Being made fun of at the gym?



  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    ....I'm recovering from broken kneecaps....

    All I want to know is when you first got involved with the mob.

    LOL at this (above).

    OP, I am sorry to hear this gym incident happened to you. Those guys were incredibly rude and jerky. Please don't let it stop you from pursuing your weight loss and fitness goals. There are a lot of good people out there, these guys were just a couple of bad apples. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • deviant_illusion
    deviant_illusion Posts: 32 Member
    Sucks people act like this. I am kinda lucky in the fact that I honestly don't care what people think.
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    Stupid is as stupid does. I, too, am glad that you have thick skin. I don't. I would pretend that I didnt' know they were talking about me and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I'm focused like that. Eventually I would get where I wanted to go and be happy without regard to those idiots. I appreciate your desire to protect the sensitive ones, but unfortunately, it takes all kinds to exist in this world. Perhaps the sensitive ones will get some encouragement from those of us who understand. Thanks for posting.
  • daychasingnight
    daychasingnight Posts: 11 Member
    ....I'm recovering from broken kneecaps....

    All I want to know is when you first got involved with the mob.

    More importantly, could she use her connections to deal with the jerks in the gym?

    I would be careful. The mob have eyes everywhere.
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    If I had your mentality, I'd keep going back just to throw it back in their face.

    But me, I'm an introvert so I exercise at home. My social anxiety would never let me go in a gym. Like ever.

    So I say more power to you. Go back, work your *kitten* off, and laugh at them when you're where you want to be.

    I live in the world's smallest place at the moment and don’t have the room to exercise at home, or else I definitely would. What exercises do you do at home/do you have any special equipment/etc?

    I also have a form of social anxiety and that mixed with the fact that I dislike people, the gym isn't exactly ideal for me, but it'll do for now. :smile:

    Right now I have a simple bench and a non-Olympic bar set. I am doing SL 5x5, but am in the beginning weeks so the weights aren't that heavy. I did; however, just yesterday maxed the bar out doing my Deadlift.

    At the end of this month my company will know if we are getting a bonus. If we are, I'm buying an olympic bar and weight set with a power rack. The wife also has a treadmill. But I'm not into cardio as I feel weight loss comes from your diet. Exercising is for building muscle. Just my opinion :happy:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Good for you for carrying on! Don't let anyone push you out of the gym.

    Of course the police might have had to drag me out after I ask "you got a f'ing problem?"
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member

    I read your posting and my blood started to boil!

    How dare they - you are paying your subs like anyone else to use that gym!

    You know I have never experienced this at the gym - always found everyone too focused on their own workout to care what the person next to them looks like.

    However there is always the odd ****** , seems like you gym has a few of them! Does your gym have a ladies only section? some gyms do and they are comfortable for ladies to exercise. Until you build your confidence can you visit during off peak times - e.g. during the day the gym is usually not too busy. If it's like my gym in North London - more like a club for chatting at that time of day;-0

    Take care and keep going you have as much right to get fit and exercise as anyone else.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Next time ask them if they go to the hospital to make fun of sick people too.

    sorry about that- and good for you. Keep getting in there and working your butt off.
  • There is a local radio personality that goes to my gym. I never see him working out, he is always standing around talking, and apparently he is under the impression that because (in his mind) he is a "celebrity" everyone wants his opinion. One day he came up to me and asked me, loudly and in front of several others, if I had tried an exercise called "push aways". When I said no, he started laughing and said it was called "pushing away from the table". I was mortified... I left the gym in tears and to this day (that was months ago) I avoid the gym whenever I think he will be there. When I told my boyfriend about it, after the initial anger passed, he gave me some really good advice. He told me I should have looked this guy dead in the eye and said "Why would you say such a thing to me". It's amazing that direct eye contact and a simple sentence can shut down someone being totally thoughtless and obnoxious. I haven't tried it yet because I've not seen him, but I am prepared the next time he offers an unsolicited comment.
  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    I go to the gym to workout and leave, so I don't pay attention to anybody, and if I hear them saying something and (think is about me) I would ignore them, because I don't really care what people have to say about me.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    You do not owe them anything,. You have nothing to defend, I would not waste another thought on those a##holes.
  • mww12
    mww12 Posts: 7 Member
    I can be kind of a **** when stuff like that happens. I would immediately start laughing my *kitten* off, and when they asked what was funny, I would say "The blatantly obvious overcompensation. I mean, is it a micropeen or premature ejaculation that you're covering up with that inflated ego?"

