New Member

Hi, I'm Ben. I started dieting on June 18th and started on Belviq on the 20th. So far it is going real well considering I can't currently exercise. I'm 60 years old and I enjoy bodybuilding and bicycling. I'm really anxious to get back to exercising. The last four years have been kind of hit and miss but I enjoy doing it so I'm sure I won't have any trouble getting going again once my injuries heal up. Ideally I would like to get down about 188 or even lower if I do any bicycle racing. I did notice something a few years ago. I was training for a couple of bodybuilding contests and I dieted down to about 193 then all of a sudden my body went into rebellion and I started gaining weight even though I was still dieting and I was exercising more. I was worried about losing but then my wife was in a car wreck four days before the first show so it wasn't important anymore. The next year, we got hit by the tornadoes about six weeks out. Then the year after that I tore an abdominal muscle and had to have surgery. Last year I didn't even try since I was training for the Senior Olympics, but just my luck, my wife was in the hospital, and this year on May 17th I was in a bicycle wreck. It seems like every Spring something bad happens. I was hoping this year would be different. But anyway, I'm sure I'm going to do well with this diet, so I'll keep you posted and if I have any tips for anybody I will post them.


  • kstandley123
    kstandley123 Posts: 17 Member
    Just don't give up!
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Love your positive attitude. Best biker I know is about 78 years old. He road bikes about 45 km each practice. So lots of years in you to keep at it
    Good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    You already won many small battles by not giving up and getting back on your feet for another attempt. Soon you will win the war.
    Keep it going.
    I hoping to do a competition early next year for physique
  • jcortrightreeping
    jcortrightreeping Posts: 14 Member
    So sorry for all of your misfortune. Feel free to add me.