How do i break the insane obsession with food??



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Actually, I'm not sure that your anticipating nature towards food IS all that different from your healthy friends. Yes it may be true of some, but I know I for one, am always thinking about food. It's very hard! I've lost weight, I'm at a healthy weight, but I still am always thinking about my next meal. The difference is that I add in one more thing to think about: "How can I make that meal a healthy one and stay in my calorie goal?"

    I love meal planning. It's fun! Maybe you can try to combine the mentalities.

    Good on you for going into the 12 step program :) Try to keep going on that path and it may be just what you need.
  • darylspindler
    darylspindler Posts: 35 Member
    I guess I need to rephrase my supposition. I have an insane obsession with food that I like! :laugh: But, I've never obsessed about my next vegetable or legume meal...but of course..I've never had such a crazy thing...JK to the vegetarians on here.

    I have to stay at this with writing and reading success stories. Appreciate all of the words of wisdom.

    Sure is a lot of it here!
  • swertyqwerty
    swertyqwerty Posts: 81 Member
    I would check out Iyanla Vanzant (has youtube advice videos). You have the knowledge, willpower and the skills to lose weight because you lost a ton of weight once. So, no deficit exists in either of those three factors. Instead, there may some kind of belief that is keeping you overweight.

    Are you trying to protect yourself from something with a layer of fat? Did you absorb limiting beliefs about yourself from your environment? Are you scared to lose weight because of the potential for loose skin? Do you feel like you don't deserve it?

    You get what you expect, not what you want. You have to expect that you're going to lose weight easily, effectively and happily, for the last time. What is holding you back from expecting this?
  • Abrown136
    Abrown136 Posts: 4 Member
    There is nothing wrong with anticipating foods. I too love certain foods but to get on the fast track to eating healthy do a ton of research. Take those foods that you long for and interpret them into something healthy. And making meal plans will help you too. You can plan your step by step meals for the day that way your mind will be more focused on what you have to eat next as opposed to what you thinking of eating or passing by. It will be hard in the beginning because your calorie intake will be a lot less than what your stomach is used to but once you get yourself into the grove then your body will become more comfortable with the amount you're taking in. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I know of a great person to talk to also about meal plans if you're interested in starting one, or you can just google some plans and start yourself. It is a big mental challenge but if you can get over the urges you'll be on the fast track to losing weigh and looking great!
    I hope this helps
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    So much good advice - Its nice to know i'm not alone and so many people have such great stories and advice
    ^^ This!! ^^
    OP, you are not alone in this. I can relate A LOT. I am envious of a thin friend I know who says he doesn't like feeling full (!!). I wish I could say the same. I love to eat and I love food and I like feeling full. I am an all-or-nothing person, however, with regards to certain "trigger" foods (Fritos, Peppermint Patties, bread... the list is long and, alas!, carrots and brussels sprouts are not on that list) so I just had to stop eating them. I don't keep them in the house. I find that the longer I stay away from, say, Fritos, the less hold they have on me, although they still call to me in the grocery store. Just thinking about bread makes me salivate. I always thought I was weird but obviously there are others like me. Just that knowledge helps me stay on the path. I find that the more nutritious foods I eat, the less cravings I have. One day at a time, one meal at a time, you can find the way to make peace with food.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Like a functional alcoholic my eating was the highest priority in my day. ... I was constantly on a food high. ... my gluttony....I do not shy away from that word anymore. ... I began to talk to myself with kindness ... I started editing trigger foods out of my life. I am still rather stunned by all of the pleasures I passed up just because I was obsessed with food not to mention putting my health at risk when I have a child and husband depending on me. My obsession now is healthy food to take care of the temple given to me. It is funny how much attention and time I poured into food which doesn't love you back. ... I always had the key I just had to choose to leave. You will break your obsession with food when you choose you over food.
    And ^^This!!^^
    So many things to relate to in this one.
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    I have been there myself. I recommend CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy). Ultimately you need to change the way you think about food so it isn't the whole focus of your existence and the highlight of your day.