Hey there - I'm a low carber!

Just wanted to say Hello! I'm two weeks into my "diet" and am looking forward to conversating with like minded people. I also have a blog if you want to check it out! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/KetoToThin


  • belle_rn
    belle_rn Posts: 23 Member
    I too believe in low carb! When I eat right, I keep mine around 100-150 carbs/day. I am getting back to that again now that I have more time to devote and less school stress. Even though I am not, I try to eat like a diabetic should in order to avoid it. I am also I need of motivation/encouragement/support.....add me!
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Hey, there! I'm a low-carber, too. It works for me and my sluggish metabolism, plus diabetics all in my family. I've always been super carb sensitive. It sucks, but what are you going to do? I've lost around 9 lbs in two weeks. How are you doing so far?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Just some advice to look into some of the groups with people that do low carb. It's not really well received on the main forums here so if it's support you are after, I would check out the groups.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Just some advice to look into some of the groups with people that do low carb. It's not really well received on the main forums here so if it's support you are after, I would check out the groups.

    +1. Well put.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I find it's not well received anywhere except on Atkins.com. or on their facebook page. That is where thousands of people have lost many pounds of weight, share encouragement, and recipes. Fortunately, it seems the science may be coming to the forefront.

    Did you see Time Magazine's June 23rd cover article? Eat Butter, Don't Blame Fat.

  • smartineyman
    smartineyman Posts: 1 Member

  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Hey, hornsby. I'm new here. How do you find the groups you mentioned?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Up top, there is a groups page. Click on it and search.

    Not sure on what the specific low-carb groups are as I disagree with it, but I am sure you could type low carb or whatever in there and some stuff would pop up.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Ah, I see it now. And thanks, hornsby, for answering despite the fact you disagree with this way of eating.

    I know I did at first as well, until everything else had failed me. In case you're interested, I read an article recently about metabolisms and how about 60% of Americans have an insulin resistant metabolism. In which case, ketogenic diets are preferable for weight loss and maintenance due to the sensitivity to insulin, and its ability to store fat on even the most diligent and active folks. And that about 40% of Americans have a non-insulin resistant metabolism. I take it you must fall into that category, if lower fat, higher carb way of eating works well for you.

    Unfortunately, higher carb, lower fat, calorie restriction has only ever caused me to gain fat, lose energy, and get really, really frustrated.

    I wish you the best no matter what you do!
  • makzes
    makzes Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the low-carb world too! I have already noticed changes in my body in the few days that I have been trying this out. I have more energy and my cravings have subsided. Good to meet you.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Ah, I see it now. And thanks, hornsby, for answering despite the fact you disagree with this way of eating.

    I know I did at first as well, until everything else had failed me. In case you're interested, I read an article recently about metabolisms and how about 60% of Americans have an insulin resistant metabolism. In which case, ketogenic diets are preferable for weight loss and maintenance due to the sensitivity to insulin, and its ability to store fat on even the most diligent and active folks. And that about 40% of Americans have a non-insulin resistant metabolism. I take it you must fall into that category, if lower fat, higher carb way of eating works well for you.

    Unfortunately, higher carb, lower fat, calorie restriction has only ever caused me to gain fat, lose energy, and get really, really frustrated.

    I wish you the best no matter what you do!

    Thanks for the suggestions. I base my diet off of science and will stick with what has worked for me for now. I understand that some have issues that may cause them to want to go low carb. I have no issue with it. I only eat 35% of my 3500 daily cals from carbs so I think that actually is considered low carb technically but I am not an advocate for it.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Wow! What I would give to be a man right now with your metabolism. 3500 calories. I die with jealousy.

    And yeah, 35% of those cals from carbs, probably would be considered low carb. Of course, there is a huge difference between low carb and no carb. And so many out there have been misinformed, and do Atkins and ketogenic diets with almost no carbs, which I believe is truly unhealthy. Though, I definitely, personally see a huge difference in what kind of carbs I eat. With my body, they are definitely not all equal. When I eat carbs as non-starchy vegetables, I do not crave sugar. When I eat starchy carbs like sweet potatoes, quinoa, farrow, etc., I crave sugar like mad?! It's an awful feeling.

    So, in essence, I think that the reason low carb works for me is because I don't constantly crave sugar, then give into it, then store it as fat because I'm not as active as I'd like to me due to chronic pelvic issues, and a neck injury from a car accident. It's getting better slowly but surely. Plus, my skin, hair, nails all look better, too, when I'm not eating those starchy carbs. Regular sugar and white flour are the worst for my complexion, as I have adult cystic acne.

    Anyway, if anyone is reading this thread, and is only eating meat, fat, and cheese with low carb, you may want to revamp that to include the non-starchy vegetables. You get to subtract the fiber to calculate your net carbs. Also, if you follow Atkins, you do not have to start in Induction, which just seems to be designed to motivate because you drop a bunch of water weight in the first two weeks. For some people that works to keep them going. For some others that are satisfied with a slower start, you can go right into Phase II, which is called ongoing weightloss.

    Everyone, be well!
  • hitman62
    hitman62 Posts: 3
    Hi, I am a new devotee to a low carb regime. On around a 100g a day, I am in moderate ketosis, feel great, don't get mood swings, don't crave sugar (okay, I did think about a chocolate eclair today) and have been losing around 0.9 Kg per week for three months with a 500 calorie daily deficient regime supported by a lot of exercise.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    hitman62, that is great! way to go.
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    Hi everyone! The nay sayers will change their mind as they see how you can eat without hunger. My way of eating is to eat without processed foods. Eat protein, vegetables, fat and lot of H2O. My total calories tend to be low due to clean eating not because I want them low.