Need help please.. something not working

Hi Guys

So I started to lose some weight (17 pounds for you non metrics) in the last 5 weeks, but reading alot of the forums has got me scrambled. I set my original calories at about 1400 but weight loss has slowed right down to nothing.. I figure I have something out of whack with my calculations. I need to know how many calories to consume for a 2 pound per week loss (I think that is ok while I am still so big, will drop to 1 a week when I get smaller)

Can someone help me work this out please?? My brain is hurting. :frown: I am not exercising yet, I want to find something I can stick to as I want to make this a life choice and not a diet. I hate exercise so need something I like and been too busy to try anything yet.

My stats are

Current weight 260 pounds
height 5'6''

BTW you guys are awesome.. and inspirational.. and so much better at this than me right now..


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    If you've lost 17 pounds in 5 weeks - you're doing great!

    Calcualting your TDEE etc is just to get a ball park starting number. If 1400 has been working for you, stick with that.
  • laurahadenough
    laurahadenough Posts: 28 Member
    Yeh that's thing.. not working anymore..
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    17lbs in 5 weeks is fantastic. For how long has it slowed down to nothing? 1400 calories is exactly what my doctor put me on when I started and I was a bit heavier than you and a lot taller, so I think your calories are fine. You're already doing great, so don't get impatient and frustrated. There will be weeks when you don't lose a pound and then you'll see a loss on the scale next week.
  • Torayasu
    Torayasu Posts: 2
    You have a BMR of 1969.3. That's the rough estimation. 1400 calories puts you on 500 calorie deficit which is around 25% daily energy deficit. It seems that the calculations are in order. The slowdown in your fat loss might have other reasons: not enough sleep, too much stress (especially connected with diet) or some hormonal reasons. In general, you need to be patient, and observe your weight loss monthly (means weigh yourself every week at the same conditions and see if you get a downward trend in general). As stated before, sometimes you will observe stalling or even slight increase of scale weight, but don't let that scare you. Also, start exercising as soon as possible, not at the gym, if you don't want to, just walk around the block for 30 min in brisk pace. And keep going ! You are already doing well, don't let that go to waste !
  • laurahadenough
    laurahadenough Posts: 28 Member
    thanks guys..
  • JaneyB311
    JaneyB311 Posts: 80 Member
    Firstly, huge congrats on your progress so far.

    I know you have said that you don't like exercise (I thought the same when I was at my heaviest of 256lb) however even getting out and doing a walk is something and it will help you along so much, both in your weight loss and in helping you get those happy hormones to help you feel positive.

    The good thing is, the more exercise you do, the more you can afford to have the little treats that keep you going on your weight loss food plan, as life can get very boring without the occasional bit of chocolate, ice cream.... (whatever your weapon of choice is!).

    I previously lost (and then regained) 50lb a few years ago by food control only and I was a totally different shape to how I am now at the same weight, I look so much better now and am a whole size smaller than last time . As you have a good bit to lose, just like me, the exercise will also help with tightening up any loose skin too.

    I'm sure this slowing down is just a little blip; just keep goign and things will move along for you again, with or without the exercise.
  • JaneyB311
    JaneyB311 Posts: 80 Member
    PS Laura, I am happy to be MFP friends if you'd like to be, we can encourage and support one another. If you want to, just drop me a request :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I guess my first question is what do you mean it's not working? Did you not lose weight this week?

    If so weight loss is not wont lose every week or everyday you know what you are doing is not working when you have gone 6-8 weeks without weight loss and at that point it is usually because you are eating more than you think and/or over estimating your exercise burns.

    As well are you weighing your solids and measuring liquids? If not you might want to consider doing that to ensure that you are eating exactly what you are logging as far as the number of calories goes.

    As well remember when you start exercising you may retain water which can mask weight loss...don't stress...that takes 3-4 weeks to go away.
  • TEMMEAlexa
    TEMMEAlexa Posts: 79 Member
    I am also of the view that your diet may not be a problem.As your weight has become stagnant at 1400 calories then there might be other factors like stress,hormonal problems or lack of sleep which could be the reason.Once you know the reason then you can workout a plan and follow an exercise regime to lose weight.