
I am quite a private person, like I like to think in real life I have some dignity and decorum and don't just go airing my metophorical dirty laundry all the time. And we all have our little personal issues, foibles and weaknesses. But generally you can choose not to make it obvious in company. But if you have those problems with food, it so so very obvious and apparent. There is no way of disguising being fat, or even aveerting attention, it is like the first thing people notice. When I as younger I used to kid myself that people wouldn't notice, and I got my own unique style, and I love that but I did think it will defer attention from my size, yeah it does NOT! So everyone who ever sees me can tell I struggle with sticking to a reasonable diet. It's so embarrassing having such an obvious weakness, like I don't know, just upsets me sometimes thinking about it. Just wanted to express that, thank you


  • angiewf
    angiewf Posts: 175 Member
    Have you heard the saying ' When you're eighteen,you worry about what everybody's thinking about you. When you're forty you realise that it doesn't really matter what they think about you. When you're sixty, it dawns on you that most of them weren't thinking about you at all!'. So don't let yourself be defined by what you perceive as others' views about you. If they don't like you as you are, thet's their problem, not yours. Which doesn't mean that you shouldn't aim to change, but only if YOU want to, not because of 'what people think'. You are a unique and valuable human being, and you deserve to be the best you you can be, for your own sake, nobody else's.
  • Madhatton
    Madhatton Posts: 26 Member
    I was like this too, I even didn't like telling people I Was going on a diet. Just incase they thought 'oh yeah! She is fat!'

    Then I realised that yes it is a weakness, my obesity is not attractive to some people, another girls huge nose isn't attractive to some people. Acne the same. It's just a part if who I am, but I have the option to change it. And that is what I am fighting for now.

    Don't be ashamed of being overweight, be glad it helped you find your own sense of style! And do you best to become the shape you want to be :)

    Good luck
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am quite a private person, like I like to think in real life I have some dignity and decorum and don't just go airing my metophorical dirty laundry all the time. And we all have our little personal issues, foibles and weaknesses. But generally you can choose not to make it obvious in company. But if you have those problems with food, it so so very obvious and apparent. There is no way of disguising being fat, or even aveerting attention, it is like the first thing people notice. When I as younger I used to kid myself that people wouldn't notice, and I got my own unique style, and I love that but I did think it will defer attention from my size, yeah it does NOT! So everyone who ever sees me can tell I struggle with sticking to a reasonable diet. It's so embarrassing having such an obvious weakness, like I don't know, just upsets me sometimes thinking about it. Just wanted to express that, thank you

    Yes, everyone can see you're overweight, but realistically, no one cares... It may be the first thing someone notices, but at the same time 10 seconds after they have 'noticed' you are gone from their consideration....

    You do you...
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    Aww, thanks. I get that people always gonna notice it, probably first. but hopefully after that they notice many other things. I just get so uncomfortable and embarrassed when people talk about stuff to do with weight or diet because I am so aware that whatever i say,it goes without saying that i am a fat guy with a bad diet who does not find it easy to change.
  • kieran_78
    kieran_78 Posts: 6 Member
    Great advice !
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    You think about your fat/weight WAY more than anyone else thinks about your fat/weight.

    I have 2 sisters and lots of friends that are heavier than I am. Their size RARELY enters my mind. But my own weight enters my mind about every 3.5 seconds! In other words, people who matter (your friends and family) don't see a fat person when the see you. They just see YOU!