the point if I want to go any faster I would need to run, so I think I'm about ready to start!!

    :) I'm also open for any of you guys to add me! I'd love to see your progress, also any support is greatly appreciated!

    If you are to the point where to go an faster you need to run, then run a little bit. When you get tired / winded, start walking again. When you catch your breath, run again. Interval training. Each day you'll run a little more. Manage your expectations and be happy making small incremental gains.
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    Echoing what others have said. If you want to start running, them start running. I think it's good to push yourself but listen to your body and don't overdo it. I started C25k at 375 pounds. It was difficult and I had to repeat some workouts but I made it through and have completed 5 5k's and will do my first mud run this weekend with friends.
  • leefuuxx
    leefuuxx Posts: 28 Member
    Congratulations!! You're very inspiring, thank you :))
  • Dezire4lyfe
    Dezire4lyfe Posts: 16 Member
    I've just recently started running as my night time cardio and I am morbidly obese.... I run a while and then walk when I am too winded. I am still slower than a snail but my endurance is building. If you want to do it then do it. Just be aware of your body! There are days when I try to push too hard and have to nice my knees at night. :( But in the end, it is all worth it. Good luck to you!!
  • Dezire4lyfe
    Dezire4lyfe Posts: 16 Member
    Echoing what others have said. If you want to start running, them start running. I think it's good to push yourself but listen to your body and don't overdo it. I started C25k at 375 pounds. It was difficult and I had to repeat some workouts but I made it through and have completed 5 5k's and will do my first mud run this weekend with friends.

    THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!! My current goal is to do 3 5ks by November (my 30th bday).... Thanks for the motivation!!