how did you get fat?



  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I know it sounds ignorant, but I don't really know. Obviously I was eating more than I was burning, but the thing is, I was never fat in my life until around age 19-20. And I always ate whatever I wanted, as well as how much I wanted, I did not play sports in high school, I did not work out, I sat around and did sedentary activities, and I had an AWESOME body. Never even thought about my weight, ever. My only guess is that my metabolism was high and it began slowing down at that age, though I thought that age 19 was a little young to have a metabolism begin to slow down. I have no other way to explain it. My friends used to be amazed at what I could eat and not ever gain an ounce. Oh, how things have changed!!!

    Exact same thing happened to be, I was thin my whole life until around 19. I started working more (desk job) and that's when I started putting it on

    Stress can do it and you both might want to have a dr check your thyroid.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    bumping for later
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    simple answer... I ate my feelings :noway:
  • Serenity79
    I was always a chubby kid, but when I got into my teens I kind of 'grew into' my weight and by the time I was 20 or so I was around 126 pounds (although with my warped sense of self I thought I was huge) and by 24 I had got down to 118. That was too small for my frame and so I went back up into the 130s and naturally stayed there without having to really do anything and I was happy enough with that - although if someone had told me I could click my fingers and be 120 again I probably would have done it. Unfortunately in the last few years bad health has really set in and the combination of poor eating, almost zero mobility and medications that cause weight gain as a side effect, I went up to 161, 25 of those pounds just in the last year.
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    There is a list:

    - Heavy / chunky kid with no friends growing up (ate away lonliness/ ate for comfort)
    - Homeschooled in the early years, never left the house or did ANYTHING active
    - Had little to no knowledge about proper nutrition/ eating
    - Loner, added to the inactivity
  • reese1206
    reese1206 Posts: 229
    3 kids in 3 yrs.....That will do it. I have 4 total. I am working on it though and I know I will not have anymore....Thank God because my body NEEDS a break!
  • BraydenCarlson
    I sadly stopped playing sports such basketball and football, and I decided video games was a better route. So, I wasted valuable time sitting in front of T.V which helped me achieve nothing. It doesn't help that I became addicted to McDonalds and energy drinks.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I was in great shape, when I was in a car accident. Someone rear ended my vehicle going about 60mph, when I was at a dead stop (it was a 35mph zone). It took me years to even have feeling return to my left side. I was introduced to a detox diet called the Fat Flush Plan, which put me on the path I needed to get healthy.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I've always been fat...I played all the sports in highschool but hated them, I'm just lazy...and I love to munch...nothing better than watching movies with junk food layed out on the coffee table...I've never really had low self esteem though, because I always knew I'm smart...and that lasts longer than looks...but now I want to be healthy too...
  • lilmommy
    I went from being a stay at home Mom to a DESK JOB!! Thank god Im a stay at home Mom again!! I need to be moving or the weight just clings to me, now to get it off by summer time!!
  • coachniquenya
    coachniquenya Posts: 60 Member
    I put on weight because of My love of Pizza, Curry, Chineese, Kebabs and lager - now i try to cook for myself and try to stay away from the alcohol (apart from 1 day a week) :) xx

    Mmmmm curry....drool....mmm kebabs.....drool
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I was always active when I was younger, played sports in High school etc.. after I had jobs that required constant movement. I looked great. I ate what I wanted no matter the size portions. Sometimes seconds. Then I got my current job. A desk job and still ate the way I use too. I noticed my metabolism was slower and I had to buy bigger clothes. Then I honestly just became lazy. I always had guys like me, I still thought I looked okay just not as thin... now for some reason I have decided to get back to the way I was.. I decided to take control for the first time in a while.
  • jennylynn84
    I was born fat, lol.

    Seriously though, my parents never really taught moderation in food. They didn't cram us with junk food and it wasn't that they never told us "No, you can't have a cookie." but the whole concept of healthy eating and watching fat was never done. My parents are just now losing weight and I've never seen them this small.

    So, I just grew up being heavier than most people I knew.

    Around high school I decided to change that, started taking a ton of ephedra and eating very little. I lost some weight, but when I starting having major heart palpitations and experiencing some very adverse side effects and ditched the medication and began eating more (at the insistence of loved ones) I gained back the weight and more.

    I got married a few years later and came down with married weight. I became a raging hypochondriac and then developed fibromyalgia and gained "depressed and in pain" weight.

    That turned out to be a lot of weight.

    Now that I know more about healthy eating and cooking, and I am more physically active again, things are MUCH better.
  • musicjunkie1982
    Ugh. I've always battled with my weight, weighing in at 185 at age 12. I slimmed down at 16 by abusing diet pills and eating almost nothing at all, but I managed to get to a healthy weight by age 20.

    Then I got pregnant.

    Due to health problems during my pregnancy, I gained over 100lbs. I had preeclampsia and retained water all over my body. After my son was born, I pretty much just sat around at work and home, so I stayed chubby. I finally took a good long look in the mirror about two years ago and didn't like what I saw, so I joined a gym (going 3-4 times a week), used small plates for meals, and cut out almost all junk food. I still indulge every so often, but I don't binge like I used to.

    My son is my main motivation, with my guy being a close second. I want to be healthy for my two guys, and I'm only 9lbs away from my 130lb goal!
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    I never enjoyed working-out, so I didn't. I've always enjoyed food, so I ate.
    Too much pop, fast food & other junk. Too big of portion sizes.

    Then, I got married and started eating the same size plate of food as my husband.
    He can eat whatever and not gain, and I'd just go along with him.

    Not paying attention. Not caring. Until my clothes stopped fitting. Then I started to take charge!

    Exactly the same as me except getting pregnant before I was 18 jump started it....
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    I ate 2 packets (8) of mni cholocate donuts with my morning coffee every day!! Also, my husband is an excellent cook and I'm addicted to his food instead of being addicted to the gym like he is :P
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I use to be very in shape, wanted to be a personal trainer, and was at the gym 2-3 hours a day... Then.... I had kids! lol! I worked out through my first pregnancy and lost the weight pretty fast. Then for financial reasons, I had to give up my gym membership 3 months into my second pregnancy. That KILLED me! I had no idea what to do at home! I ran with the jogger often after I had my second son, lost quite a bit of weight with P90X but had some killer depression issues that threw me down pretty bad. Never lost the weight and found out I was pregnant with my third. Soooo now here I am 50-60 pounds overweight! I feel like crap all the time! But I'm ready to train myself to workout at home and get back in shape!!

    I also have a very hard time with sweets! Always have! That is something I will probably always battle but... I have to fight it somehow.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    SCHOOL!!! School made me fat. Last semester I sat on my butt for 8+ hours a day just doing homework! helps you, but it also hurts you:) This semester isn't as stressfull, so hopefully it'll be easier.
  • Hollie_78
    I just plain old didnt pay attention to what I was putting in my body...I do love my fried chicken (thats my biggest problem) lol. I believe giving up your favorites is the hardest part. Good luck to ya!
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    Very insightful, thought-provoking question. I used to live a very active lifestyle, which allowed me to eat whatever I wanted. Cheesesteaks, hoagies, fried chicken, fried fish, hamburgers, french fries and popcorn (syrupy sweet drinks too) were the norm. Veggies and fruits were not part of my vocabulary. However, I was always at a club, dancing those calories away. Then I got engaged and stopped hanging out and partying completely. When the relationship ended, I was alone in a new city. Didn't want to go back to my old party girl lifestyle, so I basically just existed (code for depression) and lived a very sedentary lifestyle. And the pounds just started packing on. Now 15 years and 100 pounds later, hear I am. I'm sure I was consuming 3000 to 5000 calories per day, easy, with no activity at all to burn it off.

    Was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years ago. That got me started with looking at what I'm eating, and helped me lose 10 lbs. Exercise is a challenge for me. I know that I need to get moving to stop the pains, but the pain keeps me from moving a lot. In particular, knee pain (arthitis), and stiff joints and muscles due to lack of use. That is the truth, but I also have "excuses" for not exercising too. I've been on MFP for a week now, and I really like it. It is really helping me take a hard look at what I'm eating, where my calories are coming from, and how I can do better with my food choices. I plan to keep up with the message boards for ideas and encouragement.