Sneaky Foods



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I was very surprised at my turkey taco salad...without the can be over 700 calories...and I eat it a lot...

    I have worked at getting the calories down by using greek yogurt instead of sour cream, only using 1 serving of lite cheese shredded of course...but even without nuts, bacon, croutons etc...that calories are high.

    I find prelogging food helps keep that "surprise" at bay.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    For me the sneakiest foods have been things like coffee creamers and dressings. What I thought was 2 TBS of dressing was actually 3-4. Those calories can add up quick not to mention the added fats and sugars.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I have reduced my intake of wheat, bread, pasta, baked goods, not because of gluten or carbs, but because of the calories. I get so much more taste and variety from full fat dairy and meats, fish, nuts, eggs, fruit and vegetables. Wheat and carbs are great for energy, but I don't need so much of that, I'm a small and quite sedentary woman. I can eat anything though - portion control is the key.
  • TwirleySlims
    TwirleySlims Posts: 112
    Pretty sure the point of MFP is not avoid foods because of their calories but to include them in your daily goals?

    ^ This! :D
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Cheese has lots of cals but it's the perfect food when you need fat + protein and no carbs.

    Sometimes when something is higher in calories I end up asking myself is this worth the calories.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Yup, some of the first things people learn when changing their habits is that a) healthy doesn't mean low in calorie and b) even most healthy foods have to be eaten in moderation.

    The yogurt parfait that surprised you? Probably had 2-3 times the yogurt than in a healthy "serving" and if there was granola, well, granola comes in anywhere between 150-400 calories per OUNCE depending on the style/flavor/brand, and most parfaits I've seen at restaurants or convenience stores use 3 times that amount (and not the lower calorie variety). I make my own yogurt parfait all the time, it comes in around 350 calories: 5-6 ounces of yogurt, one ounce or less of granola (and I look at labels and usually don't bring home the higher calorie kinds) or other cereal for crunch, and maybe some berries or melon. Sometimes, if I've been low on protein and high on carbs that day, I skip the granola and add about a half ounce of sunflower seeds or crushed almonds or pistachios instead.

    Many delicious looking store bought muffins, if you look at the serving size, are meant to be at least 2 servings. Please, who's eating half a muffin!? (MFPers, that's who, lol)

    So yeah, you don't have to cut all those things out, but beware portion sizes. It's a learning process. After a while, you'll be able to look at most things and have an understanding of what a reasonable portion should look like...but even then, I still check labels.

    If you are used to eating larger portions, it may seem challenging to reduce the amount you are used to eating. You can do things like mix granola with a lower calorie, higher volume cereal (adding a half a cup of Cheerios, for example, only adds 50 calories, but could double the volume or your snack) or have half of the muffin, with a cup of berries. You can still have those higher calorie items, just have less of them, and then add some lower calorie item to make your meal or snack feel like it's enough food.
  • gretlarson
    gretlarson Posts: 52 Member
    Restaurant salads! It's the cheese, croutons, fruit, meat! My favorite salad -- Pecan Crusted Chicken Tender Salad at O'Charley's -- is 1420 with the Balsamic Vinigrette. I used to eat it all the time! Along with a couple of their rolls at 130 each! Even when I get a side salad now, I always ask for no croutons, no cheese. Just the veggies. Dressing on the side and I dip the tines of my fork in the dressing and then stab a bite.

    This one is so true. I went to Wendy's one day. There isn't a Wendy's where I live and it reminds me of home so I went there. I ordered the apple salad. I looked at the nutritional board and it said it was 350 calories for the whole salad. I hadn't eaten much that day so I ordered it. I come home and search nutritionals on their web site and that didn't include the dressing (I only had one packet of that thankfully) or the little nut packet they give you. I think that is close to false advertising. I would have much rather known up front what the caloric cost of this salad with all the stuff that goes with it is, than finding out later. I would have done better getting the grilled chicken sandwich with a side salad.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member

    Many delicious looking store bought muffins, if you look at the serving size, are meant to be at least 2 servings. Please, who's eating half a muffin!? (MFPers, that's who, lol)

    So many packaged foods do this and it irks me lol. Like Pop-tarts, Yakisoba's, those "individual" bowls of Campbell's soups. They package it to look like individual portions and then you read the number of servings and it says 2 or about 2. :grumble:

    Like so many people learn using this site, that's why it's SO important to read labels carefully and measure/weigh everything.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have been on this site for over a year now and honestly after the first month or so I have not had a lot of surprises. Probably the biggest two for me were tortillas and cheese. I love making Mexican or Tex Mex at home, but I used to throw on SO much shredded cheese without realizing it's pretty high calorie. When I made quesadillas, I used SO many tortillas and even the small fajita size ones I buy are 77 cal/each with a lot of sodium. The first time my husband made quesadillas for us I couldn't fathom each of us each having just 1-2 tortillas (I used to use up a whole pkg of 10 tortillas when making 2-3 servings!!) but now it seems normal to me and I fill them up with a LOT of stuff for the same calories I used to use on multiple tortillas spread thin with cheese & veggies.

