Not-so-healthy food replacements?

Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
Soooo, since you have been on MFP, what not-so-healthy foods have your replaced with their more healthy counterparts?

Pasta was one of mine. I have found that as long as I have Zucchini I can have all my favorites. I just use zucchini noodles in place of pasta noodle, I make "Zughetti" "Lasagnot" "Fettucini Al Frednot". I think it is more the sauce I was loving so much because I don't miss the real pasta at all.

Smoothies have so replaced my ice cream and shakes.

I haven't quite found a replacement for pizza yet but I hear there is a great Cauliflower pizza crust recipe floating around. Going to try that soon.

So, do tell...


  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Not sure what you are deeming not healthy.

    The amount of calories (or lack thereof) doesn't determine if something is healthy or not.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Not sure what you are deeming not healthy.

    The amount of calories (or lack thereof) doesn't determine if something is healthy or not.

    This. I have not replaced pizza, pasta, cookies, icecream, steak, beer or any of the foods I love.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Not sure what you are deeming not healthy.

    The amount of calories (or lack thereof) doesn't determine if something is healthy or not.

    Agree. I did switch out some of my desserts for lower-calorie versions. I'm now a Vitatop addict, and I'm always on the lookout for different ice cream treats with 150 cals or less.

    Same with dressings...I started paying attention to the cals and choosing lower cal options. I've found some as low as 20 or 30 calories per serving.

    I don't think the higher calorie stuff is necessarily unhealthy, though. They just aren't fitting as easily into my macros, so I go easy on them.
  • ggilbert95
    ggilbert95 Posts: 33 Member
    When I say the title of your post I immediately thought "soylent".

    I have been thinking about it a lot recently, I just think that Ambronite is safer than soylent, because it is made out of non-isolated compounds
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    When I say the title of your post I immediately thought "soylent".

    I have been thinking about it a lot recently, I just think that Ambronite is safer than soylent, because it is made out of non-isolated compounds

    Soylent green?

    I know what that's made of and it's not cauliflower.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Soooo, since you have been on MFP, what not-so-healthy foods have your replaced with their more healthy counterparts?

    Pasta was one of mine. I have found that as long as I have Zucchini I can have all my favorites. I just use zucchini noodles in place of pasta noodle, I make "Zughetti" "Lasagnot" "Fettucini Al Frednot". I think it is more the sauce I was loving so much because I don't miss the real pasta at all.

    Smoothies have so replaced my ice cream and shakes.

    I haven't quite found a replacement for pizza yet but I hear there is a great Cauliflower pizza crust recipe floating around. Going to try that soon.

    So, do tell...

  • momofeight
    momofeight Posts: 2 Member
    Very creative food replacements! Love your names! It is good that you are recognizing that it is the sauces you love and where your downfalls are (pastas). I have no suggestions myself, but thank you for your post. Stay positive!
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member


  • If I am craving pizza, or pasta, I have found that eating vegetables isn't going to help. I still eat the pizza or pasta, just in sensible portions. I used to eat three or four pieces of pizza, now I'm good with one. (Choosing less oily toppings helps too–olive & mushrooms beat out pepperoni and sausage any day!)

    I've really just tried looking at the amount of food I'm eating and I think I was just eating too much before. I've got a small frame, so I adjust my portions. I started using different sized plates and bowls, which has also helped.
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    the worrying thing about this philosophy OP has is that you can still get fat eating 'healthy'. and it really just sounds like all she's done is removed a lot of carbs from her diet in the form of replacing pasta/pizza crust with veggie alternatives. sounds like everything else remains, the sauces/cheeses etc.

    this can still become as 'unhealthy', if not more so, if moderation is ignored. Sadly i've noticed for most people moderation doesn't factor in as much when they think the foods are 'healthy'. it tends to be an excuse to splurge or pig out.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Trail mix instead of candy of course I pre measure because if u give me a bag of trail mix I would just eat the whole bag lol
    Whole wheats breads pasta crackers brown rice instead of white
    Some times I try replacing chicken w/ tuna
    Always go for the no sugar added options when comes to frozen fruits and fruit cups
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    When ordering sub sandwiches or hamburgers I usually skip the cheese and get spicy mustard or yellow mustard, instead of mayo.

    At Chipotle I don't bother with cheese or salsa or a tortilla but really love their burrito bowl with meat, beans, rice, lettuce & sour cream. I used to love their food the other way (burrito with cheese and salsa) but I seriously do NOT miss those elements of it, I really think the stuff I get now is what I was craving when I used to eat there all of the time.

    This seems a little crazy to some of my friends when I'm "dieting" and feasting on a creme horn - but instead of getting a flavored latte or a rich mocha at coffee shops, I get a large black coffee (hot or cold) and then enjoy a pastry or cookie. It is usually less calories, or very close to the same calories as a small latte/mocha with whipped cream would have been, and to me it is much more of a treat.

