Feel like I am on a sinking boat alone :(

joyfullyunashamed Posts: 1 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I am very excited about this site mainly for the public support. I have always walked this weight loss journey alone and I am scared to death to do it with others! I feel like I am on a sinking boat alone and hope that is changing now. This is beginning to feel like the rescue vessel is in site. I have over 100 pounds to lose and I am determined to take it one pound at a time,


    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    Welcome :flowerforyou: You can do it!
  • debbiemacfarlane
    debbiemacfarlane Posts: 35 Member
    Your words hit home with me. I, like yourself have walked this road alone. I am loving this site and the ease of tracking calories and exercise. It gives the positive reinforcement I have always been looking for.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    It can be done! I've lost a total of 254 lbs over 3 years. It has not been easy and the last 30 lbs have really been a challenge but after making the committment to a lifestyle change and sticking with it (not perfect though, still make poor choices occassionally & I've learned to live with it) I'm at the point where if I don't lose the last 7, I'm not going to worry about it because I'm still 1000 times better off than I was before.


    If you can say that the choice is moving you closer most of the time, you'll do okay.

    Good luck!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    You've taken the first step. This site is awesome. I have found so much support here.
  • I'm so proud of you. Yeehaw girl! We're gonna do it... one pound at a time.
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    This is really the perfect place to be for 24/7 weight loss support. So much better than weight watchers or other programs in my opinion!!

    I recommend using this site to the full. Look at open diaries for food ideas, read success stories to motivate yourself, take a look at the recipes that are posted - it really is an amazing place to be for weight loss!!
  • Moma_Do
    Moma_Do Posts: 108 Member
    Keep it up at least you are trying now, that is better than before. Somebody said "when we know better, we do better". Don't blame yourself, just be in the now moment and enjoy this journey as best you can. You got this!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Take baby steps. I felt the same way June 15th. I have accomplished alot but I started small. You can do it just keep fighting!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    It can be done! I've lost a total of 254 lbs over 3 years. It has not been easy and the last 30 lbs have really been a challenge but after making the committment to a lifestyle change and sticking with it (not perfect though, still make poor choices occassionally & I've learned to live with it) I'm at the point where if I don't lose the last 7, I'm not going to worry about it because I'm still 1000 times better off than I was before.


    If you can say that the choice is moving you closer most of the time, you'll do okay.

    Good luck!!

    Wowsers, that's so impressive! Talk about some major motivation. You too, Polo571!

    You're definitely not alone, and this is by far one of the best places to be if you're trying to lose. You're not on a sinking boat, but starting a new journey! The ride might be a little rocky at times, but that's when you'll come on here and things will level out for you. Don't be afraid of getting support from people that are strangers; we may not know you, but that can be a benefit because no one will be judging you and all of us have started in the same place that you have. Best of wishes, hon.
  • kaththomas
    kaththomas Posts: 11 Member
    Your not alone but I know how it feels. My downfall is that when I slip I want to be alone. It's like if no one knows I didn't get my butt on the treadmill today than it's o.k. I'm really trying to learn to be accountable to myself for my food intake and my exercise. I really think that once I can conquer that mental part I'll get off this platuae and start losing again.
  • merv9
    merv9 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to this, looking to lose 35lbs, like you I dont know how it will go but I will try. Stick in there :-)
  • bjmk19047
    bjmk19047 Posts: 123
    You're not alone. That's the most important thing. :)
  • Here you are not alone. You can always come and find info, support, motivation and with tracking you will remain focused. I hope you log on daily. Best of luck and feel free to add me as a freind.
  • suz4
    suz4 Posts: 6
    Hi! When I read your title It reminded me of myself! I am just starting today and I put my goal at losing 90 pounds. Because If I saY OVER 100 i WANT TO CRY! You are not alone and it's nice to know neither am I..This seems to be a great way to be accountable for what we eat and if we move or not. I have been soooo lazy and eat horribly and i smoke :( it's hard to quit but I will, but right now I want to focus on my weight. I don't even look like myself. This is the most I ever weighed and now my face has changed drastically in the past few months! So I am glad I'm here and i'm glad you're here. We CAN and will do this :wink:
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Isn't it true that wisdom comes latter in our life? Great attitude. When you tell your mind that this is it, nothing can stop us. I have met some great support on this site. You will love it Good luck!!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    You are NOT alone. We're so glad you're here :)

  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    You are far from alone! Welcome! :)
  • Pennylite
    Pennylite Posts: 66 Member
    You are not alone. Welcome to many others in the same boat.
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    your not alone were all in the same boat x
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