Hello Everyone,

I am a 25 year old mother of two little girls looking to lose about 20 pounds. I am on here for the second time because the first didn't go to well for me. I have lost 12 pounds from when I started 37 days ago. I haven't exercised as much as I need to because of being a work at home mom working 12 hour shifts and dealing with my girls has me tired by 10 p.m. I want to be able to also lose this ugly saggy skin that just sits on my stomach after being stretch by my wonderful girls lol. NEED HELP!!! MEAL PLANS, EXERCISES FOR MY STOMACH AND THIS AWFUL DOUBLE CHIN!!! HELLPPPP :)


  • Try walking to begin with. I lost two pounds since my last weigh-in by doing. Maybe try Jillian Michaels' 30-day shred when you are ready, as that's what my mom does and it really helps her. When I am ready, I will do it too. My mom and dad both had a hard time when they did it for the first time.But it really helps her, and you will need weights, so get a light enough pair,(but not too light) to begin with. Each of the three sections, (levels 1,2,& 3,) are thirty minutes each but you can take breaks until you get used to it. When you get more used to it, you can get heavier weights, depending on your budget and where you go to get them.As for the double chin try neck rolls. good for anywhere just about: at a red light if you drive, on public transportation if you take that, or at your job, depending on what it is. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
    RICANNBLK Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks!!! I see a lot of people on here who use Jillian Michael's dvd's. Perfect!!
  • Thanks!!! I see a lot of people on here who use Jillian Michael's dvd's. Perfect!!

    You're welcome. Glad I could help!
  • Me too! This is my 2nd time and I am determined to lose 20 lbs or more :) I will do it this time I have already lost 4.5 Yeah! I will gladly be your friend and support you thru this journey - together :)
  • Egofittraining
    Egofittraining Posts: 6 Member
    What you eat, what you eat, what you eat, its very imporant to follow a good healthy eating plan alongside with some exercise will get rid of that stubborn fat....keep up the good work and get it done this time around you can do it!!!!
  • Hi! I'm in a very similar situation. I'm trying to lose this last 15lbs from having my kids. I can't stress enough to watch what you're eating (I'm even bad about this at times too lol ) and some form of exercise. Personally I love running, but I know that can be hard to squeeze in a run. Jillian Michael's Dvds are awesome as well as T25 only 25 minutes! : ) Good luck!
  • SgtBA_Diana
    SgtBA_Diana Posts: 156 Member
    Hi! This time around will work for you. I know it. You're off to a great start by asking for friend motivation. Whether it's just a Like to your activity or a simple comment, it goes a long way :smile: I'm a fan of Jillian as well & attribute her to jump starting my weight loss journey. Good luck! Sending you a friend request.
  • Egofittraining
    Egofittraining Posts: 6 Member
  • ruthbs
    ruthbs Posts: 14
    Hello Everyone,

    I am a 25 year old mother of two little girls looking to lose about 20 pounds. I am on here for the second time because the first didn't go to well for me. I have lost 12 pounds from when I started 37 days ago. I haven't exercised as much as I need to because of being a work at home mom working 12 hour shifts and dealing with my girls has me tired by 10 p.m. I want to be able to also lose this ugly saggy skin that just sits on my stomach after being stretch by my wonderful girls lol. NEED HELP!!! MEAL PLANS, EXERCISES FOR MY STOMACH AND THIS AWFUL DOUBLE CHIN!!! HELLPPPP :)

    Start by not punishing or insulting yourself. It's a marathon, not a sprint. We are all works in progress in some way. Enjoy the PROGRESS and learn to be your biggest supporter.

    GL! :)
  • Egofittraining
    Egofittraining Posts: 6 Member
  • jazpurita
    jazpurita Posts: 71 Member
    Im a 25 y/o stay at home mom of 3 girls and currently taking summer classes finding time to workout is a challenge and sometimes I have to just ask the kids not to get in my way sometimes they watch and cheer me on other times they are fighting with each other and I have to pause my workout to breakup the fight so have done jillian michaels 30 day shred it is great helped me start my weight loss

    I constantly struggle with my weight I have started preparing my food four days out so I can stay on track hoping to see some progress in the coming months add me so we can motivate each other this time around you will accomplish your goals :-)
  • Egofittraining
    Egofittraining Posts: 6 Member
    Is there no way you can get to a gym for at least 1hr 3 times a week?
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    I feel you when it comes to having the babies and working 12 hr shifts but mommy has to do for mommy... Feel free to add me. I need some support myself. I have about 25 lbs to loose. .:drinker:
  • Hey everyone!! I am a 30 yr old single mother of 1 baby boy (he's actually 7 yrs old but he will always be my baby boy lol) working 2 jobs and on my way back to school for a second bachelors. I've been obese my whole life. Had weight loss surgery in 2009 and managed to lose a total of 88 lbs but have gained back about 25 lbs. I need to lose 30 lbs to be approved for skin removal surgery and I'm terrified of this stage in my life. I think my biggest problem is getting all of my calories in the right way (without eating something terribly bad for me.) I'm a chronic snacker and I'm not into sweets (salty snacks are preferred i.e: chips, sunflower seeds, sandwiches, etc.) Any tips would help. Thanks!!