Rest days? and (warning guys) ladystuff

chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
Since I have started this journey being dedicated to not eating all screwed up and working out I have noticed I have been experiencing some female difficulties(boo) along with losing weight (yay) I think the benefits are outweighing the costs but regardless what do you all think of rest days, I haven't taken any in about a week or so and feel ok.

Here's my typical week and calorie estimates are heart rate monitor not machine, I would be as big asa house if I counted what the machine said lol

Cardio bike by myself 15-45min (usually good for 150- 350 calories)
Weights 45 min (200 cal)

Spin class in the evening (450 cal)

Morning run 3 mi(350 cal)
Spin Class (350-400 cal)
Weights (200 cal)

Afternoon if I feel good run 2.5 mi (300 cal)
Zumba class (425 cal)

Morning run 3 mi(350 cal)
weights (200 cal)
Maybe zumba

Run to and from gym 2 mi (200 cal)
Bike at gym (350 cal)

Super long epic run 5 mile (600 cal)

Should I take rest days based on this routine or should I be good? Given the female difficulties I mentioned, any other ladies that jog and run experience the same and if so does it ever go away?


  • spatty_harris
    spatty_harris Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not sure what female difficulties you mean?

    My advice regarding rest days is "if you feel tired or worn down, take a rest day". If you feel good, work out.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Aside from not lifting with specific muscle groups two days in a row (for example, don't do biceps two days in a row), this is a personal preference. I only gym 2-5 days a week. I don't go if I'm still really sore from the last time. Instead, I might do a run at home, or a long walk. At least once a week I do nothing and sit in front of a computer or watch Netflix all day.

    You don't need anyone's permission to take a rest day. Most people take at least one each week. It's completely up to you.
  • chunt87
    chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm not sure what female difficulties you mean?

    My advice regarding rest days is "if you feel tired or worn down, take a rest day". If you feel good, work out.

    I was trying to think of a tactful way of saying spotting but failed :( It has been ridiculous as I have had an issue with this for the past 15 days or so and am on hormonal birth control.

    I think as long as I feel good I should keep chugging along too, I don't do anything extreme.
  • spatty_harris
    spatty_harris Posts: 17 Member
    Ah right. Thought you were talking about "trying to minimise bounce" or something. That's not an issue I've ever had to deal with. Have you recently changed birth control?
  • chunt87
    chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
    Ah right. Thought you were talking about "trying to minimise bounce" or something. That's not an issue I've ever had to deal with. Have you recently changed birth control?

    Not at all, no changes in medications. I am on synthroid along with my birth control but thats it. I dont take any supplements either. I did drop my carbs a bit/was just more diligent with the macros from the nutritionist then I had been. But its been kind of ridiculous.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Were you recently on antibiotics by chance?
  • hellosay
    hellosay Posts: 76 Member
    I spotted this month around ovulation for 2-3 days. Freaked out and saw a gynaecologist and she said it was normal around ovulation.
    I suggest going to a Dr. soon. Why take chances?
  • chunt87
    chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
    Nah I haven't been on any antibiotics. Now that this may in fave be a weird occurrence I will call my ob