Help! I don't feel like exercising anymore!

Hi guys,

I've been running lately, and I've cut my cals down a hell of a lot to be within my cal deficit for a 1lb loss a week and I am making good progress. However, that being said I'm struggling to motivate myself to exercise now, It's like I can't do anything, I feel sluggish and tired and irritated and stressed. Normally I would be fine with going for my usual runs about 3 times a week (I run anywhere between 5k and about 12k) but it's so difficult to want to go out. It's like the dieting is taking all my motivation away. It's working, but I feel like I'm losing touch with the things I really enjoy doing!

Does anyone feel similar or have any hints or tips to help me get through this sudden energy drop?




  • theburpeeking
    theburpeeking Posts: 10 Member
    Looks like you are hitting your calorie goals, which is awesome. Have you tried a pre-workout drink, like C4 of I do like beachbodys Energy and Endurance.

    You can do this!!! What really helps me is to turn up the music, put on my work out clothes and just go!!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Looks like you are hitting your calorie goals, which is awesome. Have you tried a pre-workout drink, like C4 of I do like beachbodys Energy and Endurance.

    You can do this!!! What really helps me is to turn up the music, put on my work out clothes and just go!!

    Ya, nothing says motivation like a work out drink that costs like $60 a can and makes you feel like your heart will explode.

    OP, I get like this every few months. A little slump. You'll get through it, just keep the routine. You're doing great and doing this for you! Maybe some carbs or coffee might give you a little boost prior to training? I know I feel much more energized eating about 30g ish of carbs and a diet soda or something before I train. I train in the evening, so sometimes I'm just beat. You can do it!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    It is interesting that you mentioned this, because I am going through the exact same thing lately!
    My calories are about in a 500 calorie deficit...and I have maintained that despite the low-activity levels the past few days. But HOLY...yesterday, I could barely get myself off of the couch...same today.

    What I did, was that I respected my body, and gave it rest. I took the extra day to relax and I did not get off of the couch and took an extra nap and went to bed early. Today - woke up feeling unmotivated and wanted to relax some more. My body did not really need it - I think it was just getting back on the wagon and stop making excuses for today.

    I did something light, but needed to get done - mowed the lawn. I feel much more energized, and ready to do my workout now.

    ETA - I might even just do stretches or yoga tonight to slowly get back into the swing of things. Also to add - I am also going through grief, which probably contributed to the lack of will power lately.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Maybe you need to take a break from running and try something else? I love running and hope I can keep going until I drop dead but not everyone likes it that much.

    I did have a quick look at your diary and there are several day in the past week or so where you were low on the carbs......that may account for feeling sluggish.
  • MichaelVRenner
    MichaelVRenner Posts: 92 Member
    Switch it up, friend. Try cycling if you enjoy a nice run. You will be surprised the different muscle sets you use and it may be a bigger burn.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Looks like you are hitting your calorie goals, which is awesome. Have you tried a pre-workout drink, like C4 of I do like beachbodys Energy and Endurance.

    You can do this!!! What really helps me is to turn up the music, put on my work out clothes and just go!!

    Ya, nothing says motivation like a work out drink that costs like $60 a can and makes you feel like your heart will explode.

    OP, I get like this every few months. A little slump. You'll get through it, just keep the routine. You're doing great and doing this for you! Maybe some carbs or coffee might give you a little boost prior to training? I know I feel much more energized eating about 30g ish of carbs and a diet soda or something before I train. I train in the evening, so sometimes I'm just beat. You can do it!

    I agree. Once in a while I think everyone goes through a slump where they feel they have to push themselves to lace their shoes and commit to their days workout. Sometimes the best thing is to just say its only temporary and grunt and moan through it, or maybe switch to something else, do some HIIT or pick up a lift routine to shake things up to find some inspiration. Also agree with the small carb intake beforehand can sometimes jump start feeling like doing something. I usually do my morning workout on nothing but coffee but if I'm feeling sluggish I'll have an apple about an hour before hand if I can. Don't waste your time on supplement or speciality **drinks**. You can get through it!
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    It is interesting that you mentioned this, because I am going through the exact same thing lately!
    My calories are about in a 500 calorie deficit...and I have maintained that despite the low-activity levels the past few days. But HOLY...yesterday, I could barely get myself off of the couch...same today.

    What I did, was that I respected my body, and gave it rest. I took the extra day to relax and I did not get off of the couch and took an extra nap and went to bed early. Today - woke up feeling unmotivated and wanted to relax some more. My body did not really need it - I think it was just getting back on the wagon and stop making excuses for today.

    I did something light, but needed to get done - mowed the lawn. I feel much more energized, and ready to do my workout now.

    ETA - I might even just do stretches or yoga tonight to slowly get back into the swing of things. Also to add - I am also going through grief, which probably contributed to the lack of will power lately.

    I am glad that I am not the only one feeling this sort of reaction to this level of deficit. I am however not glad that somebody else is feeling bad like me! I hope things improve for you too! I'm pretty stressed out as well to be honest, I am moving into my own place for the first time in my life on Tuesday next week and I feel totally unprepared and anxious and stressed and I have to drive alot more and driving makes me super anxious so I have alot of problematic feelings :/

    I think that if I can push past this feeling, I might be able to get back on the exercise and get into the swing again, I can feel my anxiety levels increasing exponentially the longer I take off exercising.

