Shiftwork woes.

:smile: I work shiftwork. It's very hard for me to eat right. If anyone has any solutions, please anything would be a big help. I try not to eat anything heavy while on midnights, but I just go home and eat, cause i'm so hungry then off to bed. This is not helping.


  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I'd start by adjusting how you log and track things. Because my hours fluctuate, I log 12AM-11:59PM as my day every day. So if I have something at 1 AM, I'd count it as the next day. This gives me the most consistency day after day. Also, I'd stop worrying about what time you're eating things at, and just eat on a regular schedule. A lot of people think eating at night is bad for you, but there's no research that shows that, and for me, it's essential. Last "night" I had meals at 2:30AM and 5:30AM, before going to bed after 6AM. Both of those meals will count for today's day.
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    When I was on 3rd, and dieting, I would eat something when I got up, then eat dinner with my family. Before I went in, I would have a light snack and on my breaks I would eat something light to keep in food me so that I wouldnt be starving when I got home. Try not to eat atleast 2-3 hours before you go to bed, or it will make you gain weight. My DH and I were both on 3rd for a while and went out to eat almost daily when we got off. I gained a TON of weight during that time. (He of course gained NOTHING cause his metabolism is on warp speed.)
  • saligator
    saligator Posts: 96 Member
    i work shifts too and it is hard to eat and excercise when you have no routine! But here are some things I do to help:
    *when i'm on early shifts I cook ( boyf does!!) dinners that you can make multiples of and freeze (like burgers, fish cakes, lasagne, whatever) then i can bring them to work with me on the late shifts

    *i plan what meals i'm goin to have for the week and then go food shopping on my day off so that there is less chance of comin home really tired and finding nothin in th fridge and ordering a takeaway

    *in my workplace breaks are pretty flexible so i tend to excercise on my break - that way if i slept late in the morning before work i still get my excercise done (dunno how applicable that is to you tho)

    *i always have something tasty and healthy in the freezer 'just in case'! its better than a take away (my downfall)

    i guess it's all in the planning...plannin ur meals for th week, doing a weekly shop, freezing extras of things and then remembering to take them out and bring them to work with you.

    hope that helps
  • bordersvm
    :happy: It will help if you plan your meals and snacks for work so you won't be hungry when you get hm. I hope that helps some.
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    I'd start by adjusting how you log and track things. Because my hours fluctuate, I log 12AM-11:59PM as my day every day. So if I have something at 1 AM, I'd count it as the next day. This gives me the most consistency day after day. Also, I'd stop worrying about what time you're eating things at, and just eat on a regular schedule. A lot of people think eating at night is bad for you, but there's no research that shows that, and for me, it's essential. Last "night" I had meals at 2:30AM and 5:30AM, before going to bed after 6AM. Both of those meals will count for today's day.

    I did the opposite, my daily log went from the time I got up, to the time I went to bed, just like it does now that I'm on days.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    My husband works 3rd shift. It kind of cause him to snack all night or make bad choices at the 3am drive through on his breaks.

    Your shift is your awake time so it is ok to eat late. better than right before you sleep for the day. make sure to pack your food. 100 cal packs of nuts, greek yogurt, and hard bolid eggs are some of my fave b/c thay are high in protiein and keep you full. Drink lots of water.

    Good luck!