Looking for a cheering section


I am 48 years old. Feel like I'm 20 but my body feels like it's 90 some days. The aches n pains are creepin in something fierce and I know that it is mostly due to my wieght. 250 lbs I believe at my last Dr appt a month ago.

I KNOW what needs to be done. I am LAZY. I look at pictures of myself from the past 20 years and wonder where it all let go and run amuk. After my last child I guess - my "baby" is now 18. WAY too much chaos in my life to concentrate on ME. I have always put others first. I'm still not sure that I will be able to focus on me - I've even quit the gym because I didn't have 1/2 hour to spare for ME.

Decided that $34/mo. could be put to better use for our bills. I can do sit ups, toe touches, shadow boxing & walking all for FREE. I just have to DO it.

I hope I stick to it this time. I am on facebook way too much - so I hope I make it a habit to pop into here now. Tried once before & logging everything every day became an issue because I do not have a computer at home. . .

Sounds kind of boring when I type it all out - - - hope someone is able to find me and give me some ooompaa!!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • cupcakes920
    You can do it! If you don't make time for you, no one will. :o)
  • imaglo52
    imaglo52 Posts: 5 Member
    :happy: Keep with it I have degeneritive disk decease, arthritis and fibromyalgia. I am 58 and overweight I have already reduced 10lbs of xmas weight by water aerobics and walking. You will have more energy and feel better if you hang in there, write everything done so you think about the food you put in your mouth. Drink water or tea not pop you will lose right away. Feeling better is worth it so hang in there!
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    motivation is the hardest thing. for me I have to make small changes and then I have to constantly congratulate myself for them. And if you can find someone to partner with...even if for just one small thing like taking a walk at lunchtime a few days a week...it really helps keep you motivated. I do this and the days when I really don't feel like walking my coworkers say, "are you ready?" and so I put my shoes on and go with them. Otherwise the whole day would go by and I wouldn't move my butt. Planning your meals and planning what you want to eat before you get to the restaurant are also good ways to help you stick to it.

    Ultimately there are a lot of people on this site that feel the way you do - you are not alone. and although it sucks to look at the pictures and think about how badly you've done, you are capable of doing better and there are people here who are supportive when you need it. Just logging your food is a step in the right direction - and it means that you've choosen this time to do something for YOU. and that's a big deal. :flowerforyou:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Send me a friend request if you like! i'm happy to do what I can to help!

    I'm not sure where all my weight came from...crappy food in college and 16 hour days in grad school I guess. Then after I met my husband we both became complacent and gaind weight. Plus, we were on a seroius budget for the first couple of years of our relationship. (hot dogs and mac and cheese etc.)

    Just remember when it comes to exercise every little bit counts. Take a 10 min walk at lunch befor eyou eat. jog in place at your desk for 1 minute 3 times a day. anything to be more active.

    Good Luck! :happy:
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    As a wife and mother myself, and someone who works MORE than full time I have a history of putting everyone and everything before myself as well. All this did was get me into obesity over a number of years.
    I always wanted to be slim and healthy, tried every fad diet on the market at one time or another trying to find something that worked for me. Little did I know that I was completely in control the whole time, if I had spent a small portion of the time and effort on all these fads toward researching how to do it properly I could have avoided a lot of wasted time and money.

    When my Dad died I vowed to make healthier changes in my life, but that didn't last long just like every other fad diet because I didn't know how to live healthier. Then when I turned 40 it was my "ah ha" moment. My dad died just after his 60th birthday and I suddenly had the horrible thought that unless I changed my ways I would turn out exactly like him so had already lived for 2/3 of my life and only had a measly 20 years left.

    I signed up on MFP November 2009 and logged every morsel for the first 6 months without losing a pound. I needed this time to review my daily choices, and to teach myself how to shop, prepare, and eat in a healthier way. I decided on May 17th last year that I would put everything I learned into practice. I have lost about 50 pounds since then and am now only 30 pounds from my goal.

    The biggest things I learned:
    #1 - take 1 day at a time, don't think past today, do everything in your power to avoid temptation, eat your correct amount of calories with healthy "clean" food and drink that water . . . but only focus on TODAY!
    #2 - Plan, plan, plan. I do up a 2 week menu plan including all meals and snacks and hang it on the fridge (we are paid every 2 weeks so build my grocery list from this). The better you plan the less likely you are to grab something quick (which is usually not the healthiest option). This makes grabbing lunches for work easy and we always know what to take out for dinner, etc. We waste nothing now as well because I only buy what is on the "plan"
    #3 - cut out sweets. When you eat sweets it makes your body crave them even more. This includes diet pop and artificial sweenters. I avoided all sweets for almost 2 months before my cravings subsided.

    If a subborn, set in her ways, woman like me can do this you can too!

    Welcome to MFP!
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    your post to me made me have tears in my eyes - thank you. I appreciate all you have said VERY much!

    I have trouble with the diet soda thing - I am addicted to caffien and have 4 cans of Diet Dew each day before noon. I tried working on cutting down but flavored waters and teas just don't cut it & give me heartburn. I am a sedentary secretary and the snack box is only a room away. MFP pals GIVE ME STRENGTH!

    THANK you again - I am taking one day at a time - with wonderful people like you, I may just get a few steps ahead this time!:flowerforyou: