Starting January 2011



  • wife2ajamaican
    wife2ajamaican Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! My name is Serena. I am kinda new to myfitness pal. I've been on it for about a month and lost 8lbs!!! I tried so many diets over the years, but something always seem to get in the way of my loss.. pregnancy, broken legs from a fall, broken arm.. so on and so on. I am a very bust mom and found it impossible to get to the gym and eat properly. But i've been working on it over the past 2 years. My family joined the YMCA. That way the kids could do thier curriculars and I could slip away and do a work out. Which helps a lot. Then we got the Wii and that helped even more.. but since I have a slow metabolism, my eating habit had to change drasticly. Since join My Fitness Pal, I realized I was missing a few nutrition value, which has helped me a lot... this is the quickest I have lost!! I feel great.:laugh:
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    Hey guys!

    Count me in! I dieted off and on last year, but there were SOOO many ups and downs and tons of crap going on, that I just couldn't stick with it. I'd lost about 30lbs, but I think I've put nearly 20 back on.

    Sooooooooooo Here I am again! Well, dieting again. I'm new to the site :) My long long term goal is to lose 100lbs. A more realistic sounding goal for me right now, so I don't get discouraged TOO easily, is to get out of the plus size section of clothing stores :D
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Count me in!. I've read many of the posts, I struggle with consistency and staying committed to eating healthy and exercising. I married my high school sweetheart and we have been blessed with a wonderful life and two sons and now four grandchildren. My husband sees the girl he met at 16 when he looks at me. He doesn't see all of the extra pounds I have added since that day over thirty years ago. He still weighs the same as the day we were married and doesn't have to watch his diet or exercise. He has no physical complaints and is as strong as ever. Fortunately, both of our sons took after their dad in that area and also do not struggle with weight gain. However, it has made me a loner in my own home and quite frankly, I have not done what I need to do for me. Praying that with the support found here and a close friend on the same trek..I will be "fit" and fifty.

    Todays weight--192.6
    Goal weight--140
  • I'm in too! I've been on this site off and on since I had my son (now 3 1/2!) . I never lost the baby weight, and I'm sick of being ashamed of the way I look. I'm ready to make a change, and being on here and seeing that there are others out there who struggle like I do yet succeed in losing weight.....makes me think that maybe I can do it afterall.
    I'm 170lbs this morning, and need to lose about 30 lbs. Good luck everyone!
  • amouser
    amouser Posts: 19 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm Amanda a full time student at the University of Delaware and I have a part time job in an office. I too want to look good in a bathing suit. During the winter my weight isn't a huge deal when it comes to clothes, but during the summer it's horrible because i carry most of my fat around my stomach. not good for my organs! I've gained about 30 lbs since 10th grade when i ran cross country, 5-6 miles a day 6 days a week. I weighed 120lbs then and until about a week ago i weighed 152.8 lbs. I hope to get back to 125 lbs by April. I started using MFP a week ago and since i've already lost 5 lbs!! I love the calorie counter and I find that it's so much easier deciding what to eat. I love the results already and hope that THIS time i stick with it, if i only have a dollar for every time ive said that one!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, also as far as tips go...

    1. i find it useful to drink 2 cups of water somewhere between 15-30 minutes before i eat.
    2. i chew gum when im not eating, it keeps me from snacking and it's barely any calories.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Ok so weighed in this morning and lost 4lbs. Yay!!!!!!! :laugh:

    So pleased with myself. It's motivated me for this week. I think I will treat myself with 5 Jelly Babies as a treat - within my calories of course.

    Welcome to eveyone who's joining in this week and good luck.
    I'm looking forward to next weeks weigh in now - maybe lol :laugh:


    3rd Jan - 159 lbs
    10th Jan - 155 lbs (4lbs lost)
    17th Jan - .......
  • amouser
    amouser Posts: 19 Member
    That's not a whine at all! That's what we're all here for, listening, encouragement and tips!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces joining this thread and thank you for sharing your stories. Remember to come back, let everyone know how you're doing, share tips, off load, get advice etc. We're all in it together :o)

    Thanks everyone for your messages on my weightloss so far, it's really encouraging and looking forward hearing how everyone's week one's are going 8:o)
    Ok so weighed in this morning and lost 4lbs. Yay!!!!!!! :laugh:

    So pleased with myself. It's motivated me for this week. I think I will treat myself with 5 Jelly Babies as a treat - within my calories of course.

    Welcome to eveyone who's joining in this week and good luck.
    I'm looking forward to next weeks weigh in now - maybe lol :laugh:


    3rd Jan - 159 lbs
    10th Jan - 155 lbs (4lbs lost)
    17th Jan - .......

    That's great!! You're doing so well. I'm really loving week one and seeing all of us take a positive step in the right direction. You're keeping me inspired! :o)

    Week 0
    236lbs (0lbs loss)  
    Week 1
    227lbs (9lbs loss)
    Week 2


  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
  • kimmyh70
    kimmyh70 Posts: 46 Member
    I'd like to join you! I started MFP just last week. I'm 40 with 2 teenagers and a 5yr old and getting married this year, so I have many reasons to get into shape!! Please feel free to add me as a friend, I could use all the support I can get! Good luck to everyone on their journeys!
  • hrynkiw
    hrynkiw Posts: 9 Member
    I think this is the thread/group for me.

    I joined this site yesterday (after trying out a half-dozen or so similar sites in the past three months) and after several hours of exploration and experimentation I find I am very pleased with the iPhone app, the size of the food database, and the positive tone of the foums.

    I'm not comfortable with posting my stats just yet, but I will say my initial goal is to lose 13.1lb by the end of March.

    Do we have a day where we all report together?

    Nudge: Everybody take a long drink of water!
  • Hi everyone,

    I joined this site last Friday. I'm a student and I am 5 ft 4" and weigh 166lbs. Eating healthily is going to be difficult when class starts again, but as it is exam period, I find I am at home more to stop myself from picking up food on the go.

    I hope to lose about 3 stone by September. For the first month I won't be doing much exercise except walking so have to watch my food really carefully...

    My first weigh in will be Friday 14th Jan! I can't wait, I need this motivation :)

    Good luck everyone and well done on your amazing losses so far!
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I joined this site last Friday. I'm a student and I am 5 ft 4" and weigh 166lbs. Eating healthily is going to be difficult when class starts again, but as it is exam period, I find I am at home more to stop myself from picking up food on the go.

    I hope to lose about 3 stone by September. For the first month I won't be doing much exercise except walking so have to watch my food really carefully...

    My first weigh in will be Friday 14th Jan! I can't wait, I need this motivation :)

    Good luck everyone and well done on your amazing losses so far!

    Good Luck , i'm sure you'll do great :heart:
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Evening everyone.

    Hope everyone is doing well this week. Coming up to 2nd weigh in for me. Feeling good this week so hopefully it pays off.
    I did go out with a friend for dinner on Wednesday and will be having lunch with my Gran tomorrow but I have exercised everyday this week for at least an hour, except Wednesday so hopefully that cancels out any over calorie eating.
    I am still tracking my food on these days though.

    I am doing a 24 hours of exercise in January challenge and have managed 11.5 hours so far ( I love my little ticker at the bottom of my post :laugh: ) which I am very proud of. Feeling tired today though. Trying to keep it up because I'm nearly halfway there and I don't know if it was my imagination but at the end of Body Attack on Thursday I didn't feel as though I was going to pass out from exhaustion like I usually do :laugh:

    Anyway, just thought I'd check in and wish anyone who has a weigh in over the weekend good luck . I'll let you know how I do on Monday morning :heart:
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome to all the new people joining this thread and for sharing and introducing yourselves. Remember visit often and let us know how you're doing. Hi to everyone, how's everyone getting on this week?
    I think this is the thread/group for me.

    I joined this site yesterday (after trying out a half-dozen or so similar sites in the past three months) and after several hours of exploration and experimentation I find I am very pleased with the iPhone app, the size of the food database, and the positive tone of the foums.