    At Mexican restaurants I never eat the chips & salsa. I usually order a la carte or get an entree that involves a lot of veggies and/or lettuce in addition to the higher calorie, heavier & fattier foods.
  • Just put an extra tablespoon of tomato paste on your pizza and you can call it a vegetable... XD

    Joking aside, you can make your own pizza dough with whole wheat flour and freeze it. Just make it thin crust and put a ton of veggies on it, and not too much cheese.
    I know a couple people who also sprinkle ground flax seeds on everything since it's got fibre... guess you can also try that. It doesn't have that much so I never really cared (1g per tbsp, ground) but you can try it.
    You can also change the bread in sandwiches and use lettuce instead to make a wrap. Really good with turkey.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    When I say the title of your post I immediately thought "soylent".

    I have been thinking about it a lot recently, I just think that Ambronite is safer than soylent, because it is made out of non-isolated compounds

    I had to look up what you were talking about, and all I can say is that the company who makes Soylent did not put enough though into the name.
  • 87monkey
    87monkey Posts: 83 Member
    The only thing I really swapped out is my high calorie dressing for a vinegarette ( aha every once in awhile I indulge :p ). I also am very limited on the high calorie drinks such as soda ( diet tastes blah to me) just because I would rather eat those calories lol. Other then that I eat pretty much anything, just portion control.
  • dandee1307
    dandee1307 Posts: 15
    I think most of you misinterpreted Muzica1959. Cause in my opinion some replies are totally off topic. She never said she had cut out eating pizza or pasta entirely. I personally think she is just inquiring for alternatives, since she enjoys new recipes.

    Muzica1959 - I swapped Spaghettis for Spagehtti Squash which is really tasty. Generally I exchange "normal Pasta" for the whole grain version, as it is firmer to bite (and I like that a lot). Or you could try Shiritaki Noodles.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    When I say the title of your post I immediately thought "soylent".

    I have been thinking about it a lot recently, I just think that Ambronite is safer than soylent, because it is made out of non-isolated compounds

    I had to look up what you were talking about, and all I can say is that the company who makes Soylent did not put enough though into the name.
    On the contrary! (Oh, well, maybe...)
    I found this on the company's website:
    Is there soy in Soylent?
    Hardly any. Soylent contains small amounts of soy lecithin (which does not contain any of the allergen-causing elements of soy). The name “Soylent" comes from the book Make Room! Make Room!
    And of course, Make Room! Make Room! was the basis of the 1973 science fiction movie Soylent Green!_Make_Room!
    The Soylent isn't made of people in the book, though, that's only introduced in the movie:
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    I think most of you misinterpreted Muzica1959. Cause in my opinion some replies are totally off topic. She never said she had cut out eating pizza or pasta entirely. I personally think she is just inquiring for alternatives, since she enjoys new recipes.

    Muzica1959 - I swapped Spaghettis for Spagehtti Squash which is really tasty. Generally I exchange "normal Pasta" for the whole grain version, as it is firmer to bite (and I like that a lot). Or you could try Shiritaki Noodles.

    She specifically used the word 'replacement'. And mentioned pasta as one of her 'not so healthy' foods she replaced with zucchini. If others are misinterpreting it, it's because she has worded it wrong.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hi OP,

    Not going to go in to the "dangers of replacing foods" debate going on up there.

    Zucchini and Eggplant are great substitutes for pasta- I haven't tried it but I've heard a lot about spaghetti squash- you basically roast it and then swipe a fork down lengthwise and the squash comes out in strips- as the name implies, like speghetti ;) Could be a good replacement as well.

    I've cut back on how much chocolate I've had- never really found a replacement for it though, just cut back and now I find I don't really crave it like how I used to.
    I've cut back on ice cream as well- still have it now and then, though I also have fro yo, ice/sorbet kinda things when I know I want a lot.
    I've replaced white bread with wheat and also most instances of using bread with wraps instead.
    Cut back on butter - usually use low fat cheese spread (laughing cow wedges are awesome but cream cheese if nothing else).
    Light mayo- hardly ever use the full fat kind anymore. I actually really prefer the taste of Knorrs light mayo over Hellman's anyway.
    I've completely replaced cream in my coffee with milk- this is one I have to stick to or I just slide right back in to it. Would rather not drink all my cals or have to work out just to support my coffee habit lol. I also went through a phase where I only drank almond milk, but it's very pricey where I am right now so had to stop that :( But I love almond milk, so delicious!!!
    Virgin coconut oil in all places where oil would otherwise be used, olive oil if the coconut just doesn't suit the food.

    Can't really think of other replacements, but I've done a lot more moderating, eating more homemade/fewer processed foods and including more fruits/veggies and dairy than all out replacing (yes, even with the changes mentioned above lol). Eating more real foods instead of things made out of pastes in factories is something I've needed to work on the most.

    ETA: technically, I guess that would be my biggest replacements- homemade instead of store/restaurant bought.... though I do still eat out way more than I should :embarassed: lol
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Not sure what you are deeming not healthy.

    The amount of calories (or lack thereof) doesn't determine if something is healthy or not.

    This. I have not replaced pizza, pasta, cookies, icecream, steak, beer or any of the foods I love.

    Oh yum, I have had all of these this last week and every day was below my calorie goals for weight loss. Friday night I even had a few glasses of Rum n/ Diet Coke, the same night I had pizza. :drinker: It was an awesome week.

    oops, take that back, I have not had pasta, but that was not on purpose. Just hasn't been on the menu and I have never really ever craved pasta. I travel a lot and I will very seldom eat pasta when travelling. It seems most places over cook their pasta.