YO-YOing & loss of willpower :( general 'cba' attitude.

Hi all...
I started dieting & exercising at the beginning of Dec - even through Christmas and by the beginning of Feb I'd lost 2 stones :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

I then became a little relaxed and started treating myself here and there, but was always able to go straight back to my fitness plan and lose even more weight, (another half stone).

However since May I've been doing nothing BUT eating, I'm like a ravenous BEAST and I cannot STOP. I keep saying 'tomorrow, tomorrow' but 'tomorrow' NEVER COMES! I am NOW saying 'today', I am really going to try today.

I've gained 10lbs in total and it really shows. I really need help guys. I seem to just not CARE like I did before...even though I do care if you know what I mean. Please help. I haven't even reached my target weight yet it seems silly to quit now and give up pls help me get my motivation back. I LOVED being fit and healthy and stuff! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

I think what happened was, I saw how little I looked, and everyone kept commenting on how little I looked, so I felt happy, and when I'm happy I EAT AND DRINK ALCOHOL! Then I noticed how the weight was creeping up and so I felt sad, and when I'm sad I EAT AND DRINK ALCOHOL! Vicious cycle! HELP!


  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I'm sorry, but no one else can make you care. YOU have to care. Stop the pity party and get back to doing what you were doing when you were successful. It's hard work, but at least you know how to make it work. Treating yourself is fine - as long as it fits into your daily calories.

    Read these links, get back on a sustainable plan, and start enjoying the success again:




    ETA: Just looked at your profile - you've lost 70 pounds! You've almost there - don't you dare quit now!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm sorry, but no one else can make you care. YOU have to care. Stop the pity party and get back to doing what you were doing when you were successful. It's hard work, but at least you know how to make it work. Treating yourself is fine - as long as it fits into your daily calories.

  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    I hear ya - I lost 4 stone in 2011 (from 15 stone), had a break over Christmas and allowed myself to put half a stone back on. As I still fitted in the same clothes after that, my mind decided that was ok and by the end of the year I was 3 stone up from my lowest. Over the last few years I've gone on and off eating well and have generally stayed between 12-13 stone.

    I found that when people commented that I'd lost weight, it sort of demotivated me to carry on. I think if someone commented that I was putting weight back on again (I'd probably be offended first...) it would give me more of an incentive.

    I make sure I weigh myself regularly now to make sure the weight doesn't creep up, and log everything - even if it's two days afterwards. I found that seeing how much I was going over helped me make better choice after.

    Also, I've recently joined the nerd fitness rebellion and set myself a 6 week challenge - I think I work better with small steps and short time frames. Once I've finished this one, I'll have a few days off and set myself a new one.

    Good luck, I hope you find your willpower :)
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    We will ultimately do what we want to do the most, I lost 10 stone and put a lot of it back on this year (2 stone in June alone).

    i was having several take aways per week and had a general CBA attitude to everything not just the weight, all my original motivation to lose weight was gone in my head so I had no reasons to want to be slim and fit.

    So what I did was make two lists, on one put all the reasons why you want to lose weight, be slim fit & healthy and on the other put why you want to stay as you are now, take aways and junk food was top of my list for a long time and I had stronger reasons to stay fat than lose weight.

    The tipping point for me was 2 weeks ago when my clothes were digging in and my zip burst open from the pressure and my knees hurting whilst walking around a museum.

    Write your list, on paper so you can see it in front of you and get everything down you can think of and see which list has more reasons on