    I'm not comfortable with posting my stats just yet, but I will say my initial goal is to lose 13.1lb by the end of March.

    Do we have a day where we all report together?

    Nudge: Everybody take a long drink of water!

    Hi, please only post what you're comfortable with and thank you for sharing what you have so far! We all started in Jan, but everyone has different weigh days, post if and when you feel ready. But you can also post here to receive and give advice, tips, support etc. I hope that all makes sence :o)
    I am doing a 24 hours of exercise in January challenge and have managed 11.5 hours so far ( I love my little ticker at the bottom of my post :laugh: ) which I am very proud of. Feeling tired today though. Trying to keep it up because I'm nearly halfway there and I don't know if it was my imagination but at the end of Body Attack on Thursday I didn't feel as though I was going to pass out from exhaustion like I usually do :laugh:

    That's a great idea! I love the ticker. I have too many, but might add an excersise ticker anyway. Good luck with the dinners. I'm looking forward to mine and everyone's week 2! :o)
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I just joined in Jan 2011 as well and so far I'm really happy with the site, esp the iphone app.

    A few years ago I lost 25 pounds just by running and eating healthy, then I went to england for a year to do part of my degree and pretty much ate what I wanted and drank a loooot. When I got back I was fairly active still so my weight gain didn't bother me too much (before england 135 ish after england 150)

    Then I had a massive horrible break-up with my boyfriend of five years and I was so upset that I lost 25 pounds in two weeks because I just couldn't eat. When I started eating again my body was like "zomg i am STARVING" and held onto all the calories and I gained it right back plus more

    I decided to deal with my weight gain (but not go down to 135 again.. too skinny for me seeing as I'm 5"9 ish) and was working out 4 days a week.

    Then I had a terrible back injury a few months ago and I'm *still* not allowed to work out other than gentle strength moves my physio gave me. So i sat around gaining weight until I started with this site. I actually started just to STOP the weight gain, I didn't expect to lose any weight. However I've already lost seven pounds!

    I'm looking forward to being able to work out again but until then I'm just being really careful about what I eat.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    How is everyone this week? It's my weigh day tomorrow, I'm excited and hoping I've lost at least 1lbs! I've started to feel less hunger than I normally do, I was busy and didn't realise until 3pm that I hadn't had lunch!! Oh dear. But I'll still eat all my calories as I'm supposed to. Just very excited about tomorrow.

    @Welly5 thank you for your intro. Us Brits are a bad influence. Lol just joking, we do have more fast food than vegetables and plenty of alcohol! But on a serious note, what an astronomically bad time you've had of things. I hope they allow you to still do a brisk walk, walking helps so much. But happy to hear you've already lost 7lbs! Great work.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I lost 6 pds my first week. Next weigh-in on Monday. I don't think I've been quite as successful this week although I haven't really cheated per se. I just haven't felt as "weight-lossy" this week.

    Nevertheless, I'm happy I haven't given up. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's progress. :)
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    I lost 6 pds my first week. Next weigh-in on Monday. I don't think I've been quite as successful this week although I haven't really cheated per se. I just haven't felt as "weight-lossy" this week.

    Nevertheless, I'm happy I haven't given up. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's progress. :)

    Good job on the 6lbs loss and good luck for Monday weigh in. I also weigh in on Monday and I hope to have a weigh loss because I've been pretty good this week even having been out for a couple of meals.

    Good luck autumn for your weigh in, I'm sure your lose 1lb at least. Even so it's a step in the right direction.
    Hope everyone else is doing well :heart:
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    I lost 6 pds my first week. Next weigh-in on Monday. I don't think I've been quite as successful this week although I haven't really cheated per se. I just haven't felt as "weight-lossy" this week.

    Nevertheless, I'm happy I haven't given up. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's progress. :)

    Congrats on doing so well and wishing you the best for Mondays weigh in. My weight in is tomorrow! Yeah!
    Good luck autumn for your weigh in, I'm sure your lose 1lb at least. Even so it's a step in the right direction.
    Hope everyone else is doing well :heart:

    Thank you and all the best for your Monday weigh in!! :o)
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