200lbs to lose

Looking for motivational buddies! Preferably people who have lost or need to lose a similar amount, but anyone is welcome to add me. I could really use the support! I've had MFP before but deactivated because I got so frustrated with myself for falling off the wagon. But this time I'm determined. Good or bad, calories will be logged!

Add me and help me to stay on track please!


  • Jenkins2208
    Jenkins2208 Posts: 2 Member

    I'm a newby and I've got 200lbs to lose.

    Also looking for motivational weight loss friends :)
  • MsLadySJ
    MsLadySJ Posts: 4 Member
    Hi There! I did the same thing. I made my profile march of 2012, and i came back to it FINALLY tonight. Ultimately I want to lost 100lbs, But i feel like we could be great motivaters for each other! Inbox me. :)
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Laura! I've got the same goal. My profile is open to members, take a look and see you think we'd be simpatico. :smile:
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    I started at 410, I'm down to 340 now. I want to get down to 150 or around there. Once I start getting close I'll see how it feels :]
  • WelshyLady
    I've got 140lbs to lose and just started. Happy to be friends with anyone and provide motivation and accountability.
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    At my highest I needed to lose 165 (My ticker doesn't represent my highest weight) and I've lost 134 of that so far. Anyone is welcome to add me and I would love to help you all on your journey.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    My final goal is to lose 100lbs by October of next year for my wedding ... and keep it off! Short term goal is to lose 75 by January. Feel free to add me!
  • lizi4208
    lizi4208 Posts: 1
    Hello, I just restarted. I have tried many different plans to lose weight. I finally decided to just try to eat a little healthier every but stay within my calorie allowance. This is why I thought this would be a good plan. I have about 190 lbs to lose. Wow, it felt crazy to write that. Feel free to add me. Any motivation/ support is always welcome ;)
  • LadyArchangel
    LadyArchangel Posts: 124 Member
    Hi! I've got in total 188lbs to lose in total! It's nice seeing others who also have that amount to lose.