    Micropeen. Brilliant.
  • I'm sorry they treated you that way. Congratulations on making it to the gym though! Keep up the good work so that you can get the last laugh.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Wow. Just wow. At my local Y there is every shape, size, age...and I can honestly say that if I see someone who is overweight working out I just wanna say to them, "Way to go! Keep it up!" So I'm sure there were others there thinking the same thing. Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Use this experience to fire you up and kick *kitten*.:)
  • KimberlinaB
    KimberlinaB Posts: 4,018 Member
    People are D*#KS.

    The fact that you are going and you are trying is a big deal.
    You could be home sitting around doing nothing, but you're choosing to make an effort.
    That basic ignorance isn't cool at all.
    They weren't born "Perfect" although, I'm sure they think they were.
    Everyone's gotta start somewhere :)

    Keep on going, don't let those bullies win. :)
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Today was my first day at the gym. Ever. I'm recovering from broken kneecaps and just got the go-ahead from a doctor to start doing some real exercise. I'm still a bit dubious and thought I'd try out slow, to build up my confidence.

    Now I'm the first to admit that I'm overweight, however I wouldn't say I'm huge. My before and after pictures are not going to be like those 'miracle product' adverts. I'm definitely the biggest person in my gym that I've seen though - everyone seems to be muscular, toned, and out of some Hollister advert. Good for them etc.

    (This is all besides the point, sorry. I'm just trying to paint the scene.)

    I was listening to music whilst doing an exercise, when it stopped, I heard laughing from behind me and a few men commenting on me and how 'pathetic it was that the fatties still try' etc etc etc. I ignored them, which was hard, because they kept going at it for a fair few minutes. In retrospect, maybe I should have turned around and defended myself.

    Luckily I have pretty thick skin, and I don't really give a s**t what others think, but I can imagine that some people might never go back to the gym after something like that. It's a bit sad really.

    I basically, in a very long-winded way, wanted to say to people who have been made fun of at the gym or those who will be, just ignore the idiots and don't let them get to you. Cliché advice but :flowerforyou:

    Don't let a few losers crush your spirit! Never give up on you. :happy:
  • bohoT
    bohoT Posts: 37 Member
    I can be kind of a **** when stuff like that happens. I would immediately start laughing my *kitten* off, and when they asked what was funny, I would say "The blatantly obvious overcompensation. I mean, is it a micropeen or premature ejaculation that you're covering up with that inflated ego?"

    This 100%

    Imagine how small (pun soooooo intended) their lives and egos are if they are desperate for validation. Ugh, I don’t even want to imagine what they are compensating for. ..
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Eurgh. They sound like horrible men.

    Why are they at the gym in the first place? They must have been unhappy with themselves at some point to start going there.
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    To the fatty running on the Westview track this afternoon:

    You, whose feet barely lift off the ground as you trudge around the track. You, who keeps the outside lane, footslogging in the wrong direction. You, who stops for water breaks every lap, and who would probably stop twice a lap if there were bleachers on both sides. You whose gaze drops to your feet everytime we pass. You, whose sweat drenches your body after you leave, completing only a single, 20-minute mile...Every shallow step you take, you carry the weight of more than two of me, clinging to your bones, begging to be shaken off. Each lap you run, you’re paying off the debt of another midnight snack, another dessert, another beer. It’s 20 degrees outside, but you haven’t let that stop your regimen. This isn’t your first day out here, and it certainly won’t be your last. You’ve started a journey that lasts a lifetime, and you’ve started it at least 12 days before your New Year’s resolution kicks in. You run without music, and I can only imagine the mantras running through your mind as you heave your ever-shrinking mass around the next lap. Let’s go, feet. Shut up, legs. F**k off, fat. If you’d only look up from your feet the next time we pass, you’d see my gaze has no condescension in it. I have nothing but respect for you.

    You’ve got this.'

    it just makes me smile.
    That is wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Very inspirational. Also, if that profile picture is you, WOW! You're beautiful. I hope that you shake that social anxiety. I'm glad that you found something that makes you smile.