Home stretch

vikkiec12 Posts: 10 Member
Hi everyone!
I am nearly at my goal and only need to lose about 5lbs to get there. I'm finding it very difficult to do and am looking for friends in the same position who will help motivate me. My diary is open and I log every day, so feel free to add me. Hopefully I can help you too.

Look forward to finally getting to my goal :) any help is much appreciated.


  • Jarrod4275
    Jarrod4275 Posts: 37
    Congrats! Well done. I know how you feel. I am down to my last 14.5 pounds to reach my 82 pounds lost goal. What an awesome journey. I hope these last 5 for you drop as quickly as the first 5! :happy:
  • vikkiec12
    vikkiec12 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you! And congrats to yourself as well. Good luck :smile:
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I'm almost there, too. My original goal was 145, but at around 155, I realized I had more than 10 pounds left to lose - so I changed it to 140... I'm currently 144, so w/i 5 pounds... but I'm thinking I'll drop another 10 before I'm done. We'll see. I'm 5'4, so those weights are all w/i my healthy BMI. Good luck - and you look great!