Cardio with a badly brusied tailbone

So I fell on my stairs two days ago and ended up with a badly brusied (but luckily not broken) tailbone. I have been walking as close to daily as possible and doing Zumba once a week for cardio. Unfortunately walking to get around is pretty painful right now and Zumba is out of the question. The doctor said it could take a few weeks for the pain to go away and me to be able to resume normal activities. Does anyone have any good cardio substitutes I could do in the meantime? I know there probably aren't many options but I don't want to quit exercising altogether while this heals if I don't have to.


  • SaraLady89
    SaraLady89 Posts: 32 Member
    How does it feel when you sit down? If you can sit without being in pain try a row machine at a gym.
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Is swimming an option? You can just drag your lower body and get in a good workout. Also, a speed bag and regular bag is pretty hard and you wont get in much lower body movement.

    Edit: I just thought of one more. Hula hooping!! Super hard and super fun.
  • geekishgirl
    geekishgirl Posts: 117 Member
    I can't sit very well right now either and I dont have access to a gym or pool at the moment. That being said, there are somethings I can do with both suggestions, so thank you. Just because I don't have a speed bag doesn't mean I can't pretend I do and go at the air for a while.