Any of you folks tried Plexus Slim?



  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I successfully lost weight on Plexus Slim.

    I also successfully gained it all back when I stopped using it.

    It was nasty, made me feel sick (too sick to eat), and so tired that I couldn't function properly. I know so many people who lost weight on it, and they, like me, gained it all back. Using the product is definitely not sustainable. At some point, a person has to start holding themselves accountable for how much they eat instead of depending on the latest fad diet to do all the work for them.
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    I successfully lost weight on Plexus Slim.

    I also successfully gained it all back when I stopped using it.

    It was nasty, made me feel sick (too sick to eat), and so tired that I couldn't function properly. I know so many people who lost weight on it, and they, like me, gained it all back. Using the product is definitely not sustainable. At some point, a person has to start holding themselves accountable for how much they eat instead of depending on the latest fad diet to do all the work for them.

    omfg someone with a brain

  • I am currently on Plexus Slim, my first week on it, I lost 10 lbs, but I also didn't eat hardly anything and like many posts, I was spending more time in the bathroom. My fight right now is trying to eat things that will help with weight loss while on this. I am finally 2 lbs from my original week, but then again I have only been on this for about 3 weeks. I see the inches coming off and I feel better, I am currently looking for a meal plan that will work with me and my family. It sucks having to make two different meals each night. I do have to say, before starting this I hardly drank any water now I am drinking at least 96 oz of water a day. I am now needing to find a workout plan that isn't going to ask for more than 20 minutes a day that I can do at home.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Uh you're not suppose to eat less. You eat more in smaller portions to increase or speed up your metabolism. Especially if you work out as well. Your body will burn more fat caloried if it knows it's getting the nutrition it needs, 5-6 small meals a day. As for the plexus stats I say do your homework and research the vast internet for answers. To each there own.

    This caused me to facepalm so hard I may have a concussion, so much fail right here.

    OP, diuretics and stimulants are not the answer, you'll lose some water and waste weight in the short term, but you're not going to speed up your metabolism with some magic concoction. Calorie deficit is what works, not MLM schemes.

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I don't eat anything with "slim" in it. :smile: I try to eat food that's been cooked by me or if not, food that is not TOO processed.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Isn't this another MLM scheme that swears it's herbal?

    Why can't people ever learn that weight loss isn't that difficult if you have a calculator and can input data.

    People on this site are pretty much anti-assistance/drugs/"weight-loss-supplements". In the end you have to eat less and move more. Preferably without spending money on some "diet scam".

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Uh you're not suppose to eat less. You eat more in smaller portions to increase or speed up your metabolism. Especially if you work out as well. Your body will burn more fat caloried if it knows it's getting the nutrition it needs, 5-6 small meals a day. As for the plexus stats I say do your homework and research the vast internet for answers. To each there own.

    "Their." sorry I'm a jerk about that.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member

    Yep. I heard on the internet if you wear a batman costume while you work out. Your metabolism speeds up and burns all your fat while your muscles inflate and you turn into Christian bale. You can purchase these on the Dr Oz show.

    I'm laughing so hard right now. Seriously!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    In the end you have to eat less and move more. Preferably without spending money on some "diet scam".
    THAT is what is so great about Plexus.... it gives you energy to move more, and makes you full faster so you eat less!! I was watching what I eat for months!! Nothing was happening until I started on Plexus. I didn't lose 12 lbs in 2 weeks(and would never suggest that as a healthy loss), but I did lose 60 lbs in 6 months when I didn't lose anything doing the same stuff without Plexus. It's also helped me with my knee pain, gotten rid of my migraines, given me better sleep at night and helped me with my surgery recovery.
    If you want to know more, just message me! :)

    Blah blah blah.....
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    In the end you have to eat less and move more. Preferably without spending money on some "diet scam".
    THAT is what is so great about Plexus.... it gives you energy to move more, and makes you full faster so you eat less!! I was watching what I eat for months!! Nothing was happening until I started on Plexus. I didn't lose 12 lbs in 2 weeks(and would never suggest that as a healthy loss), but I did lose 60 lbs in 6 months when I didn't lose anything doing the same stuff without Plexus. It's also helped me with my knee pain, gotten rid of my migraines, given me better sleep at night and helped me with my surgery recovery.
    If you want to know more, just message me! :)

    Here's the "Proprietary Blend" (aka the easy way of saying a bunch of stuff mixed together)

    "Proprietary blend of Chlorogenic Acid (from Green Coffee Caffea arabica Bean) Extract (contains less than 2% natural caffeine), Garcinia cambogia Fruit Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Hoodia gordonii Whole Plant Extract."

