Not doing enough?

Okay, so I am having a problem. No matter how much I exercise during the day, at the end of the day I feel like it's not enough! I do between an hour and an hour and a half of cardio everyday and then free weights, sit ups, push ups, and so on 5 days a week. This is the first time I've lost weight the "right" way and even though it's taking so much longer, I am feeling better about it.
I was just wondering if anyone else felt that way?


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I don't.
    I don't want to overexert my body, so I do around a half hour or so per day that I do exercise.
    You want to create sustainable habits down the road; do you want to keep up 1-1.5hrs of exercise a day, and strength training 5 days a week forever? If no, learn that anything that gets you active is good, and moderate your exercise to fit your life and goals. There's no need to dedicate so much of your day to exercise, especially since it looks like you aren't giving yourself rest days.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Okay, so I am having a problem. No matter how much I exercise during the day, at the end of the day I feel like it's not enough! I do between an hour and an hour and a half of cardio everyday and then free weights, sit ups, push ups, and so on 5 days a week. This is the first time I've lost weight the "right" way and even though it's taking so much longer, I am feeling better about it.
    I was just wondering if anyone else felt that way?
    It comes down to how YOU feel. If you feel great then keep at it--just make sure to fit in a rest day so that you don't get burnt out or worse, injured. It depends on your goals. I'm training for another marathon, so I work out a whole lot more than most. I have to to be at the fitness level I like. Do YOU. Do what feels good. Achieve your goals. If they can't be achieved on 30 mins a day (mine wouldn't) then do more.
  • ShrinkingShona
    ShrinkingShona Posts: 218 Member
    To be honest, I feel the same way. I partially put it done to my obsessive nature. I'm either obsessively exercising or I'm obsessively eating and I decided to go with the former, rather than fight it.

    This is also the only time I have ever gotten this healthy with exercising and eating and I think I am partially scarred that I'll slip back if I don't keep on top of it.

    Saying all of that, I feel so much better now. I know I am doing the right thing for my body, I love my new working out friends, it's generally better for me.

    Listen to your body and have a rest day when you really need one,. Otherwise, power on making yourself happy.
  • I spent the last month wondering why i was gaining instead of losing weight. Turned out I wasn't eating enough and my metabolism shut right down. So, like you I exercise 5+ days a week between walking the dogs, running, Zumba, and the gym and burn on avg. about 800 calories a day. So yeah I have felt that way and the only advice I give is to keep on keeping on. You will get there. Blessings.:smile:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I go to the gym anywhere between 2 and 5 times a week, and when I go I stay for at least 90-120 minutes. I feel pretty good about those minutes, and I don't go back until I've gotten over any soreness that would prevent me from lifting as much safely. On days I don't gym, I sometimes take a walk or run, but usually no more than 30 minutes. Some days I'm very lazy and spend way too much time on the computer before going to my desk job, and I'm ok with that.

    I don't want working out to become a chore. I want it to feel as though I'm accomplishing something, and meeting goals, and exceeding bests, and setting new personal records. I want to be excited about what I did when I leave. I think doing it every day or being too strict with the schedule would kill it for me.

    Edit: spelling
  • I don't.
    I don't want to overexert my body, so I do around a half hour or so per day that I do exercise.
    You want to create sustainable habits down the road; do you want to keep up 1-1.5hrs of exercise a day, and strength training 5 days a week forever? If no, learn that anything that gets you active is good, and moderate your exercise to fit your life and goals. There's no need to dedicate so much of your day to exercise, especially since it looks like you aren't giving yourself rest days.

    I have a rest day every 3 days, which on average it comes to 2 a week. I love the walking and everything that I am doing, I just feel like it's not enough. I was anorexic back when I was younger and the only reason I got as big as I did is because of my last pregnancy. I hate the feel of my stomach touching my legs, which they don't anymore, but I always, at the end of the day, feel as if I could have walked just a little more or lifted just a little more. :grumble: it's irritating.
    As far as being able to do this from now I love it. :smile: