Non-Scale Victories to share?



  • Nexgear
    Nexgear Posts: 16
    I've lost a few pounds in the last month, but the biggest victory in my eyes is that ive gone to the gym 4x a week without missing a single workout! Its been a lonnnng time since ive been so consistent. Very proud of myself.
  • WAS287GOAL170
    WAS287GOAL170 Posts: 44 Member
    Got some awesome new jeans and went to put on my old belt and had about 4 inches extra of belt before even hitting the tightest notch! Boo ya!
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    Fit into pants from 2 years ago that are 2 sizes smaller than when i started my weight loss on 5/28
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    I think my biggest NSV to date is the fact that I feel GUILTY if I do not workout and I feel GUILTY if I eat something that I really shouldn't. I used to just what the heck or Ill workout tomorrow. I love the fact that coworkers who workout all the time are now asking me..."hey you working out at lunch today?" I just cant tell them no, right?!
  • fit_gal
    fit_gal Posts: 167
    Not letting fibro or arthritis stop me from being active and looking after myself. I actually feel so much better for exercise. I never ever would have thought I could have achieved what I can today. I thought my world had crashed. But it was just the beginning of something wonderful.

    ^This! If you had told me last year that I'd be a runner and also signed up for a triathlon this year I would have called you crazy, because I always let my RA keep me down. Now I just like to use my body to the best of its abilities and no longer use my illness as an excuse!

    Congratulations! Always good to see a fighter :)
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I got my waist back, which I had lost.

    I can wear a couple of pairs of jeans that I needed a girdle to get into six months ago.

    I can feel collarbones wanting to emerge.

    Rings are looser.
  • swertyqwerty
    swertyqwerty Posts: 81 Member
    I lost 5 lbs by upping my water intake. Was it just water weight? Probably, but at least my skin is looking better!
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! My NSV that I noticed over the weekend was that my stomach is starting to register being full again. Within 20 mins of starting to eat, I find myself satiated and have an easier time not eating "just because".
  • Llyrian
    Llyrian Posts: 99 Member
    I only started doing cardio a few months ago, and slacked for a month while I was going through some stuff, but I noted last night that my average heart rate has gone down by 30 bpm since I started cardio.

    I also dug out a dress I haven't worn in a decade and while it's a wee bit snug, it fits again.
  • alireba88
    alireba88 Posts: 21
    I've had a pair of jeans hanging in my closet for a year that I've literally NEVER been able to wear. They were even too small when I bought them (a wishful thinking purchase, perhaps?). Today, I tried them on and didn't feel like I needed heavy equipment to button them. I'm probably a good 5 to 10 pounds away from being able to wear them in public, but that made my frickin' day!

    Said jeans also make my butt look awesome, so even more of an incentive to hit my next goal. :wink:
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    I SUNK. As in I jumped off a boat into the water and sunk. All my life I've bobbed like a buoy. I'd lost weight before but never gained muscle. I was working with a personal trainer who dropped my body fat % by over 10%.

    Everyone else was sitting on life jackets and they offered me one. I said this was a great opportunity to tread water. I think I put in an hour of exercise while chatting.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I had a business conference with colleagues and so many people told me I looked great, I actually got sick of it.

    With the warmer weather my jeans were just too hot, so I'm actually wearing khakis that are size 6 (10 years old) that I couldn't get into a month ago. I was size 16/18 in December.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    At dinner with a good friend. When we got up to leave, she looked at me and said "I love that dress - I know I have seen it before but I don't remember how it came in at the waist like that. How come I never noticed that before?" My best guess (and she agreed): It is not the dress that has changed, it is the body inside it - definitely having a reappearance of a waist.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    1) I've always been too self conscious to work out anywhere except home, but last month I joined a martial arts class.
    2) I can now do 12 standard push-ups before my arms give out.
  • kjm_723
    kjm_723 Posts: 66 Member
    My most recent nsv is realizing that shaving my legs is no longer a major chore. But my favorite nsv is realizing that I can wear skirts without a pair of spandex shorts underneath because my thighs no longer chafe together. Also those skirts can be short and I don't feel ashamed of how my legs look.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    My most recent nsv is realizing that shaving my legs is no longer a major chore. But my favorite nsv is realizing that I can wear skirts without a pair of spandex shorts underneath because my thighs no longer chafe together. Also those skirts can be short and I don't feel ashamed of how my legs look.

    Congrats to the end of the dreaded "chub rub" - that is great!