Getting a new start...again

Hi! I'm back to try to get myself back on track after a VERY up and down year. In the last year I have gained a lot of weight, and I'm now heavier and more miserable than I have ever been. I definitely feel like I'm in a constant battle with myself. I know I can do this, just 2 years ago I lost over 20 lbs and was really starting to feel good. Last year, I moved to a new state and it has just felt like one thing after another keeps knocking me down and making this more of a struggle than it should be. I think I'm finally starting to get my head on right and trying to figure out where to go from here.


  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    You can do this. Set a small goal to start with and keep going from there. Visit the forums often for support and inspiration. Do it for you! Happy health to you!