daily nutrients intake & macro ratio ..

Hi there , i did some research @ google to know what would be a good ratio for me to aid losing weight , but there's many different opinions about the right ratio ! I decided to go with 20 carbs, 40 protein, 40 fat .. though am not sure how can i lose wt. with such fat ratio ! So what do u think ?
Just to mention my daily calorie reqiurement is 1200, & i have an Endomorph-Mesomorph body type according to quiz taken on bodybiulding.com(50%,30%)..
Also, i am confused when it comes to daily nutrients requirement , for example i don't reach the cholesterol goal of 300 & take too much vitamin a , how can i get things right ?
Is the calorie limit & macro ratio ok for start?


  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    Fat doesn't make you fat; excess calories does !!
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    Also, 1200 calories is low unless you're very short. Your ticker shows you have 24lbs to lose. I suggest changing the goals to 0.5-1lb a week loss (I suspect you've got it currently set to 2lbs which is too aggressive for your current target).

    Aim to hit the calorie goal and get as close to your macro targets as you can. Don't worry so much about the micronutrients; it is very difficult to hit those as well and it's perfectly fine to go over on cholesterol (and very easy to do if you eat eggs) !!
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    1200 is quite low - why did you decide on that amount? Do you have 100lb to lose?

    As people lose weight, particularly on such a massive deficit, they lose muscle mass as well as fat, eating a lot of protein can help to retain muscle mass. I'm on 40c/30p/30f which is quite common.
  • Ran_gh
    Ran_gh Posts: 7 Member
    Well, the 1200 is what i get on MFP after setting my goal to 1kg/week ! I changed it to 0.5kg/week & it remmonded a 1270calories a day ..I am not short i am 167cm tall ..
    Would u recommend even a higher calorie intake ? What's average & what's too low ?
    & for the macro ratio,is 40f 40p 20c reasonable goal?
  • slatrenta
    slatrenta Posts: 11 Member
    NEVER go by online calculator ratios for macro nutrients. The calories calculators will give you a rough estimate what your maintenance calories are. But again this is just an estimate. Your weight fluctuates everyday, therefor you maintenance calories fluctuate everyday, so its pretty much non sense. Its all trial and error. Pick a number. Lets say 2400. Eat that amount everyday all week with doing the same amount of daily activities. If you gain, its to high, if you lose then you are in a deficit and will lose fat. Now as far as macros go. EVERYONE responds to different macro nutrient break downs. Me for example, i was once very overweight, therefore my body is very insulin sensitive .Meaning my body does not handle a lot of carbs well. On the upside my body does respond well to fat, so you better believe my hand is always in the peanut butter jar ha. You have to find what works for your body. These websites are cookie cutter. They arent tailored to individuals.

    Also always start a fat loss phase with calories as high as possible and adjust from there. You always want to have room to wiggle if and when you hit a plateau (and you will) If you start too low in calories you will have nowhere to go and i doubt you want to do hours and hours of cardio. Plus your body will go into starvation mode and will not give up any fat. So you would be working all for nothing.

    Please message me if you would like to speak some more :)