Late night eating concern

I'm not sure if this is the right board to post..

My daily calorie goals are 1800-2000 ( I'm active 4-5 days a week. Bike riding, walking, gardening etc) and I've been so proud of myself lately for meeting my goals. Tonight I slipped, at eleven I was starving. So hungry I felt like I was going to throw up. Problem is I had already met my daily goal, but I KNEW going to bed hungry was not an option so I ate a salad and a veggie burger. I most likely went over by at least 1000 calories. I'm feeling a bit upset. I feel like I let myself down. My question is, will tonight going over by 1000 or so calories, cause a noticeable weight gain?


  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    Honestly you didn't eat something that was terrible. Just get back at it tomorrow, but most importantly have a game plan for next time this happens so you're not over in cals like that again :)
  • whisperfitandhappy
    whisperfitandhappy Posts: 101 Member
    Honestly you didn't eat something that was terrible. Just get back at it tomorrow, but most importantly have a game plan for next time this happens so you're not over in cals like that again :)

    I know It's good I didn't eat a Big mac (lol) but still I went over by a thousand or so calories. That doesn't make me to happy. I'm trying to remain positive and just do better tomorrow. But it's hard with my history.
  • whisperfitandhappy
    whisperfitandhappy Posts: 101 Member
    It is 1 day. It happened.

    Ask yourself why you were so hungry while still being able to eat almost 2000 calories. Are there any changes in your choices you could have made to provide more satiety.

    Are you losing weight? How much per week?
    How did 1 veggie burger put you over by 1000 calories? How big was that burger?

    I know I should have eaten better earlier. I mainly snacked on crackers today. I've been really trying to eat better. No I'm not trying to lose. I want to maintain.

    Burger plus toppings. Mayonnaise and BBQ sauce. Sauces is where the added calories came in.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
    I'm not sure if this is the right board to post..

    My daily calorie goals are 1800-2000 ( I'm active 4-5 days a week. Bike riding, walking, gardening etc) and I've been so proud of myself lately for meeting my goals. Tonight I slipped, at eleven I was starving. So hungry I felt like I was going to throw up. Problem is I had already met my daily goal, but I KNEW going to bed hungry was not an option so I ate a salad and a veggie burger. I most likely went over by at least 1000 calories. I'm feeling a bit upset. I feel like I let myself down. My question is, will tonight going over by 1000 or so calories, cause a noticeable weight gain?

    How did you manage to get 1000 calories out of a veggie burger and salad? My burgers are around 300 cals including the bun, and my salads are less than 200 including the dressing. What did you put on it?

    Regardless, don't worry about the fact that it's late. The time has no bearing whatsoever, except that perhaps you ate dinner early and stayed up late and your stomach realized that it hadn't been filled in a long time.

    As far as having a "setback" or "falling off the wagon" or whatever, there's really no such thing. You don't have a deadline by which you absolutely have to lose some specific amount of weight. If you go over your calorie goal, you're just delaying reaching your magic weight, that's all.

    And if you think about it, your goal is usually 500 calories less than you burn each day (or 250 or whatever deficit you've chosen) So, if you eat 1000 calories over your goal, then you're simply wiping out the deficit for today and yesterday (or more days, depending on how much over and what deficit you chose). So you're only delaying reaching your magic weight by that many days. Not a big deal when you put it in perspective.

    Edited for spelling
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    In all reality 1800-2000 for maintenance with a high activity level is probably a small deficient and not maintenance. Also 1000 calories are only .285 lb. Most likely the small deficient you most likely run already covered those calories, if not it is less than 1/3 lb. You probably fluctuate a few pounds per day just in water, digestion and hormones.

    It is one time, people who have always been extra some days, it just balances out. So the answer is absolute worst case you gained .285lbs. All in all not anything you will ever notice.
  • whisperfitandhappy
    whisperfitandhappy Posts: 101 Member
    It is 1 day. It happened.

    Ask yourself why you were so hungry while still being able to eat almost 2000 calories. Are there any changes in your choices you could have made to provide more satiety.

    Are you losing weight? How much per week?
    How did 1 veggie burger put you over by 1000 calories? How big was that burger?

    I know I should have eaten better earlier. I mainly snacked on crackers today. I've been really trying to eat better. No I'm not trying to lose. I want to maintain.

    Burger plus toppings. Mayonnaise and BBQ sauce. Sauces is where the added calories came in.
    Well if you just snacked on crackers all day then that's more than likely why you are hungry. Stop doing that. Eat actual meals not snacks all day.

    I'm sorry but 1000 calories is ridiculously high. Something tells me you are over estimating that number greatly.
    Are you also doing that throughout your day?
    Honest question, do you suffer or are recovering from any type of ED?

    Open your diary.

    Yes I realize I need to eat better, and I'm trying. and yes I am recovering from an ED.
  • whisperfitandhappy
    whisperfitandhappy Posts: 101 Member
    In all reality 1800-2000 for maintenance with a high activity level is probably a small deficient and not maintenance. Also 1000 calories are only .285 lb. Most likely the small deficient you most likely run already covered those calories, if not it is less than 1/3 lb. You probably fluctuate a few pounds per day just in water, digestion and hormones.

    It is one time, people who have always been extra some days, it just balances out. So the answer is absolute worst case you gained .285lbs. All in all not anything you will ever notice.

    Thank you very much for simplifying that in the nicest way possible.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    How good are you at measuring and analyzing what you're eating? 1k calories, for a veggie faux burger, unless you put 4 cups of ayo on it, I dunno. Not sounding right.
  • DecemberPsalm
    DecemberPsalm Posts: 96 Member
    Fortunately for your body you chose healthful foods, so I really don't think it's such a big deal. You didn't treat your body like a dumpster. I ate 2.5 blueberry muffins, ice cream, and milk as an unplanned midnight snack like a half hour ago and am about to go to bed bloated, and a few hundred calories over my limit. So what I'm saying to you is, it could have been worse :p
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I wouldn't worry. It's not worth beating yourself up about - trust me!

    The point is you were hungry. We sometimes (and especially through the weight loss part of the journey) forget that our body still send signals to say how it feels. It sounded like you needed that food, you didn't make a particularly bad choice with the food, nor did you go on an all out binge - you just gave your bod a little of the fuel it sounds like it was craving.

    Throughout weight loss I would have cheat days/meals and I would not have made it to my weight loss goal and maintained without them - I would have gone insane.

    I'm done with feeling guilty about having fun with friends or over-eating on occasion - it's all part of life. Your body reflects what you do MOST of the time.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I went over by 1,000+ calories at a friend's grad party a few weeks ago... The scale did tick up for a few days, and then it settled back down. Late-night snacks can mess with your morning weigh-ins just on the basis of food still being in your belly. It's no big deal.