Where did you lose weight from first

I know you can't target areas to lose weight from, but weirdly, I'm losing the most from my chin/neck first. It's kind of random, but I will definitely take it. My double chin is by far one of the attributes of being overweight that makes me feel the most insecure. I won't even wear my hair up because of it. I'm really hoping to lose weight from my chest next, because I feel like it makes me look even heavier than I am.

Where did you lose weight from first? Was it all over or targeted?


  • K_Train450
    K_Train450 Posts: 122 Member
    Face + shoulders > Chest > arms/legs > torso. You'll lose all over though over time, weight loss fluctuates.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Face and neck was first for me as well.

    I have heard several people on these forums saying that your weight comes off the last place you gained it, and likewise the last place for you to lose fat is the place you have carried it for the longest. While that theory sounds a bit strange to me, it has actually seemed to ring fairly true for me. When I was a preteen/young teenager, I was big for my age but fairly proportional but I always had belly fat, a big butt & chest, and hips. All of the other stuff came much later like arm and leg fat and back fat. I didn't have a double chin at all until I was in my early 30's and weighed over 280 lb. As I've lost over 120 lb I noticed the face and neck changed first, then my legs, then back, and finally my butt, hips, belly, and arms started to change too. I did not go down AT ALL in bust/bra size until very recently.

    Some people seem to have opposite experiences though. I really think it varies by person!
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I have heard the same as the person above, where you put on last, comes off first. This seems true for me as well, the last place I gained weight was arms and belly. These are the first places I am seeing major changes as well. It does vary by person and it probably varies by the amount of extra weight you carry.
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    Face/neck/fingers/upper body.

    Boobs have not lost anything.
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    you lose it all over, but where most people notice it first is in the face. i think its probably because its not clothed and hidden like the rest of your body most of the time.
  • laurahadenough
    laurahadenough Posts: 28 Member
    nowhere so far.. grrrrrrrrrr
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I'm told by my sisters that they are noticing it in my stomach and my butt. I expected my butt/thighs to be the first to go. I'm very apple shaped and my hips and legs have never been as big proportionally as the rest of me. I noticed it first in the chest (the area the bra band fits… just under my boobs).
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I lose fastest in my shoulders and waist and slowest in my hips and boobs, thighs are fairly slow too
  • honey_tequila
    honey_tequila Posts: 31 Member
    My face, across my back and my arms. Sadly still rather bottom-heavy 60 pounds in. Slowly though it is coming off from everywhere :)
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    My face and neck.

    Hopefully next is my stomach - I'm already small-boobed!

    I have no doubt I'll still have a big butt and thighs by the end. Shaped that way and also figure skater.
  • chloeealicee
    chloeealicee Posts: 204 Member
    Face, neck, shoulders and chest. I am very pear shaped so losing it on my upper body was pretty offputting for me at first because I looked so disproportionate but after LOTS of hard work it's finally hitting my legs and hips. I've given up on my stomach though.
  • TiffieLand
    TiffieLand Posts: 159
    I think waist and calf for me.. a little bit of face.. but just a little. My thigh, face and arms are still chubby, it's always the last to lose, it makes me so self conscious.
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    arms and legs for sure ^-^ people think I'm thin now but most of my weight was always around my lower stomach (damn spare tyre) and the top of my thighs. so I still have some poundage to lose but people think I don't need to because my arms, face, bewbs, are all small now XD
  • Rancerox
    Rancerox Posts: 28 Member
    Face, thighs, and butt.

    Yeah, I'm losing all over, but those are the most noticable areas. I need to lose more off mah belly though. I'm at a 40" waist in pants, but the pantlegs are quite volumnous. As in it's practically Hammer Time.
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    My waist. It's ridiculous, it went from probably 37"-38" (I didn't start measuring it before I had already noticed a significant change, so I'm gussing here, since it was 35-36" when I noticed) to 31" before I noticed ANY change anywhere else. At one point, my thigh and my waist measured the same!! You try finding jeans for that, lol :b

    Now it's coming off my face and boobs rather quickly. My thighs are still enourmous, but I don't mind that too much.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I first lost in my upper body.

    I tracked my measurments from the first day on MFP...in 10 days (diet and exercise) I lost 1.5 inches from my girls and 1 inche from just where my bra strap rests...the rest of my body it was 1/2 inch. I continued to lose the inches there until my 2nd month in when I started losing from my waist then my hips...

    So mine started up top then worked it's way down.

    But all told I have lost about the same amount of inches everywhere after 50lbs
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    I lost my hips first, then butt, waist, back, face, legs, boobs, arms, and I'm finally losing the gut.

    Edited because I forgot the boobs and back.
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    I don't really know to be honest, it came off everywhere equally for me I think. The real improvements were when I started lifting to put on muscle rather than just losing weight.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    It depends on your body type.

    All my weight came off my waist, chest and hips. It's only now that a lot of the fat is gone from those areas, I'm noticing the weight ever so slowly coming off my thighs. My thighs are still really big even though I'm in a healthy weight range now.
  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    I've lost a little weight from my tummy area, but I'm really noticing a difference in my legs.