    When it comes to chocolate, ice cream, and hamburgers, I have been pleasantly surprised. For some reason I had it in my head that a burger with mustard from Steak N' Shake would still be like 800+ calories, and it's not even half of that. A Cadbury egg is 150 cal and I imagined it to be MORE cals/fat/etc than a Snickers bar so that was a nice shock in the opposite direction :-)
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I was actually kind of surprised at how much more an actual serving of peanut butter or nutella is than the amount that I put on a piece of toast. I usually weigh out the equivalent of a tablespoon and that's about as much as I used to put on without measuring (or course, that doesn't count what I would eat out of the jar…)

    Pasta was one on the worst - cheese I was actually kind of surprised, again, at how much larger an ounce was than I thought. Still less than I would like to eat sometimes, but certainly enough for a sandwich.

    Agree^. Some of my surprises were actually like yours. Peanut butter and cheese "servings" are SO much larger than I use, and I LOVE peanut butter and cheese. Once I got my scale, I found out I really only use less than a tablespoon (1/2 of the 2 T. serving on the jar) for a sandwich. Hmmm, it wasn't the PB that made me fat (well, it was EVERYTHING, but I digress). And cheese? Well I pretty well was always using 1 ounce servings, naturally. Hmm.

    I was surprised mostly by my meat portions. I LOVE chicken and steak, and what I thought were "deck of cards" appropriate portions were likely 6 oz. or more (umm, I could totally pack away a 12oz. steak). And, smothered in butter and oils and cream sauces. WHOOPS! Meats, always weigh your meats, folks! And be sure to use the appropriate "raw" or "cooked" database item as needed for the situation.

    PS: Bacon (2 slices) IS "healthier" calorie wise than two sausage patties (YMMV on brand, size etc.). Who-da thunk it? BACON forever!
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I think salads are one of the most misleading meals!! People (including myself) think they eat salad and automatically think it is low cal. Not always the case. Dressing are high in calories and so are many toppings.

    I actually do not avoid anything, I just now look at the calorie content of what I'm eating first on MFP or a website, and I weigh/measure mostly everything now.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Keep in mind that caloric density has nothing at all to do with actual nutritional quality and being healthy or not. There are numerous high calorie foods that are extremely nutritious; conversely, there are any number of low calorie foods that are pretty much void of any actual nutrition.

    I don't avoid anything, I just pay attention and I weigh out most high calorie foods.
  • pbbagel
    pbbagel Posts: 53 Member
    For me, alcohol. If I eat a 500 calorie meal I'll be full and satisfied. If I go out drinking I can easily drink 800+ calories of alcohol. If I control myself and have 3 drinks, that's still around 500-600 calories.
  • kpchefai
    kpchefai Posts: 54 Member
    I think muffins are the worst offenders. I used to love muffins in the morning but now I would much rather eat those calories later in the day. Plus when I eat something like that I am usually starving 1-2 hours later so it sets my whole day up for failure.

    I used to eat a bagel toasted with cream cheese every morning but they don't really taste all that great so I switched to english muffins since I like carby breakfasts and shaved off 150-200 calories. I don't miss the bagels at all.

    I find myself avoiding pasta lately since it's just not worth the calories for me unless I know it going to be really good.

    I had to completely re-train myself on portion size which is probably the biggest contributor.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The other day I was taking a shower and I got all soaped up and had some soap in my eye and as I was rinsing it out to where I could finally open my eyes, there was a damn potato in the shower staring at me! Totally snuck up on me when I wasn't ready!!

    Seriously though I tend not to avoid foods. I do think logging a meal in advance is a good plan so you don't get surprised by the calorie totals.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member

    Many delicious looking store bought muffins, if you look at the serving size, are meant to be at least 2 servings. Please, who's eating half a muffin!? (MFPers, that's who, lol)

    So many packaged foods do this and it irks me lol. Like Pop-tarts, Yakisoba's, those "individual" bowls of Campbell's soups. They package it to look like individual portions and then you read the number of servings and it says 2 or about 2. :grumble:

    Like so many people learn using this site, that's why it's SO important to read labels carefully and measure/weigh everything.

    I hate this! They really need to put the calories for the entire thing. I like to buy the individual serving Digorno's Stuffed Crust Pizza every now and then. Used to be more often until I realized the serving size was 2! Who eats half a mini pizza for ONE?? Why would they even do that?!
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    I was shocked by a ton of foods, both the calories in them, and the amount of an actual serving. I still struggle with what I "think" a serving should be! lol Peanut butter, cheese and most of my sweets (donuts, muffins, brownies...) the calories shocked me.
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    Dried Fruits and nuts where the kickers for me: I didn't realize how calorie dense they are. I still have them but in smaller amounts. Check out this link to see for yourself
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    PS, good foods for all those who can't eat enough calories in a day..... not my problem :smile:
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Speaking of sneaky foods, anything Monsanto touches. And no GMO label requirements? And why are we still putting high fructose corn syrup in everything!? I don't avoid any foods due to calorie content, i just portion them now. The foods i do avoid now are a result of reading labels for so many years. Mainly stick to the farmers market or outside perimeter at the grocery store.
    Agreed. We had people over for burgers and the expiration date on our ketchup was 2 years past. I use pure tomato paste instead of ketchup because of the HFCS. I've even made my own pickle relish.