    Suffering from some back problems as well, from running I think, It's putting me off a bit.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    If you are 5 lbs from your goal you shouldn't be at such a high deficit. Switch to a half pound per week.
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    If you are 5 lbs from your goal you shouldn't be at such a high deficit. Switch to a half pound per week.
    I'm not 5lbs from my goal, I'm about 19lbs from my goal.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    I had a quick nose at your diary and noticed on 1 or 2 days there were quite a few refined carbs from sugary cereal and bread. Do you have these before or after running? I've been distance running (slowly) for about 6 years and I've found that wholewheat pasta or brown rice the night before a run to be the best option. I also take a sugary drink on anything over 7 miles, which seems to help.

    Try keeping a running log of distance, time and how it went for a few weeks. I did that at the beginning of the year and it showed me that I'm a definite morning runner and can barely get moving in the afternoon. It also showed me that speed work the day after a hilly 9 mile run (which was the furthest I'd run in 3 months) is the route to injury...!!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    There are some days when my husband is sitting on the couch, and it just looks so inviting. Of course I just want to sit and cuddle with him while munching on chips and watching TV instead of work out.

    Sometimes I don't want to wake up earlier in the morning to shower, but then I would be smelly when I go in to work.

    Sometimes I'd just rather sew or tend to my garden in the evenings instead of try to force my kid to go down to bed for the night.

    Sometimes I'd just like to sit and read on the porch instead of throw a ball to give my dog some exercise.

    See what I'm getting at here?
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    How long has this been going on? It happened to me last month, I was sick! I was so worried about exercising I wasnt even listening to my body in other ways. I ended up having about 3 weeks off, but know I'm back and at it. I thought I had lost my motivation but wat I really needed was rest and sleep :flowerforyou:
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    I had a quick nose at your diary and noticed on 1 or 2 days there were quite a few refined carbs from sugary cereal and bread. Do you have these before or after running? I've been distance running (slowly) for about 6 years and I've found that wholewheat pasta or brown rice the night before a run to be the best option. I also take a sugary drink on anything over 7 miles, which seems to help.

    Try keeping a running log of distance, time and how it went for a few weeks. I did that at the beginning of the year and it showed me that I'm a definite morning runner and can barely get moving in the afternoon. It also showed me that speed work the day after a hilly 9 mile run (which was the furthest I'd run in 3 months) is the route to injury...!!

    It might seem strange, but I actually can handle refined carbs a bit better than complex carbs, I get really bad indegestion eating wholewheat foods. My stomach has always been very poor at digesting heavier foods.

    I am going to start running in the morning instead I think, gonna give it a test run as I just don't feel like doing it after a long day at work. Work gives me a massive headache (even now I can feel it and I've been out for almost 5 hours!) by the time i'm finished so I think you might be onto something getting it all out of the way in the morning!
  • GabrielWJ
    GabrielWJ Posts: 11
    Try a change in perspective.

    Don't go about this in a competitive way. You don't really need motivation. Shift it to self-love.

    Why did you start this journey? How do you feel about yourself? What are you in this for?

    Connect with that part of you that loves you as much as the people you love the most. With that part of you that truly want the absolute best for you. That part of you that wants you to succeed and be happy in life. That part of you that loves the gift of being alive and wants to take care of life.

    You are maturing and shifting into a more grown-up way of seeing this. The inner teenager is dying and now it's not about anyone else or proving anything.

    What you're going through is all indicative of a person that is growing up.

    Eat healthy, exercise healthy and live healthy for the sake of preserving that amazing gift you were given.

    You're going from emotional adolescence to adulthood and the shift is super confusing and extremely odd. You might feel like you're going backwards, but I promise you you are not.

    I was grinning from ear to ear when I read your post - we're going to get another grown up in this planet filled with adult children!

    Welcome to self-love!
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    If you are 5 lbs from your goal you shouldn't be at such a high deficit. Switch to a half pound per week.
    I'm not 5lbs from my goal, I'm about 19lbs from my goal.

    Ah, didn't read the ticker right, sorry.

    Try bumping up by 100 for a week to see how that feels. Sometimes a minor boost can make all the difference.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I hear ya sometimes I get in those moods I just get on the road anyway and the beautiful scope of my surroundings puts me in another mood entirely. If not, I just suck it up anyway. Music is motivational. I also have an awesome smoothie with whey protein before my workout and run and I usually save the run for a "treat" after I do my circuit training. Honestly, it's all psychological. Some days I have to trick myself but with a little foresight I realize that I'll regret not going, but not regret going. Like any investment, sometimes discipline and patience are called for. Good luck.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Lots of good ideas here, try mixing up the workouts with a different activity is what I do a lot. I rarely do the same exercises or activity in a week, even in the gym my workouts are all different. I would also up the calories a little and see if that helps.
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    I struggle a lot with anxiety. I've learned that I have so much excess adrenaline in the mornings that I need to burn off or I'm going nuts all day. As for exercise, I have those moments too. I went on vacation for a week and didnt get in my regular exercise and routine etc... It was so tough. I came back not caring if I ever exercised again. So I skipped a couple days and realized I was more miserable than if I just got in and started my routine again. As soon as I worked out that first time I was all in. I felt wonderful! I agree about mixing up your workouts. Music helps me and variety. I'd also advise you to get through your major changes in life without changing your diet. It's tough to change too many things at once. keep doing what you've been doing. When you're settled again you can change what you need to.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Eat more, sleep more and the workout intensity will hopefully come back. If you love running keep at it! If you need a break or change, do it:)

    I still would gravitate towards complex carbs as refined carbs give you those insulin spikes that create the tiredness ups and downs.
    And as always, drink lots of water.

    Good luck, I hope you feel better soon
  • kimdawnhayden
    kimdawnhayden Posts: 298 Member
    Change up your exercise. Try cycling, swimming, kick boxing. Anything for a while. Everyone gets burned out some. Eventually your love for running will return.