Hi, I'm Pat and I'm A Fataholic

Good evening, morning, night, and afternoon to everyone reading this. My name is Pat and i have been on my weight journey for TOO DAMN LONG!!! Ive lost gained, gained and lost. Been on every diet, pill, workout, gym, plan, powder, and diet bar you can think of, ive been to the hospital, had aches and pains cause of my weight, have to sleep with a CPAP machine, and the list goes on and on and on...but you know the one crazy thing that has finally kicked my butt into gear....VANITY.

Yep Thats right, not afraid to say it...VANITY. I walk through clothing stores and see these nice ties and shirts, but not in my size, i see these awesome graphic tees that go high as a 3x (a small 3x), but im at least a well fitting 5x or loose fitting 6x. Paying ridiculous prices for jeans cause of the bigger size, you all know what im talking about...Here a little weight history

1999----215 (wrestling weight in high school)
2001----275 (played football and wrestled heavyweight senior year)
2003----320 (college)
2005----390 ( dropped out of college to work full-time..stupid i know)
2007----441 (this might not be accurate, cause i bought i scale that was 440lbs..and it read ERR when i stepped on it)
2009----325 (gym 5 days a week, veggie and fruit based diet)
2010----380 (deep depression from life tragedy)
2011----435 (honestly, cant tell ya , but it happened)
2012 to 2013----430 (well i lost 5 lbs)

NOW- i am currently 400 lbs, i have been doing 2 hour work outs 5 days a week, everything from walk, jogging, kickboxing, cardio workouts, weight lifting. My diet is most nutribullet juices and alot of protein, i havent stepped on a scale, and i wont but once a month, but i know ive lost inches

So why tell you all of this?

cause i want like minded people, people with a similar history of weight problems, people who are just so sick and tired or hurting, being in pain, having trouble sleeping, walking, buying clothes, or taking meds, and want to actually be friends here on myfitnesspal and help and encourage each other to finally lose this ****ing weight and keep it off

so please if you want, add me or ask me to add you and lets do this, cause being honest, i am so tired...


  • mweb21
    mweb21 Posts: 18 Member
    I feel ya man. I was big my whole life, stayed away from scales. I had to sleep with a cpap machine as well. At one of my biggest times, about a decade ago, i was 315-320 and decided for health and yes, vanity reasons too, that I needed to lose. I dropped to 198. Kept it off for a year or two then slowly it crept back on, all the way up to 337 (as of April of this year). In April, I decided again to get serious. I have dropped 32lbs so far. Today, I was just searching the message boards for inspiration since I didn't lose anything this week even though I did ok exercise and mostly eating right. It gets frustrating.

    Your story has given me the inspiration I need this morning. I'm not the only one in this fight. Keep it up.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    You sound awesome, let's be pals. :drinker:
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Definitely! Add me!
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Add me if u want. I'm at my lowest weight in 15 years and I've tried and done everything. Finally figured out what worked and learned its a LIFETIME thing, not just a weight loss thing. :-)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Aren't ties one size fits all? :)

    Good luck on your journey!
  • cindyb1984
    cindyb1984 Posts: 203 Member
    I understand. Back in 2005 I was 285lbs. I got down to 198 at the end of 2006.
    Since then, I have gained right back up to 340lbs. (well 353 but I have lost 13)
    Please feel free to add me
  • ShellF415
    ShellF415 Posts: 182 Member
    Hey Pat, story of my life and FINALLY I think I've made it a lifestyle and not a diet but it's slow. I'm moving up closer to the front of the rack when I'm clothes shopping instead of digging around for the biggest sizes but I've got a ways to go to the really cute clothes. Sending a friend request.
  • Marie285
    Marie285 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, ties are one size fits all but.....you see a particulary shirt that you like, that would go great with a particulary tie you really like and then the shirt does not come in your size. So I undersand Pat's feelings.

    You will find the friends and inspiration you need here and you can and add me as well.
  • LisaRadabaugh
    Hey Pat! I think you are hilarious! We should be pals....help each other on this journey. Feel free to add me!
  • HeavysetPat
    HeavysetPat Posts: 19 Member
    thank you good sir, and please know i am here to support the best i can
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Like everyone else im right there with you..I only topped out a 300 lbs but all those things you stated are true of me as well...CPAP and all..

    Ive dropped about 50 lbs (currently in a stall but its my own fault) and I can tell you how much better I feel about myself.

    Good luck to you and feel free to add me (anyone can for that matter)
  • dangercol85
    dangercol85 Posts: 5 Member
    Dude, that's awesome. I feel you.

    One of my pet hates is that i have to search for clothes that fit me before I can even decide if I like them. To be honest, I often buy clothes, even if I don't like them just because they fit and I refuse to pay silly prices for specialist retailers who in my opinion are trying to profiteer of my situation. I get supply and demand but come on, £65.00 for a nice shirt?

    Any way, feel free to add me fella and we can keep each other posted on our success!

    Kind regards

  • mollymeade12
    mollymeade12 Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome post man! Stay true to yourself and don't give up. You are what you think about, keep your mind focused on your goal EVERY SINGLE DAY. Don't give up, prove everyone wrong, and make everyone jealous. When people see the weight you've lost and the accomplishments you've made they'll see a well-driven individual with a strong mindset and dedication.
    Make every day YOUR day. You've got this. It's your time to prove you can do anything and be anything you set your mind to!