    Of course this is going to give you energy but you want to know an easier way to get practically the SAME energy for about $6?

    Drink 2 to 4 cups of green tea spread out throughout the day...when that starts to not work as hard switch to stronger brand or an oolong tea.

    This is jus another MLM scheme.

    You can buy all the same ingredients through supplements via BodyBuilding, Supplement Warehouse or other trustworthy suppliers for A LOT less.

    Also you can not lose weight and sustain it without a good foundation of knowing HOW weight loss happens and WHY food is important to success. These companies teach "Drink this over hyped caffeine blend and lose weight!"...of course you will drop water weight because green tea & garcinia cambogia will make you PISS like no other, it's a natural diuretic. The weight you are losing is not intramuscular fat, subcutaneous fat or visceral fat. You are merely pissing out water which will show on the scale that you've lost weight but will not reduce body fat.

    Diet & Nutrition > Exercise > Supplements in that order for weight loss and supplements are not even necessary in most cases.

    These people are ripping you blindfolded people off left & right...

    You know what's worse? The people who believe and buy this "mierda!" It makes me sad. :sad: Now you've made me cry!!!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Uh you're not suppose to eat less. You eat more in smaller portions to increase or speed up your metabolism. Especially if you work out as well. Your body will burn more fat caloried if it knows it's getting the nutrition it needs, 5-6 small meals a day. As for the plexus stats I say do your homework and research the vast internet for answers. To each there own.

    Yep. I heard on the internet if you wear a batman costume while you work out. Your metabolism speeds up and burns all your fat while your muscles inflate and you turn into Christian bale. You can purchase these on the Dr Oz show.

    Bwa HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

    I love those plastic sweatshirts the little latina women wear in the gym. (PS...I'm latina too in case the other readers are about to call me a racist.)
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    Uh you're not suppose to eat less. You eat more in smaller portions to increase or speed up your metabolism. Especially if you work out as well. Your body will burn more fat caloried if it knows it's getting the nutrition it needs, 5-6 small meals a day. As for the plexus stats I say do your homework and research the vast internet for answers. To each there own.

    This caused me to facepalm so hard I may have a concussion, so much fail right here.

    OP, diuretics and stimulants are not the answer, you'll lose some water and waste weight in the short term, but you're not going to speed up your metabolism with some magic concoction. Calorie deficit is what works, not MLM schemes.


    Actually, that post had a little truth to it, If you eat 5 to 6 small meals a day it will definitely speed up your metabolism. It has been proven and it is also the method used to for diabetics to control their blood sugar, which in turn, helps them keep their weight down and/or lose weight.
  • Alg1018
    Alg1018 Posts: 1
    First of all, why do people need to be mean about someones post or opinions. A lot of people have joined MFP for the support to help them reach their weight loss goals. Many like me do not have the support at home or around them so they join MFP to try and get that. I do not think you can knock someone for trying something that may or may not be for you. It makes me very sad to see how rude and obnoxious people have been on this post. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but we are all adults and I think we can handle ourselves a little better. I know my weight loss has been a struggle for years and I have met some great people on my fitness pal and when I see stuff like this it makes me very upset. Please try to be helpful in a positive way instead of making someone feel bad about themselves or making a mockery of them..I do not know the person who post the question about Plexus Slim but I felt very bad....let try and be nice to each other and supportive.....just a suggestion. Kindness matters!!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    In for the sequel. And the plot twist.

  • mwbrandt49
    mwbrandt49 Posts: 1 Member
    You guys should check out I just increased my macros from1350-2000 . I have increase muscle and maintained my current weight. Don't starve yourself it's not about eating less. Its about eating to fuel your body! Good luck to all.
  • I will eat as much as I need to but stay within my calorie goal. Calories and Exercise are what I'm focused on. I just need Plexus to be a boost for me. I'm debating on trying it.
  • jprez10
    jprez10 Posts: 1
    As someone who has radically changed their life, lost 70 lbs, and am now HEALTHY - I can attest that losing weight and getting healthy is SO much more than watching your calories. PLEXUS knows this and their products address deeper issues than just calories. The main issue is blood sugar. Spikes in blood sugar cause cravings and cause you to store fat. The headline Plexus products manage your blood sugar by keeping it stable. Therefore your fat storage hormones aren't going crazy and your cravings for overeating decrease. Their products also boost energy and speed up metabolism, helping you lose those extra pounds that you just can't get off.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    Please do your own research

    You can check out all of the Plexus products here -

    Strong first post Kacie.