Eating too few calories



  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Carbs are the primary source of energy for nearly all athletes and body builders and they have the lowest body fat levels on the planet.

    and powerlifters :laugh:
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Unless you are a diabetic, where you have to watch your sugar, stick to your calorie target. Eating too few calories can actually slow your metabolism and cause you to gain. The body goes into self preservation mode.

    I agree with the first part of your statement, but eating less than you should will not cause you to gain weight. Don't spread misinformation.

    That isn\t misinformation. If your body has a calorie deficit metabolism slows down (she didn't say gain weight, she said SLOWS DOWN metabolism). When you eat an excess of calories your metabolism speeds up.

    It is a well established fact that creating a deficit for prolonged periods of time interferes with the hormone leptin and can slow your metablisom greatly. Tha0 ist the rationale behind refeed days

    Really? What about this part:
    Eating too few calories can actually slow your metabolism and cause you to gain.
  • AcademicusMaximus
    Mine shows the same too. I know it's because technically I don't have "lunch". I work from 2p-10p so my eating hours are a little offset. My "lunch" is at 7p and I try not to eat when I get home at 11 because its so late so I only have 1 full meal, all others are snacking time.. My metabolism is definitely slower :( Any advice??

    There's a lot of good evidence that suggests that your daily macronutrient consumption is ultimately what matters in weight loss and meal timing is largely irrelevant. Again if can effect your metabolism, MINIMALLY, but that won't determine your overall weight loss success. You definitely need to eat though. I wouldn't worry about the timing if I were you. If it does worry you eat slow digesting protien such as casein, found in milk and yogurt, and healthy fats. If your worry about meal timing go for a small serving of fiburous vegetable and primarily fats and protien for the calories in your "dinner"
  • AcademicusMaximus
    Unless you are a diabetic, where you have to watch your sugar, stick to your calorie target. Eating too few calories can actually slow your metabolism and cause you to gain. The body goes into self preservation mode.

    I agree with the first part of your statement, but eating less than you should will not cause you to gain weight. Don't spread misinformation.

    That isn\t misinformation. If your body has a calorie deficit metabolism slows down (she didn't say gain weight, she said SLOWS DOWN metabolism). When you eat an excess of calories your metabolism speeds up.

    It is a well established fact that creating a deficit for prolonged periods of time interferes with the hormone leptin and can slow your metablisom greatly. Tha0 ist the rationale behind refeed days

    Really? What about this part:
    Eating too few calories can actually slow your metabolism and cause you to gain.

    yea I missed that. But ultimately what the OP of that comment was saying was true. You have to be careful about staying in a calorie deficit too long. You should be hitting maintenance of even exceeding maintenance occasionally to increase your metabolism, especially at lower levels of body fat.
  • CCSavage88
    CCSavage88 Posts: 191
    Unless you are a diabetic, where you have to watch your sugar, stick to your calorie target. Eating too few calories can actually slow your metabolism and cause you to gain. The body goes into self preservation mode.

    I agree with the first part of your statement, but eating less than you should will not cause you to gain weight. Don't spread misinformation.

    I actually agree with the poster, I eat under... way under some days & I'm set at 1,350 I've never been a big eater and it's difficult to hit those numbers I maintain my weight and weeks I gain but I'm always under