HELP..I think I have an overeating disorder :-(

I eat when I'm not even hungry. Anything Sweet I go after without even thinking twice. I don't think I've ever been this bad before. I'm trying to stop myself but I really can't. This have been going on for the past 2 months. I'm always in the kitchen looking for something to snack on. It's gotten so bad that even my parents has noticed it. I don't know what to do. Is this really a mental thing that I need someone to physically help me with? or can I handle this on my own? How? I'm getting so depressed from this, tearing up almost every time I think about how much I'm eating. Most of the females in my family have diabetes. I don't want diabetes, I probably already have it. I'm too scared to check my weight on the scale. Please Help! Anyone. Was anyone in the same situation as me?

Thanks in advance. All comments are appreciated. <3


  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    I suffer from binge eating disorder and everyone is different
    But honestly I don't think you have an ED you could possibly be bored. But you should always keep a journal and keep track of when you feel the need to eat sweets so you know how and why.. I'm clearly not a dr, but when I was going to the dr for my ED he told me it was caused emotionally and mentally that I had to get to the root of my problem and then I could begin to "heal"
    So my advice keep a journal , and if that dissent help you can always seek help from a dr.
    I wish you all the best luck!
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    I am in the same situation. I eat even when I am not hungry and what is worse, is that its WAY worse at night! What has worked for me so far, is saving the bulk of my calories for the evening and having snacks that take time to eat and have a lot of flavor. My favorite snack is raw almonds! They take awhile to eat and I need a lot of water to wash them down. I also favor See's lollypops. Only 80 calories for one and take forever to work through.
    Once I am through my calories for the day, I usually stay in my room, brush and floss and tell my brain that eating time is over. It takes awhile to get into a routine but you can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Well, you have to decide what you really want for yourself and then engineer your environment to make it easier to stick to your goals. Then take up some hobbies besides eating.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm a binger if I buy a multi pack of something for instance I will eat the whole lot. I now just try to not keep things like that in the house - if you haven't got it you cant eat it.
  • brghteyes135
    brghteyes135 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been there and I don't think it gets better on its own. Food,in my opinion, is an addiction and if you have an unhealthy relationship with it, it will always be a struggle. The biggest question is, what are you feeding? I was told that people who have an overeating disorder are usually feeding some emotion. I know my biggest struggle was at night also.
  • laurzaffle13
    laurzaffle13 Posts: 5 Member
    I am also a binge eater. If I buy cookies or chips they do not make it to the next day. I cannot have those things in the house where I can eat them. It hurts but my family will tell me no, not to be mean but because I cannot control myself. I hope things get better for you. Please seek medical attention if you do not feel well. Trust me doctors will help get you healthy and there is no need to be afraid of something that has not been diagnosed yet.
  • Darton2010
    Darton2010 Posts: 137 Member
    Just my 2 cents, I have been over weight my entire life, being a kid hungry and being told I have had enough when I just got started played a role on my weight, when I got older and could eat whatever I wanted was great, nobody to tell me when I had enough is when I put on most of my weight, im a person that is never satisfied with a meal, if its a big meal im ready to eat again in a few hours so it really got tough with freedom to make my own choices until I just had to face it, I am addicted to food. I ate when I was hungry, got in tha habit to eat during movies to intensify the emotional experience and I ate when I was bored, I turned to diet pills had great results on loss but would gain it all back later, im 23 now and just got tired of living my life around food, I am on a low carb diet only eating natural foods with an occasional protein shake and most importantly I watch my caloric intake on my fitness pal app. I weigh myself every morning and enter that as well into the app. Water has a great affect of weight, I can loose 3 lbs by tomorrow only to put 2 lbs on the next day but I drink water constantly, a gallon of water weights 8lbs and I usually dring 1/2 to 1 gallon per day, food is the hardest addiction there is because unlike drugs and alcohol we still need food to live so it will be in our lifes forever. The only way to fix a problem is admit its there not by ignoring the problem trust me I know, when people saw me they saw a 350lb guy, I felt like a 200lb guy and refused to belive any different as long as I could keep up with a 200lb person on hikes, work, outdoor activities ext. We have all been there, step one is admitting you have a problem.
  • reeyonce
    reeyonce Posts: 43 Member
    you're gonna have to either have one BIG HUGE blow out, or slowly wean yourself off. sounds hormonal to me. like me, i'd been in the same situation since the beginning of may. i just COULD NOT stop eating! thinking about food, wanting food, loving food, eating for the sake of it, feeling soooooo happy whilst eating or thinking about the food waiting for me when i got home, then feeling SO fat and SO **** afterwards lol, but doing it all over again the next day!

    think about what could be causing it are you stressed, hormonal, fed up with yourself? whatever it is you need to find out first, then find a way to overcome it. if its JUST about the food spend the ENTIRE day eating all the crap you possibly can until you can't eat no more and there's literally no bad food left to eat, then the next day start fresh completely and just really push yourself until it becomes easy again. OR wean yourself off slowly... lower the intake, eat less quantities, slowly decrease the amount of junk food until you get back to a healthy place.

    at this point there is NO point in just trying to force yourself to stop, it will only push you back into the direction of the kitchen, your head has to be in it!

    for me, i got my motivation back 2 days ago and now i'm back on track and feeling positive. you can do the same, don't worry! i think it's harder for women especially very hormonal women (i have a period every 3 weeks and KILLER pms!) because they really do takeover and it seems impossible to overcome them!!! x
  • hpmoon
    hpmoon Posts: 23 Member
    This is my opinion. I have been around a while and the hardest thing to accept is that it is never truly about the food. It is not what you are eating but what is eating you. I personally have done anything you could imagine with food and it has never changed anything. The way to do that is through some of the suggestions already given, journal, know which foods really trigger you when you are not in the best place, and look into a support group or doctor. I can help you more with any of these if this strikes a cord in you. Just send me a message. I will be honest and tell you anything. NO MATTER WHAT LOVE YOURSELF
  • shayl995
    shayl995 Posts: 15
    @Allison I think you're right. I could possibly be bored. I find other hobbies that I can do but they never last long and food is always in the back of my mind.. I think I'm the kind of person that eats whatever is in front of them.. I need to get rid of all of this junk food in the kitchen and I'm sure thatll mostly help me out.
  • shayl995
    shayl995 Posts: 15
    I am in the same situation. I eat even when I am not hungry and what is worse, is that its WAY worse at night! What has worked for me so far, is saving the bulk of my calories for the evening and having snacks that take time to eat and have a lot of flavor. My favorite snack is raw almonds! They take awhile to eat and I need a lot of water to wash them down. I also favor See's lollypops. Only 80 calories for one and take forever to work through.
    Once I am through my calories for the day, I usually stay in my room, brush and floss and tell my brain that eating time is over. It takes awhile to get into a routine but you can do it. :flowerforyou:

    I'm really bad at night aswell so I'm trying replace junk foods with healthier snacks. Thanks for the reference. I will definitely try the almonds!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Talk to your doctor, a nutritionist, or psychologist (whichever you have access to) for help managing this problem. You don't want to develop an eating disorder, or if you have one starting, you want to get control of it now, before you are trapped in a cycle of misery. Do, by all means, get rid of any and all junk food that you have, and don't buy any more! Have baby carrots, apples, bananas, and so forth on hand. Try drinking a glass of water or a mug of tea instead of eating when not really hungry. Chew gum.
  • Petrina79
    Petrina79 Posts: 29 Member
    I have the same problem as well. This is my second time around on my weight loss journey. 1st time I lost 40lbs but gained it all back and it bought along luggage with it. Just started my journey gain 31 days ago and so far I have lost 16 lbs. Yesterday and today is bit of an off day for me. Just do not feel like working out and I binged like a mad woman yesterday. Looking for friends to be on this journey with. Please feel free to add me and that goes for anyone else looking for a motivation partner.
  • shayl995
    shayl995 Posts: 15
    I am also a binge eater. If I buy cookies or chips they do not make it to the next day. I cannot have those things in the house where I can eat them. It hurts but my family will tell me no, not to be mean but because I cannot control myself. I hope things get better for you. Please seek medical attention if you do not feel well. Trust me doctors will help get you healthy and there is no need to be afraid of something that has not been diagnosed yet.

    Its awesome that you have family helping you out!! Ch my stepdad is the ultimate junk food junkie and have cookies and chips all up in the kitchen!! Its hard to resist them! I'm trying to train my brain. Thanks for the hope, I sure need it. <333
  • shayl995
    shayl995 Posts: 15
    you're gonna have to either have one BIG HUGE blow out, or slowly wean yourself off. sounds hormonal to me. like me, i'd been in the same situation since the beginning of may. i just COULD NOT stop eating! thinking about food, wanting food, loving food, eating for the sake of it, feeling soooooo happy whilst eating or thinking about the food waiting for me when i got home, then feeling SO fat and SO **** afterwards lol, but doing it all over again the next day!

    think about what could be causing it are you stressed, hormonal, fed up with yourself? whatever it is you need to find out first, then find a way to overcome it. if its JUST about the food spend the ENTIRE day eating all the crap you possibly can until you can't eat no more and there's literally no bad food left to eat, then the next day start fresh completely and just really push yourself until it becomes easy again. OR wean yourself off slowly... lower the intake, eat less quantities, slowly decrease the amount of junk food until you get back to a healthy place.

    Lol I think about the food thats waiting for me when I get home too xD I'm 75% sure that my "disorder" is primarily because I get stressed easily over a lot of things. and food is like an escape or heaven to me (especially ice cream OMG). I am probably sure that I have to literally throw all of the junk food away for me to stop! It's really that bad! But ya do what ya have to do.
  • shayl995
    shayl995 Posts: 15
    Thanks everyone, each and every comment means the most to me. Thank you for taking out your time to make me feel not worse, but better than ever. I actually gained some motivation-what I was lacking for a couple of months. I'm going to start counting my calories again, cooking my own healthy meals, avoiding junk food and exercising. I'm sure that my "disorder" developed from me getting a new job. And my job is so physical as in me having to walk really fast-squatting, picking up things over 30lbs and much much more that my brain and stomach didn't know how to deal with it. So I probably FELT hungry or the need to eat even when I wasn't.
  • aimingtolose12
    I'm struggling with the exact same thing, it started probably 2 months ago as well!

    I've read all the blogs and advice from others but never fully committed. I do not keep a diary of my feelings but have found I am usually 1-BORED and 2-TIRED when I overeat. I've gained 20 lbs in the past couple months and am trying to take CONTROL of my life and feelings and KEEP BUSY! I also motion a little of this to depression, which I will be getting help for.

    good luck, add me if you'd like!
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    Eating disorders/ food addiction is something that I struggle with. It is just as much a disease as any other addiction. I always tried to control my eating, and couldn't until I admitted I was powerless over it. I spent a lifetime in counseling, trying every diet out there, hypnosis, you name it. I was desperate, depressed isolated and despite all this I had no control I do not have an on off switch like normal eaters.

    Yes, emotions, feelings and thoughts play a big part for me, it starts in my mind, and then becomes an allergy of the body.

    Anyway, there is a solution, support is crucial, a food plan is a must for me, something I've been struggling with. Check out overeaters anonymous website if you're interested in learning more about whether or not you may have a food addiction.

    I'm grateful to have this website for support and to use as a tool in my program. Thanks for letting me share!

    Maryellen in Florida
  • fheppy
    fheppy Posts: 64 Member
    It is not what you are eating but what is eating you.

    love this sentence so I will steal it